structuring GitHub repositories: projthis (R), cookiecutter
📝 Manuscript: asteRIa enables robust interaction modeling between chromatin modifications and epigenetic readers
🤝 Collaborators: Till Bartke, Saulius Lukauskas
🔹 Useful for hierarchical interaction modeling when only a few, inconsistent replicates are available. Integrates hierarchical interaction modeling with stability selection and replicate consistency checks, focusing on binary input data.
🔹 Provides a template for a semi-synthetic simulation setup in regression with a multiple response matrix Y.
📊 Data: MARCS
📝 Manuscript: Predictive modeling of microbial data with interaction effects
🤝 Collaborator: Jacob Bien
🔹 Enables context-dependent interaction modeling for microbial data (absolute, binary, or compositional).
🔹 Includes all-pairs lasso/hierarchical lasso, cross-validation, and stability selection.
🔹 Provides a template for a semi-synthetic simulation setup for compositional data in regression.
📊 Data: Tara Oceans, MetaCardis, Clark et al. butyrate production data
🤝 Collaborators: Erwin Kupczyk & Research Unit Analytical Biogeochemistry (Helmholtz Munich)
🔹 Extends hierNet with a robust Huber loss function for hierarchical interaction modeling when multiple replicates are available, accounting for potential outliers.
📊 Data: High-content screening data
🤝 Collaborators: Fabian Schaipp, Daniele Pugno
🔹 R interface for LassoNet using reticulate, with comparisons to hierNet.
💻 Example usage:
LassoNetR(X = X, Y = y, NN = py$torch_hiernet,
D_in = D_in, D_out = D_out, H = H,
batch_size=batch_size, lam = 5L, M = 1L,
n_epochs = 30L, valid = TRUE, optimizer = "SGD")
🤝 Collaborator: Medina Feldl
🔹 Uses AUCs from bacterial growth data to identify drug interaction effects.
🔹 Early-stage project; comparison asteRIa with Bliss independence analysis and the Dose model (Zimmer et al.) needed.
🔹 Likely to be continued by a Master's student.
📊 Data: Ana Rita Brochado lab
🤝 Collaborator: Jacob Bien
🔹 Investigates whether relative abundances in 16S data provide more information than pure presence-absence data.
🔹 Introduces a joint optimization approach (λ1, λ2) for relative and presence-absence data.
📊 Data: American Gut Project, Central Park Soil
🔹 Implements simulations of (random) Generalized Helmert-Ledermann orthogonal matrices (GHL) for generating random ILR transformations.
🔹 Potentially useful for data augmentation in compositional microbiome data.
🤝 Collaborator: Göran Kauermann
🔹 Non-negative tensor factorization applied to COVID-19 data, includes code for (spatial) visualizations.
📊 Data: COVID-19 data (RKI)
🤝 Collaborator: Anna Weiss
🔹 Uses synthetic gut community data for interaction modeling.
🔹 Final results available in branches by Oktawia Miluch and Jakob Winkler.
📊 Data: OMM12 synthetic microbial community
📝 Paper: RNF43 is a gatekeeper for colitis-associated cancer
🤝 Collaborators: Alisa Dietl, Roberto Olayo
🔹 Analyzes microbiome (16S), RNA-seq, histological, and clinical data from a mouse study on CRC and IBD.
🔹 Methods include DA testing, DE analysis, MDS, mixedCCA, log-contrast regression, and latent correlation.
📊 Data: RNF43 data
🤝 Collaborator: Alisa Dietl
🔹 R code by Oktawia Miluch applying linDA to RNF43 data, compared against ANCOM-BC and ALDEx2.
📊 Data: RNF43 data
🔹 Performs prototype clustering on MARCS data with visualization features.
🔹 Used for the figure in the Nature paper.
🔹 Code by Maria Pröbstl on Estimation of higher-order species interactions from ecological time series.
🔹 Methods: compositional Lotka-Volterra Model; DeepMoD, a deep learning framework tailored for the extraction of partial or ordinary differential equations; NODE-BNGM, a nonparametric technique that fits neural ordinary differential equations (NODEs) with Bayesian neural gradient matching to detect ecological interactions from time series observations.
🔹 Collection of ecological times series data
📊 Data: