Pull request reviews reminder action
(2)Action to send Slack/Rocket/Teams notifications when there are pull requests pending for reviews.
The webhook URL (required). More info here (Slack) and here (Teams).
Chat provider, slack
, rocket
or msteams
(required). Default slack
The channel name, eg: #general
A string like this "githubusername1:provideruserid1,githubusername2:provideruserid2,..."
to define the mapping between GitHub usernames and Slack/MS Teams user IDs (optional). Example: "DavideViolante:UEABCDEFG,foobar:UAABCDEFG"
. Note: it's case sensitive! How to find Slack User IDs.
For MS Teams, the provider user ID can be an MS teams user ID or a UPN Example: "DavideViolante:admin@DavideViolante.onmicrosoft.com',foobar:foobar@foobar.onmicrosoft.com"
Another hacky way (no code) to find the MS Teams UPN is the following: open MS Teams on your browser, click the 3 dots near your Team name, click Add member, open Google Chrome console Network tab Fetch/XHR category, type the email address, look for "searchV2" in the Network tab, click Response tab.
Ignore Pull Requests with that label(s), eg: no-reminder
or no-reminder,ignore me
name: PRs reviews reminder
# Every weekday every 2 hours during working hours, send notification
- cron: "0 8-17/2 * * 1-5"
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: davideviolante/pr-reviews-reminder-action@v2.8.0
webhook-url: '' # Required
provider: '' # Required (slack, rocket or msteams)
channel: '' # Optional, eg: #general
github-provider-map: '' # Optional, eg: DavideViolante:UEABCDEFG,foobar:UAABCDEFG
ignore-label: '' # Optional, eg: no-reminder,ignore me
Please open an issue.
Pull request reviews reminder action is not certified by GitHub. It is provided by a third-party and is governed by separate terms of service, privacy policy, and support documentation.