My Codewars solutions Notice! : Don't look at these solutions until you complete them yourself! My Codewars profile Solutions Total: 53 Python: 49 C++: 3 SQL: 1 Difficulty Language Kata Folder 3 kyu Python Alphabetic Anagrams 53e57dada0cb0400ba000688_python 4 kyu Python Snail 521c2db8ddc89b9b7a0000c1_python 4 kyu Python Sort binary tree by levels 52bef5e3588c56132c0003bc_python 4 kyu Python Route Calculator 581bc0629ad9ff9873000316_python 4 kyu Python Simplexer 54b8204dcd7f514bf2000348_python 4 kyu Python Most frequently used words in a text 51e056fe544cf36c410000fb_python 4 kyu Python So Many Permutations! 5254ca2719453dcc0b00027d_python 5 kyu Python Missing number in Unordered Arithmetic Progression 568fca718404ad457c000033_python 5 kyu Python Tree to list 56ef9790740d30a7ff000199_python 5 kyu Python int32 to IPv4 52e88b39ffb6ac53a400022e_python 5 kyu Python First non-repeating character 52bc74d4ac05d0945d00054e_python 5 kyu Python Moving Zeros To The End 52597aa56021e91c93000cb0_python 5 kyu Python Number of trailing zeros of N! 52f787eb172a8b4ae1000a34_python 5 kyu Python Human Readable Time 52685f7382004e774f0001f7_python 6 kyu Python Find the missing term in an Arithmetic Progression 52de553ebb55d1fca3000371_python 6 kyu Python Duplicate Encoder 54b42f9314d9229fd6000d9c_python 6 kyu C++ Who likes it? 5266876b8f4bf2da9b000362_c++ 6 kyu Python Playing with digits 5552101f47fc5178b1000050_python 6 kyu Python Find the unique number 585d7d5adb20cf33cb000235_python 6 kyu Python Write Number in Expanded Form 5842df8ccbd22792a4000245_python 6 kyu Python Build Tower 576757b1df89ecf5bd00073b_python 6 kyu Python Array.diff 523f5d21c841566fde000009_python 6 kyu Python Find The Parity Outlier 5526fc09a1bbd946250002dc_python 6 kyu Python Split Strings 515de9ae9dcfc28eb6000001_python 6 kyu Python Find the odd int 54da5a58ea159efa38000836_python 7 kyu SQL Give Me 10 Rows, Please! 64b105aaa216e600244525b4_sql 7 kyu C++ Simple string characters 5a29a0898f27f2d9c9000058_c++ 7 kyu Python Ones' Complement 59b11f57f322e5da45000254_python 7 kyu Python Remove consecutive duplicate words 5b39e91ee7a2c103300018b3_python 7 kyu Python Digitize 5417423f9e2e6c2f040002ae_python 7 kyu Python Character Counter 56786a687e9a88d1cf00005d_python 7 kyu Python Mobile Display Keystrokes 59564a286e595346de000079_python 7 kyu Python last digits of a number 5cd5ba1ce4471a00256930c0_python 7 kyu Python Adding remainders to a list 5acc3634c6fde760ec0001f7_python 7 kyu Python Moves in squared strings (I) 56dbe0e313c2f63be4000b25_python 7 kyu Python Number to digit tiers 586bca7fa44cfc833e00005c_python 7 kyu Python Char Code Calculation 57f75cc397d62fc93d000059_python 7 kyu Python Simple letter removal 5b728f801db5cec7320000c7_python 7 kyu Python Regex validate PIN code 55f8a9c06c018a0d6e000132_python 7 kyu Python You're a square! 54c27a33fb7da0db0100040e_python 7 kyu Python Ones and Zeros 578553c3a1b8d5c40300037c_python 7 kyu Python Square Every Digit 546e2562b03326a88e000020_python 7 kyu Python Descending Order 5467e4d82edf8bbf40000155_python 7 kyu Python Disemvowel Trolls 52fba66badcd10859f00097e_python 8 kyu Python Exclamation marks series #4: Remove all exclamation marks from sentence but ensure a exclamation mark at the end of string 57faf12b21c84b5ba30001b0_python 8 kyu Python Area or Perimeter 5ab6538b379d20ad880000ab_python 8 kyu Python Abbreviate a Two Word Name 57eadb7ecd143f4c9c0000a3_python 8 kyu Python Hello, Name or World! 57e3f79c9cb119374600046b_python 8 kyu Python Return Two Highest Values in List 57ab3c09bb994429df000a4a_python 8 kyu C++ Do I get a bonus? 56f6ad906b88de513f000d96_c++ 8 kyu Python Get the mean of an array 563e320cee5dddcf77000158_python 8 kyu Python Multiply 50654ddff44f800200000004_python retired Python Calculator 5235c913397cbf2508000048_python