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Comparison of generic electrical wind turbine models following WECC and IEC standards

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Comparison of generic electrical wind turbine models following WECC and IEC standards

is the first test case with IEC and WECC running in parallel.

Available test cases

  • T1: an active power setpoint step (-0.5 pu)
  • T2: a reactive power setpoint step (0.3 pu)
  • T3: a voltage setpoint step (0.03 pu)
  • T4: a solid fault at the \ac{wt} terminal (150 ms)
  • T5: a fault at the \ac{wt} terminal (150 ms with x_f = 0.2 pu)
  • test001_StepP consists in a step on PRef at the turbine.
  • test002_StepQ consists in a step on QRef at the turbine.
  • test003_SolidFault consists in a solid fault (R = 0, X= 0.0001 pu) at the turbine terminal from t = 5 to t = 5.1 s
  • test004_StepU consists in a step on URef at the turbine.

Collection and elaboration of relevant differences (Outdated!)

Please note: List is outdated. Maintained version is in report document.

Working document: Relevances to be updated during the investigations.


  • 0 ... irrelevant
  • 1 ... relevant
  • 2 ... very relevant

Wind Turbine P Control (WT_P)

No. Relevance Description Test case
1 1 IEC: PT1 not frozen during FRT (P scaling with different threshold u_pdip instead) (mentioned in paper)
2 1 IEC: second PT1 element; WECC: no additional PT1 (T_pWTrefA) (mentioned in paper)
3 1 IEC: additional positive ramp rate limit dpmax4A in PT1 (mentioned in paper)
4 2 IEC: uses product of (dynamic) CLS value ipmax and voltage u_WTC for PT1 limit; WECC: uses constants Pmax, Pmin; connected to difference 2 and to pos. ramp limits and lags T5, T5_noramp (mentioned in paper)
5 IEC: no negative limit in second PT1; WECC: has lower limit Pmin
6 IEC has p_aero output
7 1 IEC has low-voltage P scaling option (M_pUscale=1) to reduce pref by voltage-p.u. during voltage dip (mentioned in paper)

Wind Turbine Q Control (WT_Q)

No. Relevance Description Test case
8 1 IEC: $q_{WTmax|min}$ from Q limitation block; WECC: constants Qmax, Qmin. (mentined in paper)
9 WECC: has extra min limit for reactive current during FRT (iql1); IEC uses minimum limit from normal path
10 0 IEC has local voltage drop compensation (WECC REEC_A doesn't) [added in WECC version REEC_D] (mentioned in paper)
11 IEC: Q control voltage drop compensation current measurement has a ground admittance element. i_gs can be larger than i_WT. (WECC: i_gs=i_WT)
12 IEC: U-PI-Controller Limits seperately on proportional and integral Part; WECC: one common limit on output of PI controller
13 IEC: Q-PI-controller limit on integral part and on PI controller output; WECC: Q-PI-Controller limit only on PI Controller output.
14 Mode 2: IEC: 1st order lag before current calculation (WECC: after current calculation)
15 IEC: tan(phi) as parameter; WECC: phi as input signal
16 2 IEC: defines post-fault state (F_FRT=2) only in case of under-voltage events; WECC: for over-voltage events as well (mentioned in paper)
17 2 IEC: different delta u sign in fast current injection (!) (mentioned in paper)
18 2 IEC: pre-fault voltage calculated by HPF; WECC: by subtraction of Vref0 T5_Tuss (mentioned in paper)
19 1 WECC: Iql1, Iqh1 are fast-injected current limits (i_qvhook); IEC: iqh1, iqmin are limits for total injected current (i_qcmd) during FRT. (mentined in paper)
20 0 IEC uses filtered voltage u_WTCfilt for FRT mode detecion; WECC uses unfiltered u_WTC [changed in WECC version REEC_D] 003 iqCmdPu, see #29 (mentioned in paper)
21 WECC: uses CLS value Iqmax, Iqmin in Voltage PI controller; IEC: uses constants
22 1 IEC: during FRT, gain of voltage PI-controller can be adapted to K_PuFRT and output limiter removed. (mentioned in paper)

Current Limitation System (WT_CLS)

No. Relevance Description Test case
23 WECC: Current Limiting System (CLS) acts on P and Q control scheme; IEC: CLS passes limits to generator model. Limits inside P,Q contrl schemes are additional parameters.
24 0 WECC: Voltage Dependent Limits have only 4 pairs of u / i [increased in REEC_D]
25 1 IEC: diffrent parameter i_maxdip during FRT; WECC: same imax during FRT ((5)) (mentioned in paper)
26 WECC CSL: makes sure that VDL is always <= imax (this check is not performed in IEC CLS) ((4))
27 2 IEC: high-voltage current limit logic (K_pqu-logic); WECC: no such logic ((3)) T3_iqlimit (mentioned in paper)
28 2 IEC: P-priority always active outside FRT, regardless of M_qpri; WECC: priority according to setting, also outside FRT ((2)) T3 (largeStep) (mentioned in paper)
29 IEC CLS: when subtracting the prioritized quantity, explicitly makes sure that I_cmd doesn't exceed VDL ((1))
30 1 WECC additionally has Thld2, which holds active current limit i_pmax at during-fault-value for Thld2 seconds after fault clearing. (mentioned in paper)

Reactive Power Limitation System (WT_QLS)

No. Relevance Description Test case
31 1 IEC: has Q limitation system (mentioned in paper)

Wind Turbine Measurement (WT_meas)

No. Relevance Description Test case
32 0 IEC: measurement in separate model; WECC: measurement inside controller structure (mentioned in paper)
33 2 WECC: no measurement filter for q T4 (with tQFilt > 0 in IEC) (mentioned in paper)

Wind Turbine Generator System (WT_GS)

No. Relevance Description Test case
34 2 IEC: ip and iq limits applied after the T_g first order lag; WECC: before; see also 27; T4 (mentioned in paper)
35 1 WECC: iq ramprate limit depends on sign(Qref) (mentioned in paper)
36 0 WECC: has Low Voltage Power Limit (LVPL) ((comparable to low voltage P reduction in P path?)) [removed in REGC_B] (mentioned in paper)
37 WECC: Has high voltage reactive power management and low voltage active power management (for numerical reasons and different in different simulation tools. --> not sensible to include in comparison)
38 1 IEC: reference frame rotation block with first order lag model of PLL (mentioned in paper)

Wind Turbine Protection (not included in comparison)

but added for completeness

No. Relevance Description Test case
39 IEC has included protection module; WECC references external modules from commercial software. --> leave this out of scope


Comparison of generic electrical wind turbine models following WECC and IEC standards






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