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netcode 1.02

netcode is a simple protocol for creating secure client/server connections over UDP.

This document describes the standard for this protocol so people can create their own implementations.


There are three main components in the netcode architecture:

  1. The backend
  2. Dedicated servers
  3. Clients

The web backend is a typical web server, for example nginx, which authenticates clients and provides a REST API. Clients are endpoints running the netcode protocol that want to connect to dedicated server instances. Dedicated servers are instances of the server-side portion of the game or application running in data centers or the cloud.

The sequence of operations for a client connect are:

  1. A client authenticates with the web backend
  2. The authenticated client requests to play a game via REST call to the web backend
  3. The web backend generates a connect token and returns it to that client over HTTPS
  4. The client uses the connect token to establish a connection with a dedicated server over UDP
  5. The dedicated server runs logic to ensure that only clients with a valid connect token can connect to it
  6. Once a connection is established the client and server exchange encrypted and signed UDP packets

General Conventions

netcode is a binary protocol.

All data is written in little-endian byte order unless otherwise specified.

This applies not only to token and packet data, but also to sequence numbers converted to byte array nonce values, and associated data passed in to AEAD encryption primitives.

Connect Token

A connect token ensures that only authenticated clients can connect to dedicated servers.

The connect token has two parts: public and private.

The private portion is encrypted and signed with a private key shared between the web backend and dedicated server instances.

Prior to encryption the private connect token data has the following binary format.

[client id] (uint64) // globally unique identifier for an authenticated client
[timeout seconds] (uint32) // timeout in seconds. negative values disable timeout (dev only)
[num server addresses] (uint32) // in [1,32]
<for each server address>
    [address type] (uint8) // value of 1 = IPv4 address, 2 = IPv6 address.
    <if IPV4 address>
        // for a given IPv4 address: a.b.c.d:port
        [a] (uint8)
        [b] (uint8)
        [c] (uint8)
        [d] (uint8)
        [port] (uint16)
    <else IPv6 address>
        // for a given IPv6 address: [a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h]:port
        [a] (uint16)
        [b] (uint16)
        [c] (uint16)
        [d] (uint16)
        [e] (uint16)
        [f] (uint16)
        [g] (uint16)
        [h] (uint16)
        [port] (uint16)
[client to server key] (32 bytes)
[server to client key] (32 bytes)
[user data] (256 bytes) // user defined data specific to this protocol id
<zero pad to 1024 bytes>

This data is variable size but for simplicity is written to a fixed size buffer of 1024 bytes. Unused bytes are zero padded.

Encryption of the private connect token data is performed with the libsodium AEAD primitive crypto_aead_xchacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt using the following binary data as the associated data:

[version info] (13 bytes)       // "NETCODE 1.02" ASCII with null terminator.
[protocol id] (uint64)          // 64 bit value unique to this particular game/application
[expire timestamp] (uint64)     // 64 bit unix timestamp when this connect token expires

The nonce used for encryption is a 24 bytes number that is randomly generated for every token.

Encryption is performed on the first 1024 - 16 bytes in the buffer, leaving the last 16 bytes to store the HMAC:

[encrypted private connect token] (1008 bytes)
[hmac of encrypted private connect token] (16 bytes)

Post encryption, this is referred to as the encrypted private connect token data.

Together the public and private data form a connect token:

[version info] (13 bytes)       // "NETCODE 1.02" ASCII with null terminator.
[protocol id] (uint64)          // 64 bit value unique to this particular game/application
[create timestamp] (uint64)     // 64 bit unix timestamp when this connect token was created
[expire timestamp] (uint64)     // 64 bit unix timestamp when this connect token expires
[connect token nonce] (24 bytes)
[encrypted private connect token data] (1024 bytes)
[timeout seconds] (uint32)      // timeout in seconds. negative values disable timeout (dev only)
[num_server_addresses] (uint32) // in [1,32]
<for each server address>
    [address_type] (uint8) // value of 1 = IPv4 address, 2 = IPv6 address.
    <if IPV4 address>
        // for a given IPv4 address: a.b.c.d:port
        [a] (uint8)
        [b] (uint8)
        [c] (uint8)
        [d] (uint8)
        [port] (uint16)
    <else IPv6 address>
        // for a given IPv6 address: [a:b:c:d:e:f:g:h]:port
        [a] (uint16)
        [b] (uint16)
        [c] (uint16)
        [d] (uint16)
        [e] (uint16)
        [f] (uint16)
        [g] (uint16)
        [h] (uint16)
        [port] (uint16)
[client to server key] (32 bytes)
[server to client key] (32 bytes)
<zero pad to 2048 bytes>

This data is variable size but for simplicity is written to a fixed size buffer of 2048 bytes. Unused bytes are zero padded.

Challenge Token

Challenge tokens stop clients with spoofed IP packet source addresses from connecting to servers.

Prior to encryption, challenge tokens have the following structure:

[client id] (uint64)
[user data] (256 bytes)
<zero pad to 300 bytes>

Encryption of the challenge token data is performed with the libsodium AEAD primitive crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt with no associated data, a random key generated when the dedicated server starts, and a sequence number that starts at zero and increases with each challenge token generated. The sequence number is extended by padding high bits with zero to create a 96 bit nonce.

Encryption is performed on the first 300 - 16 bytes, and the last 16 bytes store the HMAC of the encrypted buffer:

[encrypted challenge token] (284 bytes)
[hmac of encrypted challenge token data] (16 bytes)

This is referred to as the encrypted challenge token data.


netcode has the following packets:

  • connection request packet (0)
  • connection denied packet (1)
  • connection challenge packet (2)
  • connection response packet (3)
  • connection keep alive packet (4)
  • connection payload packet (5)
  • connection disconnect packet (6)

The first packet type connection request packet (0) is not encrypted and has the following format:

0 (uint8) // prefix byte of zero
[version info] (13 bytes)       // "NETCODE 1.02" ASCII with null terminator.
[protocol id] (8 bytes)
[connect token expire timestamp] (8 bytes)
[connect token nonce] (24 bytes)
[encrypted private connect token data] (1024 bytes)

All other packet types are encrypted.

Prior to encryption, packet types >= 1 have the following format:

[prefix byte] (uint8) // non-zero prefix byte
[sequence number] (variable length 1-8 bytes)
[per-packet type data] (variable length according to packet type)

The low 4 bits of the prefix byte contain the packet type.

The high 4 bits contain the number of bytes for the sequence number in the range [1,8].

The sequence number is encoded by omitting high zero bytes. For example, a sequence number of 1000 is 0x000003E8 and requires only two bytes to send its value. Therefore, the high 4 bits of the prefix byte are set to 2 and the sequence data written to the packet is:


The sequence number bytes are reversed when written to the packet like so:

<for each sequence byte written>
    write_byte( sequence_number & 0xFF )
    sequence_number >>= 8

After the sequence number comes the per-packet type data:

connection denied packet:

<no data>

connection challenge packet:

[challenge token sequence] (uint64)
[encrypted challenge token data] (300 bytes)

connection response packet:

[challenge token sequence] (uint64)
[encrypted challenge token data] (300 bytes)

connection keep-alive packet:

[client index] (uint32)
[max clients] (uint32)

connection payload packet:

[payload data] (1 to 1200 bytes)

connection disconnect packet:

<no data>

The per-packet type data is encrypted using the libsodium AEAD primitive crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt with the following binary data as the associated data:

[version info] (13 bytes)       // "NETCODE 1.02" ASCII with null terminator.
[protocol id] (uint64)          // 64 bit value unique to this particular game/application
[prefix byte] (uint8)           // prefix byte in packet. stops an attacker from modifying packet type.

The packet sequence number is extended by padding high bits with zero to create a 96 bit nonce.

Packets sent from client to server are encrypted with the client to server key in the connect token.

Packets sent from server to client are encrypted using the server to client key in the connect token for that client.

Post encryption, packet types >= 1 have the following format:

[prefix byte] (uint8) // non-zero prefix byte: ( (num_sequence_bytes<<4) | packet_type )
[sequence number] (variable length 1-8 bytes)
[encrypted per-packet type data] (variable length according to packet type)
[hmac of encrypted per-packet type data] (16 bytes)

Reading Encrypted Packets

The following steps are taken when reading an encrypted packet, in this exact order:

  • If the packet size is less than 18 bytes then it is too small to possibly be valid, ignore the packet.

  • If the low 4 bits of the prefix byte are greater than or equal to 7, the packet type is invalid, ignore the packet.

  • The server ignores packets with type connection challenge packet.

  • The client ignores packets with type connection request packet and connection response packet.

  • If the high 4 bits of the prefix byte (sequence bytes) are outside the range [1,8], ignore the packet.

  • If the packet size is less than 1 + sequence bytes + 16, it cannot possibly be valid, ignore the packet.

  • If the per-packet type data size does not match the expected size for the packet type, ignore the packet.

    • 0 bytes for connection denied packet
    • 308 bytes for connection challenge packet
    • 308 bytes for connection response packet
    • 8 bytes for connection keep-alive packet
    • [1,1200] bytes for connection payload packet
    • 0 bytes for connection disconnect packet
  • If the packet type fails the replay protection already received test, ignore the packet. See the section on replay protection below for details.

  • If the per-packet type data fails to decrypt, ignore the packet.

  • Advance the most recent replay protection sequence #. See the section on replay protection below for details.

  • If all the above checks pass, the packet is processed.

Replay Protection

Replay protection stops an attacker from recording a valid packet and replaying it back at a later time in an attempt to break the protocol.

To enable replay protection, netcode does the following:

  • Encrypted packets are sent with 64 bit sequence numbers that start at zero and increase with each packet sent.

  • The sequence number is included in the packet header and can be read by the receiver of a packet prior to decryption.

  • The sequence number is used as the nonce for packet encryption, so any modification to the sequence number fails the encryption signature check.

The replay protection algorithm is as follows:

  1. Any packet older than the most recent sequence number received, minus the replay buffer size, is discarded on the receiver side.

  2. If a packet arrives that is within replay buffer size of the most recent sequence number, it is accepted only if its sequence number has not already been received, otherwise it is ignored.

  3. After the packet has been successfully decrypted, a) if the packet sequence # is in the replay buffer window that entry is set as received, and b) the most recent sequence number is updated if the packet sequence # is > than the previous most recent sequence number received.

Replay protection is applied to the following packet types on both client and server:

  • connection keep alive packet
  • connection payload packet
  • connection disconnect packet

The replay buffer size is implementation specific, but as a guide, a few seconds worth of packets at a typical send rate (20-60HZ) should be supported. Conservatively, a replay buffer size of 256 entries per-client should be sufficient for most applications.

Client State Machine

The client has the following states:

  • connect token expired (-6)
  • invalid connect token (-5)
  • connection timed out (-4)
  • connection response timed out (-3)
  • connection request timed out (-2)
  • connection denied (-1)
  • disconnected (0)
  • sending connection request (1)
  • sending connection response (2)
  • connected (3)

The initial state is disconnected (0). Negative states represent error states. The goal state is connected (3).

Request Connect Token

When a client wants to connect to a server, it requests a connect token from the web backend.

The following aspects are outside the scope of this standard:

  1. The mechanism the client uses to request a connection token from the web backend.

  2. The mechanism the web backend uses to determine the set of server addresses to include in a connect token.

Once the client has obtained a connect token, its goal is to establish connection to one of the server addresses in the connect token.

To begin this process, it transitions to sending connection request with the first server address in the connect token.

Before doing this, the client checks that the connect token is valid. If the number of server addresses in the connect token are outside of the range [1,32], or if any address type values in the connect token are outside of the range [0,1], or if the create timestamp is more recent than the expire timestamp, the client transitions to invalid connect token.

Sending Connection Request

While in sending connection request the client sends connection request packets to the server at some rate, like 10HZ.

When the client receives a connection challenge packet from the server, it stores the challenge token data and transitions to sending challenge response. This represents a successful transition to the next stage in the connection process.

All other transitions from sending connection request are failure cases. In these cases the client attempts to connect to the next server address in the connect token (eg. transitioning to sending connection request state with the next server address in the connect token). Alternatively, if there are no additional server addresses to connect to, the client transitions to the appropriate error state as described in the next paragraph.

If a connection request denied packet is received while in sending connection request the client transitions to connection denied. If neither a connection challenge packet or a connection denied packet are received within the timeout period specified in the connect token, the client transitions to connection request timed out.

Sending Challenge Response

While in sending challenge response the client sends challenge response packets to the server at some rate, like 10HZ.

When the client receives a connection keep-alive packet from the server, it stores the client index and max clients in the packet, and transitions to connected.

Any connection payload packets received prior to connected are discarded.

All other transitions from sending challenge response are failure cases. In these cases the client attempts to connect to the next server address in the connect token (eg. transitioning to sending connection request with the next server address in the connect token). Alternatively, if there are no additional servers addresses to connect to, the client transitions to the appropriate error state as described in the next paragraph.

If a connection request denied packet is received while in sending challenge response the client transitions to connection denied. If neither a connection keep-alive packet or a connection denied packet are received within the timeout period specified in the connect token, the client transitions to challenge response timed out.

Connect Token Expired

If the entire client connection process (potentially across multiple server addresses) takes long enough that the connect token expires before successfully connecting to a server, the client transitions to connect token expired.

This length of time should be determined by subtracting the create timestamp of the connect token from its expiry timestamp.


While connected the client buffers connection payload packets received from the server so their payload data can be delivered to the client application as netcode packets.

While connected the client application may send connection payload packets to the server. In the absence of connection payload packets sent by the client application, the client generates and sends connection keep-alive packets to the server at some rate, like 10HZ.

If no connection payload packet or connection keep-alive packet are received from the server within the timeout period specified in the connect token, the client transitions to connection timed out.

While connected if the client receives a connection disconnect packet from the server, it transitions to disconnected.

If the client wishes to disconnect from the server, it sends a number of redundant connection disconnect packets before transitioning to disconnected.

Server-Side Connection Process

Server-Side Overview

The dedicated server must be on a publicly accessible IP address and port.

The server manages a set of n client slots, where each slot from [0,n-1] represents room for one connected client.

The maximum number of client slots per-server is implementation specific. Typical uses cases are expected in the range of [2,64] but the reference implementation supports up to 256 clients per-server.

You may support more clients per-server if your implementation is able to handle them efficiently.

Processing Connection Requests

The server follows these strict rules when processing connection requests:

  1. Clients must have a valid connect token to connect.
  2. Respond to a client only when absolutely necessary.
  3. Ignore any malformed request as soon as possible, with the minimum amount of work.
  4. Make sure any response packet is smaller than the request packet to avoid DDoS amplification.

When a server receives a connection request packet from a client it contains the following data:

0 (uint8) // prefix byte of zero
[version info] (13 bytes)       // "NETCODE 1.02" ASCII with null terminator.
[protocol id] (8 bytes)
[connect token expire timestamp] (8 bytes)
[connect token nonce] (24 bytes)
[encrypted private connect token data] (1024 bytes)

This packet is not encrypted, however:

  • Only the dedicated server instance and the web backend can read the encrypted private connect token data, because it is encrypted with a private key shared between them.

  • The important aspects of the packet such as the version info, protocol id and connect token expire timestamp, are protected by the AEAD construct, and thus cannot be modified without failing the signature check.

The server takes the following steps, in this exact order, when processing a connection request packet:

  • If the packet is not the expected size of 1078 bytes, ignore the packet.

  • If the version info in the packet doesn't match "NETCODE 1.02" (13 bytes, with null terminator), ignore the packet.

  • If the protocol id in the packet doesn't match the expected protocol id of the dedicated server, ignore the packet.

  • If the connect token expire timestamp is <= the current timestamp, ignore the packet.

  • If the encrypted private connect token data doesn't decrypt with the private key, using the associated data constructed from: version info, protocol id and expire timestamp, ignore the packet.

  • If the decrypted private connect token fails to be read for any reason, for example, having a number of server addresses outside of the expected range of [1,32], or having an address type value outside of range [0,1], ignore the packet.

  • If the dedicated server public address is not in the list of server addresses in the private connect token, ignore the packet.

  • If a client from the packet IP source address and port is already connected, ignore the packet.

  • If a client with the client id contained in the private connect token data is already connected, ignore the packet.

  • If the connect token has already been used by a different packet source IP address and port, ignore the packet.

  • Otherwise, add the private connect token hmac + packet source IP address and port to the history of connect tokens already used.

  • If no client slots are available, then the server is full. Respond with a connection denied packet.

  • Add an encryption mapping for the packet source IP address and port so that packets read from that address and port are decrypted with the client to server key in the private connect token, and packets sent to that address and port are encrypted with the server to client key in the private connect token. This encryption mapping expires in timeout seconds of no packets being sent to or received from that address and port, or if a client fails to establish a connection with the server within timeout seconds.

  • If for some reason this encryption mapping cannot be added, ignore the packet.

  • Otherwise, respond with a connection challenge packet and increment the connection challenge sequence number.

Processing Connection Response Packets

When the client receives a connection challenge packet from the server it responds with a connection response packet.

The connection response packet contains the following data:

[prefix byte] (uint8) // non-zero prefix byte: ( (num_sequence_bytes<<4) | packet_type )
[sequence number] (variable length 1-8 bytes)
[challenge token sequence] (uint64)
[encrypted challenge token data] (360 bytes)

The server takes these steps, in this exact order, when processing a connection response packet:

  • If the encrypted challenge token data fails to decrypt, ignore the packet.

  • If a client from the packet source address and port is already connected, ignore the packet.

  • If a client with the client id contained in the encrypted challenge token data is already connected, ignore the packet.

  • If no client slots are available, then the server is full. Respond with a connection denied packet.

  • Assign the packet IP address + port and client id to a free client slot and mark that client as connected.

  • Copy across the user data from the challenge token into the client slot so it is accessible to the server application.

  • Set the confirmed flag for that client slot to false.

  • Respond with a connection keep-alive packet.

Connected Clients

Once a client is asigned to a slot on the server, it is logically connected.

The index of this slot is used to identify clients on the server and is called the client index.

Packets received by the server from that client's address and port are mapped to that client index and processed in the context of that client.

These packets include:

  • connection keep-alive packet
  • connection payload packet
  • connection disconnect packet

The server buffers connection payload packets received from connected clients client so their payload data can be delivered to the server application as netcode packets.

The server application may also send connection payload packets to connected clients.

In the absence of connection payload packets sent to a client, the server generates and sends connection keep-alive packets to that client at some rate, like 10HZ.

While the confirmed flag for a client slot is false, each connection payload packet sent to that client has a connection keep-alive packet sent before it. This communicates the client index and the max clients to that client, which it needs to transition to a fully connected state.

When the server receives a connection payload packet or a connection keep-alive packet from an unconfirmed client, it sets the confirmed flag for that client slot to true, and stops prefixing connection payload packets with connection keep-alive packets.

If the server wishes to disconnect a client, it sends a number of redundant connection disconnect packets to that client before resetting that client slot.

If no connection payload packet or connection keep-alive packet are received from a client within the timeout period specified in the connect token, or the server receives a connection disconnect packet from a client, the client slot is reset and becomes available for other clients to connect to.