Filter and binarize image.
Than render 3D with the image into one 3-dimensional matrix I[x,y,z]=I[imm(i),z]
Use VolumeViewr
toolbox and:
Open matlab file bone_imm_processing.m
It's also possibile to do volume rendering in Mathematica and mesh it.
files = FileNames["*.png", "C:\\Users\\bigba\\OneDrive\\Documenti\\GitHub\\bone\homogenization\\image_processing\\file_raw\\slices600-699\\"];
DDD = Table[Import[files[[n]]], {n, 1, 900}];
(* *)
Do[DDD[[n]] = Binarize[ColorConvert[DDD[[n]], "Grayscale"], 0.8], {n, 1, 900}];
(* *)
A = Image3D[DDD]
(* *)
res = Timing[MESH = ImageMesh[A]];
Export[FileNameJoin[{NotebookDirectory[], "mesh.png"}], MESH]
res[[1]]/60 (* to obtain meshing time*)