This is a REST compliant web service for accessing and editing a catalogue of Croatian high-school textbooks.
It will be accessible on /textbooks-catalogue-service
path and port 8080
Textbooks data set was created from the official list of textbooks in Croatian high schools used in the period from 2014 to 2018. Sample data is in /src/main/java/resources/textbooks_subset.csv.
Spring Boot 2.0.1
PostgreSQL 10.6
DBeaver 5.2
Postman 6.5.3
This service uses in-memory authentication. All endpoints are exposed for GET requests without authentication. Users with the USER role can create new entries in the database. Users with the ADMIN role can additionally edit and delete database entries. There are two users with the following credentials:
username: user
password: user
username: admin
password: admin