Taking another stab at (pseudo) pilsner. Going to roll with pretty much the same recipe as before, but this time using Omega's Lutra Kveik.
Volume: 2.5 gal
Yeast: Omega Yeast Lutra Kveik
- 5 lbs Bohemian Pilsner malt (floor malted)
- 5 oz Carapils
- 1.5 oz Saaz
- 0.4 oz Hallertau
Schedule (60 minute boil):
- 60 min: 1 oz Saaz
- 15 min: 0.4 oz Hallertau
- 15 min: 0.5 oz Saaz
Predictions (Brewer's friend):
- OG: 1.056
- FG: 1.012
- ABV: 5.74%
- IBU: 35.1
- SRM: 3.75
Gonna keep track of time this session. See if I can speed up brew day a bit.
- 10:00: Filled kettle w 3 gal. Set temp to 157 F.
- 10:30: Mash temp reached. Added grains and ~1 pint of rice husks. Set temp to 152 F. No recirculation today. In part to reduce labour, in part just to see what it does to my efficiency. Stirred the mash every 15 minutes or so.
- 11:30: Sparged with 1 gal at 170 F and started bringing to boil. 5 drops Fermcap S.
- 12:00: Boiling. Hops according to schedule, in a hop bag.
- 12:50: 1/2 tablet whirlfloc and 1 tsp yeast nutrient. Wort chiller into kettle.
- 13:00: Flame out. Started cooling.
- 13:30: Hit 80 F. Stopped cooling. Whirlpool with paddle and cordless drill.
- 13:40: Let it settle. Went for a bike ride.
- 15:00: Transfer to fermenter. Pitch yeast.
- 15:15: Start cleaning.
- 15:45: Done.
Whirlpool paddle worked great and I got a decent trub cone. Transferred very clear wort. So clear that I collected a total of 2.1 gal from the 2.5 I had in the kettle.
It looked like it had settled well enough to transger at 14:00, i.e. 20 minutes after whirlpool. Perhaps no need for these hour long waits I've done before.
Gravity is incredibly low though. Efficiency of 55% or so, as opposed to the perhaps 70% I'd guess I normally get. No recirculation, and I didn't bother with the perforated plate when sparging. Probably looking at a 4.5% ABV beer here.
- OG: 1.045 (Tilt)
- OG: 1.043 (Hydrometer)
Poured off just over a pint before I got clear beer out of the spigot. Primed the keg with 39 g table sugar, and 2.2g per bottle. Ended up with 1 full 1.5 gal keg and 4 16 oz bottles.
Didn't bother taking a hydrometer reading, but Tilt has reported a stable 1.006 for a long time. Would have wanted to keg this a week ago, but a trip upstate got in the way.
- FG: 1.006 (Tilt)
- ABV: 5.1%
Sample was clear and tasted incredibly clean. Bitterness seemed spot on for a Czech pilsner. None of that weird OSLO flavour I've had in previous stabs at light beer. Incredibly impressed by Lutra so far. Will obviously not know for sure until several weeks from now. Either way, I made sure to harvest a small mason jar of the slurry.
Plan is to let this carbonate over 2 weeks, lager for 3.5 weeks in my beer fridge and finally serve it on thanksgiving.
Put the keg in the mini fridge.
Apparently forgot to take any notes on this one. It was pretty ok, but not as crisp as I would want a pilsner to be. Did finish the whole keg at thanksgiving dinner, but I still don't feel it was "great", or even all that "good". It was very "ok".
Also accidentally made a Line Pilsner by sending two bottles to a friend in Sweden. Something went wrong with shipping, perhaps pandemic related, and the bottles ended up making multiple stops in the US and Europe before it finally was returned to sender 4 months later.