A set of wrappers around React's useState hook for many common scenarios. Written with TypeScript and equipped with typings, but available for use in any React project.
For when you need to switch things back and forth from true
to false
The first item in the return array is the current value, the second is a
toggle function that always flips the value, the third value is a function
that explicitly sets the value to true
, and the last value is a function
that explicitly sets the value to false
const [ currentValue, toggle, setToTrue, setToFalse ] = useToggle(true);
// the same order of return values applies regardless of whether initially `true` or `false`
const [ currentValue, toggle, setToTrue, setToFalse ] = useToggle(false);
For when you need to flip the switch once, and never flip the value again for as long as the component is mounted. The first item in the return array is the current value, and the second item is the toggle function that will only change the value once.
const [ currentValue, toggleOnce ] = useToggleOnce(true);
console.log(currentValue); // true
console.log(currentValue); // false
console.log(currentValue); // false, now and FOREVER! (until component is unmounted)
For when you need to flip between back and forth between two values that are not booleans. The first item in the return array is the current value, the second is a toggle function that always flips the value, the third value is a function that explicitly sets the value to the first value specified, and the last value is a function that explicitly sets the value to the second value specified.
const [ currentValue, toggle, setToA, setToB ] = useToggleValues('a', ['a', 'b']);
console.log(currentValue); // 'a'
console.log(currentValue); // 'b'
console.log(currentValue); // 'a'
console.log(currentValue); // 'b'
For when you have an array of defined values and want functions that corresponding to changing the state for each one.
const [ currentValue, setToOne, setToTwo, setToThree, setToFour ] = useValues(1, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
console.log(currentValue); // 1
console.log(currentValue); // 3
console.log(currentValue); // 2
console.log(currentValue); // 4
This becomes very useful when you have an array of elements mapped into individual components.
const values = [
const initial = values[0];
const [ currentValue, ...listeners ] = useValues(initial, values);
return (
User is currently a {currentValue}
{values.map((value, i) => (
<button onClick={listeners[i]}>Change to {value}</button>
For when you have a range of numerical integer values and want functions
to change state for each one. The range is specified as a two-item array
after the initial specified value. The first item is the min
and the last value is the max
. The range is exclusive for the max
const [ currentValue, setToOne, setToTwo, setToThree, setToFour ] = useRange(1, [1, 5]);
console.log(currentValue); // 1
console.log(currentValue); // 3
console.log(currentValue); // 2
console.log(currentValue); // 4
// You can always use the spread operator to reduce the number of variables.
const [ currentValue, ...listeners ] = useRange(1, [1, 5]);
For when you want to keep track of a previous state value. By default, the
first previous value is undefined
. Since the only thing previous to the
starting initial value is... nothingness. However, you can set the starting
previous value to be the same as the initial value by passing in true
the second hook argument. The caveat here is that the previous value will be
the same value twice in a row in the beginning.
Shout-out to Gabe Ragland for this one.
const [ current, toggle ] = useToggle(false);
const previous = usePrevious(current);
console.log(current); // false
console.log(previous); // undefined
console.log(current); // true
console.log(previous); // false
console.log(current); // false
console.log(previous); // true
// Setting the first previous value to be the same as the initial
const [ current, toggle ] = useToggle(false);
const previous = usePrevious(current, true);
console.log(current); // false
console.log(previous); // false
console.log(current); // true
console.log(previous); // false (same as the one above)
console.log(current); // false
console.log(previous); // true
For when you want a function to be called and have its return value be used to set the state.
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useResolver(null, () => {
const value = runComplicatedOperation();
const transformedValue = runAnotherOperation(value);
return transformedValue; // this will be the new current value
The second item in the returned array also accepts arguments and will pass those arguments to your resolver.
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useResolver(null, (...args) => {
console.log(args); // ['a', 'b']
const value = runComplicatedOperation();
const transformedValue = runAnotherOperation(value);
return transformedValue; // this will be the new current value
resolver('a', 'b');
This hook may seem a little redundant since all it really does is reduce a single function call. But it can help clean up organization of logic when dealing with imported utility functions that you would like to separate from your React logic.
import React from 'react';
import { useResolver } from 'react-common-state-hooks';
import { utilityFn, runHeavyCalculations, doMoreLogic } from './utilities';
function Comp() {
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useResolver(null, utilityFn);
return (
<select onChange={(event) => {
const selectValue = event.target.value;
const calculated = runHeavyCalculations();
const contextSpecific = doMoreLogic(calculated, selectValue);
<option value="DAY">Day</option>
<option value="WEEK">Week</option>
<option value="YEAR">Year</option>
For when you have an asynchronous operation and want the return value of a promise to be used to change your state.
The function passed in as the second hook argument MUST return a Promise. When the promise resolves successfully, the unwrapped value of the promise will be used to change the state and trigger a re-render.
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useAsycnResolver(null, () => {
return fetch('http://example.com/movies.json')
.then(response => response.json()); // when this resolves, it will be the new value of the state
// This is also valid
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useAsycnResolver(null, async () => {
const movies = await fetch('http://example.com/movies.json')
.then(response => response.json());
return movies;
Just as with useResolver
, arguments given to the second item in the
returned array pass through to the resolver.
const [ currentValue, resolver ] = useAsycnResolver(null, async (...args) => {
console.log(args); // ['a', 'b']
const movies = await fetch('http://example.com/movies.json')
.then(response => response.json());
return movies;
resolver('a', 'b');
This function does not change the state or trigger a re-render if the returned Promise fails. For the time being, this library will not try to implement an API for that scenario. Given how every React app is different, async failure is a situation that is best left up to you to figure out.