To configure logging, use the OPENVMM_LOG
environment variable. For example:
Enables debug events from all modules:
set OPENVMM_LOG=debug
Enables trace events from the mesh
crate and info events from everything else:
set OPENVMM_LOG=info,mesh=trace
This is backed by the
type; see the associated documentation for more details.
On Windows, OpenVMM also logs to ETW, via the Microsoft.HvLite provider.
To capture the trace first need to start the session:
logman.exe start trace <SessionName> -ow -o FileName0.etl -p "{22bc55fe-2116-5adc-12fb-3fadfd7e360c}" 0xffffffffffffffff 0xff -nb 16 16 -bs 16 -mode 0x2 -ets
For OpenHCL traces, use
as the provider GUID.
To flush:
logman.exe update <SessionName> -ets -fd
To stop:
logman.exe stop <SessionName> -ets
To decode as CSV:
tracerpt.exe <FileName0>.etl -y -of csv -o <FileName1>.csv -summary <FileName2>.summary