DISCLAIMER: This is purely an addon to APIDojo.net's Morningstar API found on RapidAPI.com. There is no affiliation between myself or any other party involved in the production of the API. The whole point of this addon is to make accessing the Morningstar API simpler and more fluid.
This addon is intended to help with accessing the Morningstar API provided by APIdojo on RapidAPI.com. Additionally, documentation for accessing the endpoints is provided below.
Furthermore, much of the API requires the user to know performance IDs of securities in order to get info on them. A big benefit of this addon is that the performance ID retrieval process is automated and allows for seamless requesting of tickers rather than performance IDs. On the contrary, a couple downsides to this method are listed in the Example of use section.
Note: There is a chance that some methods within the addon may not work over time depending on updates made to the API so I will be sure to make updates if requests come in. Thanks for understanding!
The API can be found here: https://rapidapi.com/apidojo/api/morning-star/endpoints
import axios from "axios";
const options = {
method: 'GET',
url: 'https://morning-star.p.rapidapi.com/market/v2/get-time-series',
params: {performanceIds: '0P0000OQN8,0P000000GY'},
headers: {
'x-rapidapi-key': '[API KEY GOES HERE]',
'x-rapidapi-host': 'morning-star.p.rapidapi.com'
axios.request(options).then(function (response) {
}).catch(function (error) {
import sas from './Morningstar-API-Addon.js';
- Concise requests
- Use of tickers as opposed to performance IDs
- Readable code
- Any request involving a ticker will almost always use up two requests instead of one (in case you are worried about requests made to the API for pricing purposes). The reason for this is that the ticker must first be cross-referenced to a performance ID (the API primarily runs off of performance IDs rather than tickers).
- Many of the methods in this addon only allow get requests of a single ticker. This is different from the API as you are able to request multiple performance IDs directly through the API. A future update will allow for ticker clustering. In other words, you will be able to request multiple tickers at a time.
- Clone the repository
- At the top of Morningstar-API-Addon.js , input your API key (must get it through RapidAPI) within the brackets here:
const api_key = '[API KEY GOES HERE]';
. - Utilize any of the methods in Morningstar-API-Addon.js by calling them through the
variable in app.js.sas
is an instance of theStockAPIService
class found in Morningstar-API-Addon.js.
Get returns data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
marketReturn5Years: 35.762864,
ticker: 'AAPL',
marketReturn1Year: 93.43269,
securityId: 'E0USA002US',
exchange: 'XNAS',
marketReturn3Years: 43.701513
Get real-time data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
netChange: { value: 1.2094, filtered: false },
previousClosePrice: { value: 122.15, filtered: false },
adjustedClosePrice: { value: 122.15, filtered: false },
name: { value: 'Apple', filtered: false },
percentNetChange: { value: 0.9901, filtered: false },
tradingStatus: { value: 'Open', filtered: false },
lastPrice: {
value: 123.3594,
filtered: false,
date: { value: '2021-04-01T11:36:55-04:00', filtered: false }
Get time-series data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
'0P000000GY': [
datetime: '2021-04-01T15:30:00Z',
volume: 569393,
lastPrice: 123.175,
openPrice: 123.2751,
lowPrice: 123.17,
highPrice: 123.31
datetime: '2021-04-01T15:25:00Z',
volume: 535491,
lastPrice: 123.2783,
openPrice: 123.22,
lowPrice: 123.19,
highPrice: 123.34
Get movers: actives, gainers, and losers for the day
Returns: Object
actives: [
exchange: 'XNYS',
lastPrice: 39.73,
percentChange: 1.9241,
performanceId: '0P0001EEPZ',
priceChange: 0.75,
standardName: 'NIO Inc ADR',
ticker: 'NIO',
volume: 68835976
exchange: 'XNYS',
lastPrice: 9.8,
percentChange: -4.0147,
performanceId: '0P00011H0G',
priceChange: -0.4099,
standardName: 'AMC Entertainment Holdings Inc Class A',
ticker: 'AMC',
volume: 37106466
gainers: [
exchange: 'XNAS',
lastPrice: 75.0249,
percentChange: 97.3301,
performanceId: '0P00013YNE',
priceChange: 37.0049,
standardName: 'Liberty TripAdvisor Holdings Inc Class B',
ticker: 'LTRPB',
volume: 333215
exchange: 'XNAS',
lastPrice: 30.19,
percentChange: 35.2599,
performanceId: '0P0000064Q',
priceChange: 7.87,
standardName: 'Kelly Services Inc Class B',
ticker: 'KELYB',
volume: 306382
losers: [
exchange: 'XNAS',
lastPrice: 108,
percentChange: -15.625,
performanceId: '0P00001SJ1',
priceChange: -20,
standardName: 'Discovery Inc Class B',
ticker: 'DISCB',
volume: 212163
exchange: 'XNAS',
lastPrice: 15.9499,
percentChange: -14.0167,
performanceId: '0P000003MK',
priceChange: -2.6001,
standardName: 'Microvision Inc',
ticker: 'MVIS',
volume: 17608811
Get quote data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
'0P000000GY': {
name: 'Apple Inc',
exchange: 'XNAS',
region: 'USA',
ticker: 'AAPL',
price: 122.67,
priceChange: 0.52,
percentChange: 0.4257,
openPrice: 123.66,
volume: 55853864,
yesterdayPrice: 122.15,
dayHigh: 124.18,
dayLow: 122.57,
fiftyTwoWeekHigh: 145.09,
fiftyTwoWeekLow: 59.225,
currency: 'USD',
marketPhase: 'Open',
activityTimeUTC: '2021-04-01T19:03:11Z',
exchangeActivityTimeLabel: '04/01/2021 03:03 PM EDT',
securityId: '0P000000GY'
Get global indices
Returns: Object
realTimeLastUpdateDate: '2021-04-01T19:24:02.000Z',
gmbIndexDataList: [
symbol: '33.10.!MSTAR',
ticker: '!MSTAR',
exchange: 33,
securityType: 10,
netChange: 99.57,
netChangePer: 0.9854,
companyName: 'Morningstar U.S. Market Index',
marketStatus: 'Open',
currency: 'USD',
avgVolume: 0,
volume: 0,
recentTradingDayOpenPrice: 10171.18,
lastClosePrice: 10104.91,
lastPrice: 10204.48,
lastUpdateDate: '2021-04-01T19:24:02.000Z',
lastUpdateTime: '15:24:02.000',
priceReturn1Week: 2.6856293,
priceReturn1Month: 1.9260728,
realTimeLastUpdateDate: '01-04-2021',
realTimeLastUpdateTime: '15:24:02.000',
isRunning: true
symbol: '33.10.MSAUAUDP',
ticker: 'MSAUAUDP',
exchange: 33,
securityType: 10,
netChange: 18.21,
netChangePer: 0.5814,
companyName: 'Morningstar Australia Index PR AUD',
marketStatus: 'Open',
currency: 'AUD',
avgVolume: 0,
volume: 0,
recentTradingDayOpenPrice: 3140.37,
lastClosePrice: 3132.33,
lastPrice: 3150.54,
lastUpdateDate: '2021-04-01T19:23:49.000Z',
lastUpdateTime: '15:23:49.000',
priceReturn1Week: 0.5010781,
priceReturn1Month: 0.5536763,
realTimeLastUpdateDate: '01-04-2021',
realTimeLastUpdateTime: '15:23:49.000',
isRunning: false
Get market summary at request time
Returns: Object
MarketRegions: {
USA: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
Europe: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
Asia: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
CAN: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
Barometers: {
ThreeYears: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
OneYear: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
ThreeMonths: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
OneWeek: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
OneDay: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
OneMonth: [
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object],
Timestamp: '2021-04-02T00:53:24Z'
Get real-time data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
status: 'OK',
lastPrice: 123,
bid: 123,
bidSize: 17,
ask: 123.05,
askSize: 2,
lotSize: 100,
volume: 75089134,
recentTradingDayOpenPrice: 123.66,
dayRangeHigh: 124.18,
dayRangeLow: 122.49,
lastClose: 122.15,
priceOfTradeAfter: 123,
timeOfTradeAfter: '2021-04-01T20:14:54.000',
recentTradingDay: '2021-04-01',
lastUpdateTime: '2021-04-01T16:15:02.000',
recentTradingDayJulian: '01-04-2021',
tradingStatus: 'Post-Trading',
marketCap: 2064935808000,
dividendYield: 0.0066667,
yearRangeHigh: 145.09,
yearRangeLow: 59.225,
currencyCode: 'USD',
currencySymbol: '$',
listedCurrency: 'USD',
tradedCurrency: null,
avgVolume: 631326.3064516129,
exchangeID: 'XNAS',
exchangeName: 'NASDAQ',
exchangeTimeZone: 'EST',
type: 'Equity',
ts: '1617322494000',
dayChange: 0.85,
dayChangePer: 0.6959,
bidMarket: '16',
askMarket: '19',
originationMarket: '16',
message: '126.1.AAPL',
lastUpdateRealTimeDate: '01-04-2021',
lastUpdateRealTimeTime: '20:14:54.000',
nav: null,
oneDayReturn: null,
navLastDate: null,
navLastDate1: null,
navLastTime: null,
isBats: true
Get real-time data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
iiv: null,
status: 'OK',
idsMessage: '126.1.AAPL',
lastPrice: 123,
priceOfTradeAfter: 123,
timeOfTradeAfter: '2021-04-01T20:14:54.000',
lastUpdateTime: '2021-04-01T16:15:02.000',
tradingStatus: 'Post-Trading',
dayChange: 0.85,
dayChangePer: 0.6959,
lastClose: 122.15,
exchangeId: 'XNAS',
ts: '1617322494000',
currencyCode: 'USD'
Get fair value data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
_meta: {
responseStatus: '200700',
hint: 'Securities successfully returned',
performanceId: '0P000000GY'
columnDefs: [
'2013', '2014',
'2015', '2016',
'2017', '2018',
'2019', '2020',
chart: {
chartDatums: { recent: [Object], yearly: [Array] },
isQual: true,
closePriceCurrency: null,
realtimeCurrency: 'USD',
lastCloseCurrency: 'USD',
fairValCurrency: 'USD'
table: { rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object] ] },
userType: 'Free',
footer: {
asOfLabel: 'As of',
asOfDate: '2021-04-01T00:00:00.000',
indexLabel: 'Index:',
indexName: 'Morningstar US Market TR USD'
Get key statistics of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
revenue3YearGrowth: { stockValue: '6.1900', indAvg: '5.2800' },
netIncome3YearGrowth: { stockValue: '5.8900', indAvg: '8.4000' },
operatingMarginTTM: { stockValue: '25.2400', indAvg: '23.1500' },
netMarginTTM: { stockValue: '21.7300', indAvg: '19.5200' },
roaTTM: { stockValue: '18.4100', indAvg: '12.9600' },
roeTTM: { stockValue: '82.0900', indAvg: '62.0500' },
debitToEquity: { stockValue: '1.4992', indAvg: '0.9188' },
freeCashFlow: { cashFlowTTM: '80219000000', date: '2020-12-31T06:00:00.000' }
Get analysis of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
userType: 'Free',
total: 280,
rpsCovered: true,
isLocalized: true,
analysisReport: {
headLine: 'Apple Enjoys Strong iPhone 12 Demand in December Quarter',
investmentThesis: 'Apple’s competitive advantage stems from its ability to package hardware, software, services, and third-party applications into sleek, intuitive, and appealing devices. This expertise enables the firm to capture a premium on its hardware, unlike most of its peers. Despite its admirable reputation, loyal customer base, and unique products, the consu',
investmentThesisDateUTC: '2020-10-30T03:13:00Z',
economicMoat: null,
economicMoatDateUTC: '2020-10-30T03:13:00Z',
valuation: null,
valuationDateUTC: '2021-01-28T05:08:00Z',
risk: null,
riskDateUTC: '2020-10-30T03:13:00Z',
management: null,
managementDateUTC: '2020-11-04T22:11:00Z',
bullsSay: null,
bearsSay: null,
author: {
authorId: 1919,
authorName: 'Abhinav Davuluri',
authorImage: 'https://im.mstar.com/Content/CMSImages/78x78/1919-adavulu-78x78.jpg',
authorImageHeadshot: 'https://im.mstar.com/im/BetaSiteHeadshots/Abhinav-Davuluri_1919.jpg',
email: 'abhinav.davuluri@morningstar.com',
phoneNumber: '+1 312 244 7400',
holdings: '',
jobTitle: null,
isPrimaryAuthor: true,
profiles: [Array]
analystNote: { note: null, title: null, date: null, author: null },
lastUpdateBy: 1919
Get the trailing total returns of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
returnDate: '2021-04-01T05:00:00.000',
trailingTotalReturnsList: [
name: 'AAPL',
trailing1DayReturn: '0.69587',
trailing1WeekReturn: '1.99851',
trailing1MonthReturn: '-3.74834',
trailing3MonthReturn: '-7.14824',
trailing6MonthReturn: '5.66829',
trailingYearToDateReturn: '-7.14824',
trailing1YearReturn: '105.58715',
trailing3YearReturn: '44.02793',
trailing5YearReturn: '35.69792',
trailing10YearReturn: '26.41196',
trailing15YearReturn: '30.97328'
name: 'Consumer Electronics',
trailing1DayReturn: '0.00000',
trailing1WeekReturn: '1.51926',
trailing1MonthReturn: '-1.47906',
trailing3MonthReturn: '-6.11984',
trailing6MonthReturn: '11.28748',
trailingYearToDateReturn: '-6.11984',
trailing1YearReturn: '102.00561',
trailing3YearReturn: '43.86543',
trailing5YearReturn: '36.29106',
trailing10YearReturn: '26.29825',
trailing15YearReturn: '25.55807'
name: 'Morningstar US Market TR USD',
trailing1DayReturn: '1.27531',
trailing1WeekReturn: '2.98366',
trailing1MonthReturn: '2.32540',
trailing3MonthReturn: '7.36229',
trailing6MonthReturn: '21.72158',
trailingYearToDateReturn: '7.36229',
trailing1YearReturn: '71.30381',
trailing3YearReturn: '17.62091',
trailing5YearReturn: '16.78492',
trailing10YearReturn: '13.94772',
trailing15YearReturn: '10.28433'
name: '+/-Consumer Electronics',
trailing1DayReturn: '0.69587',
trailing1WeekReturn: '0.47925',
trailing1MonthReturn: '-2.26928',
trailing3MonthReturn: '-1.02840',
trailing6MonthReturn: '-5.61919',
trailingYearToDateReturn: '-1.02840',
trailing1YearReturn: '3.58154',
trailing3YearReturn: '0.16250',
trailing5YearReturn: '-0.59314',
trailing10YearReturn: '0.11371',
trailing15YearReturn: '5.41521'
name: '+/-Morningstar US Market TR USD',
trailing1DayReturn: '-0.57944',
trailing1WeekReturn: '-0.98515',
trailing1MonthReturn: '-6.07374',
trailing3MonthReturn: '-14.51053',
trailing6MonthReturn: '-16.05329',
trailingYearToDateReturn: '-14.51053',
trailing1YearReturn: '34.28334',
trailing3YearReturn: '26.40702',
trailing5YearReturn: '18.91300',
trailing10YearReturn: '12.46424',
trailing15YearReturn: '20.68895'
Get analysis data of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
ticker: 'AAPL',
isQuan: false,
userType: 'Free',
valuation: {
fairValue: '_PO_',
fairValueDate: '2021-01-28T00:00:00.000',
assessment: '_PO_',
assessmentDate: '2021-04-02T00:00:00.000',
uncertainty: '_PO_',
moat: '_PO_',
moatDate: '2021-04-02T00:00:00.000',
moatTrendEvaluate: 'Stable',
premiumDisc: '_PO_',
stewardship: '_PO_',
stewardshipDate: '2021-04-02T00:00:00.000',
premDiscDelta: '_PO_',
oneStar: '_PO_',
oneStarDate: '2021-04-02T00:00:00.000',
fiveStar: '_PO_',
fiveStarDate: '2021-04-02T00:00:00.000',
fairValCurrency: 'USD',
bf2: '_PO_',
bf3: '_PO_',
bf4: '_PO_',
bf5: '_PO_',
lastClose: '_PO_',
startRating: '_PO_',
lastCloseCurrency: 'USD'
companyProfile: "Apple designs a wide variety of consumer electronic devices, including smartphones (iPhone), tablets (iPad), PCs (Mac), smartwatches (Apple Watch), and TV boxes (Apple TV), among others. The iPhone makes up the majority of Apple’s total revenue. In addition, Apple offers its customers a variety of services such as Apple Music, iCloud, Apple Care, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Card, and Apple Pay, among others. Apple's products run internally developed software and semiconductors, and the firm is well known for its integration of hardware, software and services. Apple's products are distributed online as well as through company-owned stores and third-party retailers. The company generates roughly 40% of its revenue from the Americas, with the remainder earned internationally."
Get financial statements of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
incomeStatement: {
_meta: {
companyId: '0C00000ADA',
statementType: 'income-statement',
periodReport: 'Success',
latestReport: 'Success'
columnDefs: [ '2018', '2019', '2020', 'TTM' ],
filingIdList: [ '196175848', '249245111', '305794031', null ],
columnDefs_labels: [ '20180930', '20190930', '20200930', '20201231' ],
rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
footer: {
currency: 'USD',
currencySymbol: '$',
orderOfMagnitude: 'Billion',
fiscalYearEndDate: '09-30'
balanceSheet: {
_meta: {
companyId: '0C00000ADA',
statementType: 'balance-sheet',
periodReport: 'Success',
latestReport: 'Success'
columnDefs: [ '2017', '2018', '2020', 'Q1 2021' ],
filingIdList: [ null, '196175848', '305794031', '319017311' ],
columnDefs_labels: [ '', '20180930', '20200930', '20201231' ],
rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
footer: {
currency: 'USD',
currencySymbol: '$',
orderOfMagnitude: 'Billion',
fiscalYearEndDate: '09-30'
cashFlow: {
_meta: {
companyId: '0C00000ADA',
statementType: 'cash-flow',
periodReport: 'Success',
latestReport: 'Success'
columnDefs: [ '2018', '2019', '2020', 'TTM' ],
filingIdList: [ '196175848', '249245111', '305794031', null ],
columnDefs_labels: [ '20180930', '20190930', '20200930', '20201231' ],
rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
footer: {
currency: 'USD',
currencySymbol: '$',
orderOfMagnitude: 'Billion',
fiscalYearEndDate: '09-30'
Get executive insights for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
rows: [
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS000028BK',
name: 'Timothy D. Cook',
title: 'Director and Chief Executive Officer',
holding: '837374.0000',
memberSince: '1998',
age: '59',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS00007GV6',
name: 'Luca Maestri',
title: 'Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer',
holding: '110272.0000',
memberSince: '2014',
age: '56',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS00003BJC',
name: 'Katherine L. Adams',
title: 'Senior Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary',
holding: '316581.0000',
memberSince: '2017',
age: '56',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS00005TC8',
name: 'Jeffery Williams',
title: 'Chief Operating Officer',
holding: '489260.0000',
memberSince: '2010',
age: '57',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS0000B6SC',
name: "Deirdre O'Brien",
title: 'Senior Vice President, Retail and People',
holding: '135888.0000',
memberSince: '2019',
age: '54',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'person',
personId: 'PS0000A2NI',
name: 'Chris Kondo',
title: 'Senior Director, Corporate Accounting and Principal Accounting Officer',
holding: '26876.0000',
memberSince: '2015',
age: null,
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
type: 'total',
personId: 'totalKeyCompensation',
name: 'Compensation for all Key Executives',
totalCompensation: [Array],
compensation: [Array]
datesDef: [ '2015', '2016', '2017', '2018', '2019' ],
currency: 'USD'
Get competitor info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
userType: 'Free',
main: {
ticker: 'AAPL',
name: 'Apple Inc',
instrumentId: '126.1.AAPL',
fairValue: '_PO_',
moat: '_PO_',
assessment: '_PO_',
starRating: '_PO_',
priceSale: '7.256192',
priceBook: '31.181079',
priceEarnings: '33.153639',
priceFair: '_PO_',
isQuant: false,
exchangeId: null,
shareClassId: null,
securityType: null,
dividendYield: '0.0067',
investmentStyle: '2',
bf2: '151.9',
bf3: '112.70000',
bf4: '83.30000',
bf5: '58.8',
premiumDisc: '26',
performanceId: '0P000000GY',
uncertaintyCurrent: '_PO_',
fairValCurrency: 'USD',
analyst: 'Abhinav Davuluri, Sector Strategist',
fairValDate: '2021-01-28T05:06:22Z',
starRatingDate: '2021-04-01T21:30:00Z',
lastCloseDB: 123,
lastCloseCurrencyDB: 'USD'
competitors: [
ticker: 'GOOGL',
name: 'Alphabet Inc A',
instrumentId: '126.1.GOOGL',
fairValue: '_PO_',
moat: '_PO_',
assessment: '_PO_',
starRating: '_PO_',
priceSale: '8.555315',
priceBook: '6.451591',
priceEarnings: '41.128670',
priceFair: '_PO_',
isQuant: false,
exchangeId: null,
shareClassId: null,
securityType: null,
dividendYield: null,
investmentStyle: '3',
bf2: '4037.75',
bf3: '2995.75000',
bf4: '2214.25000',
bf5: '1563',
premiumDisc: '-18',
performanceId: '0P000002HD',
uncertaintyCurrent: '_PO_',
fairValCurrency: 'USD',
analyst: 'Ali Mogharabi, Senior Equity Analyst',
fairValDate: '2021-02-03T14:31:23Z',
starRatingDate: '2021-04-01T21:30:00Z',
lastCloseDB: 2129.78,
lastCloseCurrencyDB: 'USD'
ticker: 'HPQ',
name: 'HP Inc',
instrumentId: '126.1.HPQ',
fairValue: '_PO_',
moat: '_PO_',
assessment: '_PO_',
starRating: '_PO_',
priceSale: '0.766',
priceBook: null,
priceEarnings: '12.338141',
priceFair: '_PO_',
isQuant: false,
exchangeId: null,
shareClassId: null,
securityType: null,
dividendYield: '0.0231',
investmentStyle: '1',
bf2: '35.65',
bf3: '26.45000',
bf4: '19.55000',
bf5: '13.8',
premiumDisc: '39',
performanceId: '0P000002O2',
uncertaintyCurrent: '_PO_',
fairValCurrency: 'USD',
analyst: 'Mark Cash, Senior Equity Analyst',
fairValDate: '2021-02-26T05:50:33Z',
starRatingDate: '2021-04-01T21:30:00Z',
lastCloseDB: 32.05,
lastCloseCurrencyDB: 'USD'
ticker: 'MSFT',
name: 'Microsoft Corp',
instrumentId: '126.1.MSFT',
fairValue: '_PO_',
moat: '_PO_',
assessment: '_PO_',
starRating: '_PO_',
priceSale: '12.088725',
priceBook: '14.034952',
priceEarnings: '38.167554',
priceFair: '_PO_',
isQuant: false,
exchangeId: null,
shareClassId: null,
securityType: null,
dividendYield: '0.0088',
investmentStyle: '3',
bf2: '355.05',
bf3: '289.30000',
bf4: '236.70000',
bf5: '184.1',
premiumDisc: '-8',
performanceId: '0P000003MH',
uncertaintyCurrent: '_PO_',
fairValCurrency: 'USD',
analyst: 'Dan Romanoff, Equity Analyst',
fairValDate: '2021-01-27T03:16:10Z',
starRatingDate: '2021-04-01T21:30:00Z',
lastCloseDB: 242.35,
lastCloseCurrencyDB: 'USD'
Get profile of a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
'0P000000GY': {
ticker: { value: 'AAPL', filtered: false },
website: { value: 'https://www.apple.com', filtered: false },
headquarterCountry: { value: 'United States', filtered: false },
contactEmail: { value: 'tgala@apple.com', filtered: false },
stockType: { value: 'Cyclical', filtered: false },
headquarterAddress1: { value: 'One Apple Park Way', filtered: false },
industry: { value: 'Consumer Electronics', filtered: false },
stockStarRating: {
value: '1',
filtered: true,
date: [Object],
text: [Object],
type: [Object]
fiscalYearEndDate: { value: '2021-09-30', filtered: false },
headquarterCity: { value: 'Cupertino', filtered: false },
headquarterState: { value: 'CA', filtered: false },
reportDate: { value: '2020-12-31', filtered: false },
phone: { value: '+1 408 996-1010', filtered: false },
universe: { value: 'EQ', filtered: false },
headquarterPostalCode: { value: '95014', filtered: false },
exchange: { value: 'XNAS', filtered: false },
companyProfile: {
value: "Apple designs a wide variety of consumer electronic devices, including smartphones (iPhone), tablets (iPad), PCs (Mac), smartwatches (Apple Watch), and TV boxes (Apple TV), among others. The iPhone makes up the majority of Apple’s total revenue. In addition, Apple offers its customers a variety of services such as Apple Music, iCloud, Apple Care, Apple TV+, Apple Arcade, Apple Card, and Apple Pay, among others. Apple's products run internally developed software and semiconductors, and the firm is well known for its integration of hardware, software and services. Apple's products are distributed online as well as through company-owned stores and third-party retailers. The company generates roughly 40% of its revenue from the Americas, with the remainder earned internationally.",
filtered: false
fax: { value: '+1 408 974-2483', filtered: false },
totalEmployees: { value: 147000, filtered: false },
sector: { value: 'Technology', filtered: false }
Get ownernship info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
isRestricted: false,
userType: 'Free',
country: 'USA',
rows: [
secId: 'FOUSA00FQU',
name: 'Vanguard Total Stock Mkt Idx Inv',
totalSharesHeld: 2.5699409927129317,
totalAssets: 4.73305,
currentShares: 431444161,
changeAmount: -1051272,
changePercentage: -0.24307123724009358,
date: '2021-02-28T00:00:00.000',
trend: '_PO_',
starRating: '4'
secId: 'FOUSA00FS1',
name: 'Vanguard 500 Index Investor',
totalSharesHeld: 1.9419843322316004,
totalAssets: 6.02461,
currentShares: 326022194,
changeAmount: 5176211,
changePercentage: 1.613300859060467,
date: '2021-02-28T00:00:00.000',
trend: '_PO_',
starRating: '4'
columnDefs: [
{ columnId: 'name', dataType: 'string' },
{ columnId: 'starRating', dataType: 'string' },
{ columnId: 'totalSharesHeld', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'totalAssets', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'trend', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'currentShares', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'changeAmount', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'changePercentage', dataType: 'number' },
{ columnId: 'date', dataType: 'string' }
Get dividend info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
rows: [
label: 'Dividend Per Share',
salDataId: 'dividends.per.share.label',
datum: [Array]
label: 'Trailing Dividend Yield %',
salDataId: 'trailing.dividends.yield.label',
datum: [Array],
percentage: true
label: 'Buyback Yield %',
salDataId: 'buyback.yield.label',
datum: [Array],
percentage: true
label: 'Total Yield %',
salDataId: 'total.yield.label',
datum: [Array],
percentage: true
label: 'Payout Ratio %',
salDataId: 'payout.ratio.label',
datum: [Array],
percentage: true
columnDefs_labels: [
dividendData: {
label: [
upcomingData: [],
dividendHistory: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ]
quoteData: [
name: 'dividendYield',
label: 'Dividend Yield',
salDataId: 'dividend.yield.label',
date: '2021-04-03T00:00:00.000',
value: '0.0067'
name: 'divReinvestmentPlan',
label: 'Div Reinvestment Plan',
salDataId: 'div.reinvestment.plan.label',
date: '2021-02-05T00:00:00.000',
value: 'No'
footer: {
asOfLabel: 'As of',
distributionCurrency: 'USD',
asOfDate: '2021-04-03T00:00:00.000'
Get short interest info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
sharesOutstanding: 16788.096,
floatShares: 16778.3045,
sharesShorted: 107011007,
sharesShortedDate: '2021-03-15T05:00:00.000',
floatSharesShorted: 0.6378,
daysToConver: 1,
sharesShortedChanged: 6.1624,
previousSharesShortedDate: '2021-02-26T06:00:00.000'
Get histories info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Array
RequestKey: '0P000000GY',
'1D': [],
'3M': [
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
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[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
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[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
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... 354 more items
'1Y': [
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
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... 543 more items
'5Y': [
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[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object]
MAX: [
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
[Object], [Object], [Object], [Object],
... 387 more items
Get splits info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
splitHistory: [
{ date: '2020-08-31T05:00:00.000', ratio: '4:1' },
{ date: '2014-06-09T05:00:00.000', ratio: '7:1' },
{ date: '2005-02-28T06:00:00.000', ratio: '2:1' },
{ date: '2000-06-21T05:00:00.000', ratio: '2:1' },
{ date: '1987-06-16T05:00:00.000', ratio: '2:1' }
splitOffHistory: []
Get mini chart quote info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
status: 'OK',
idsMessage: '126.1.AAPL',
exchangeID: 'XNAS',
exchangeTimeZoneCode: 'EST',
exchangeTimeZoneOffset: '-4:00',
previousTradingDayClosePrice: 122.15,
recentTradingDay: '2021-04-01',
lastUpdateDay: '2021-04-01',
recentTradingDayOpenTime: '2021-04-01T13:30Z',
recentTradingDayCloseTime: '2021-04-01T20:00Z',
recentTradingDayOpenPrice: 123.66,
exchangeName: 'NASDAQ',
priceOfTradeAfter: 123,
tradingStatus: 'Closed',
recentTradingDayTSPrices: [
dateGMT: '01-04-2021',
exchangeTime: '20:00',
openPrice: 122.977,
tradingVolume: 4746761,
gmtDateTime: '2021-04-01T20:00Z'
dateGMT: '01-04-2021',
exchangeTime: '19:55',
openPrice: 122.9,
tradingVolume: 2737351,
gmtDateTime: '2021-04-01T19:55Z'
chartStatus: 'OK',
marketOpenToday: true
Get valuation info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
Collapsed: {
rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
columnDefs: [
'Calendar', '2011',
'2012', '2013',
'2014', '2015',
'2016', '2017',
'2018', '2019',
'2020', 'Current',
'5-Yr', 'Index'
columnDefs_labels: [
userType: null,
footer: {
asOfLabel: 'As of',
asOfDate: '2021-04-04T00:00:00.000',
indexLabel: 'Index:',
indexName: 'Morningstar US Market TR USD',
enterpriseValueCurrency: 'USD'
Expanded: {
rows: [ [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object], [Object] ],
columnDefs: [
'Calendar', '2011',
'2012', '2013',
'2014', '2015',
'2016', '2017',
'2018', '2019',
'2020', 'Current',
'5-Yr', 'Index'
columnDefs_labels: [
Get operating performance info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Object
_meta: {
responseStatus: '200700',
hint: 'Securities successfully returned',
performanceId: '0P000000GY'
reported: {
reportType: 'Fiscal',
reportType_label: 'operating.performance.report.type',
columnDefs: [
'2011', '2012', '2013',
'2014', '2015', '2016',
'2017', '2018', '2019',
'2020', 'TTM', '5-Yr',
columnDefs_labels: [
Collapsed: { rows: [Array] },
Expanded: { rows: [Array] }
restated: {
reportType: 'Fiscal',
reportType_label: 'operating.performance.report.type',
columnDefs: [
'2011', '2012', '2013',
'2014', '2015', '2016',
'2017', '2018', '2019',
'2020', 'TTM', '5-Yr',
columnDefs_labels: [
Collapsed: { rows: [Array] },
Expanded: { rows: [Array] }
footer: {
indexLabel: 'Index:',
indexName: 'Morningstar US Market TR USD',
ebitdaCurrency: 'USD'
Get instrument info for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Array
status: 'OK',
lastPrice: 661.75,
lastClose: 667.93,
tradingStatus: 'Closed',
marketCap: 635183056272,
currencyCode: 'USD',
currencySymbol: '$',
listedCurrency: 'USD',
tradedCurrency: null,
exchangeID: 'XNAS',
exchangeName: 'NASDAQ',
exchangeTimeZone: 'EST',
type: 'Equity',
dayChange: -6.18,
dayChangePer: -0.9252,
message: '126.1.TSLA'
Get details for a security
| Type: String
Returns: Array
Name: 'Apple Inc',
Currency: 'USD',
Exchange: 'XNAS',
Type: 'ST',
TypeName: 'Stock',
ExchangeShortName: 'NASDAQ',
ExchangeTimeZoneOffsetFromUTCInSeconds: -14400,
PerformanceId: '0P000000GY',
ShareClassId: '0P000000GY',
FundShareClassId: '0P000000GY',
InceptionDate: '1980-12-12',
Sector: 'Technology',
Industry: 'Consumer Electronics',
RequestKey: '0P000000GY',
Detail: {
StarRating: 2,
EquityStyle: 2,
IsStarRatingBasedOnExtendedPerformance: false,
Yield: 0.67,
ConsiderBuying: 'Premium',
ConsiderSelling: 'Premium',
CreditRating: 'Premium',
RevenueTTM: 294135,
PriceFairValue: 'Premium',
ForwardDividendYield: 0.67,
PriceProspectiveEarnings: 28.7356,
PriceBook: 31.181079,
PriceSales: 7.256192,
PriceCashFlow: 24.002203,
ReturnOnInvestmentCapital: 33.66,
OverUnderValued: 'Premium',
ReturnOnAssets: [Object],
ReturnOnEquity: [Object],
EarningsPerShare: [Object],
OperatingMargin: [Object],
NetMargin: [Object],
FreeCashFlowMargin: [Object],
QuarterlyEarningsPerShare: [Object],
Valuation: [Object],
FairValue: 98,
Assessment: 'Overvalued',
BestRatingType: 'Qual'
RegionAndTicker: 'USA:AAPL',
Instrument: '126.1.AAPL'
Get list of articles for a security
Refer to the API on RapidAPI for further documentation and example of use
Get details of article for a security (based on article ID)
Refer to the API on RapidAPI for further documentation and example of use