ColdZap is a game written in python
using the pygame
The game is a dungeon explorer style game where the player must navigate through a level and kill all the enemies to access the next level. The player must use the environment to their advantage to complete the level. The game is currently in development and is not yet complete.
- The player can move using the
keys. The player can also use the arrow keys to move.
- Shooting is automatic. Simply get in line with an enemy and the player will shoot automatically.
- The game saves automatically when the player completes a level.
- Beware, the game will reset when the player dies.
- The game has 4 levels currently.
- The game is not yet complete and more levels will be added in the future :).
- Vasudev Dinesh (Debugging and testing)
- Sooreya Narayanan MS (Playtesting)
- Soundtrap (Music)
- Illustrator (Image Assets)
access the repo here: