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In open source the principle should be that you have... a social contract. Not a legal contract, but a social contract: if you use this software and it's valuable to you, instead of sending someone money, which is what you would've done in the early '90s with shareware. Instead of doing that, if you find a bug, contribute that bug back. That is the principle. The principle is that you have a social contract and a moral obligation to assist the thing that assisted you.
In order to prevent (or a the very least minimize) past circumstances from being able to repeat, several steps have been implemented:
- We are clearly stating that the "ownership" of QB64 is by the QB64 Community; operated from the home base of QB64.com (here).
- Project is and will remain MIT licensed.
- The current plan is about stability, bug-fixes, documentation, samples, etc.
- With a focus on fixing what is already there with a primary (never to be lost) attention toward compatibility with QBasic/QB4.5... with a further goal to "connect"/"highlight" this history.
- Focus on growing community; an effort should be made to highlight the work of those using QB64.
- Should have clear structure in place especially when a project moves from a single developer to many; so with that suggesting Minimum Viable Governance: lightweight community structure to grow your FOSS projects.
- Have a clearly defined Code of Conduct that will be followed by all involved; so suggesting adopting the Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct used by the .NET Foundation. This Code of Conduct is in effect for QB64.com and any official related repo(s), Discord, Forum(s), etc.
- Continue to review Rob Galleons philosophy for contributions as part of defining the MVG.
- There will be no Benevolent Dictator for Life role; the only person that could claim that role has separated himself from the project... as such, the need for a MVG structure is needed for QB64.
- Any donations, fund-raisers, financial contributions, etc. will not be considered in any manner unless/until a solid foundation exists and a real treasurer is in place. This may never actually happen, but until it does... no one, period, should be asking for any money in any way as related to QB64.