Electoral vs. Popular Votes
- Max Gutman
- Sonali Sharma
- Laura Wishingrad
Our project provides a look at the results of each of the Presidential Elections in the US. Each year is represented as a small multiple to allow for comparison between the election years. We use color to indicate political party affiliation, percentage of the donut charts to indicate the percentage of electoral or popular votes a party earned, and the size of the donut charts are scaled based on the total number of electoral votes. Additionally, we denote whether the incumbent ran in the election, and whether or not he won. The name of the winning candidate appears above the donut chart, and the name of the runner-up appears below. Finally, we allow for a comparison between the electoral votes and popular votes earned.
- Javascript & jQuery
- d3.js
- tipsy.js
Chrome, Safari
Transition animation is a bit off. Tipsy tooltip only displays electoral vote data.