- Food Order App
Ios | Android |
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Step 1: git clone this repo:
Step 2: cd to the cloned repo:
Step 3: Install the Application with yarn
or npm i
- The restaurant name
- Picture from the restaurant
- Phone number to call on click
But it only work on Real Device Check screen shot on real deveice
- Brief intro of the restaurant type
- I use Redux State Management for manging state of the application
- Redux Saga for MiddleWare and async function like call backend
- I use mocked Custome Api also my Application supports http call i use api sauce a
- for Mock api support i use Json and store folder called Fixtures and write service that simulate to call and get json
- saga will call same like it call api to the mock and get data and store to redux
- redux I use redux persist to store data in memory asyncStorege
- To change from Mock to real api all you need to do is just change /config/DebugConfig.js useFixture to false
useFixtures: true,
ezLogin: false,
yellowBox: __DEV__,
reduxLogging: __DEV__,
includeExamples: __DEV__,
useReactotron: __DEV__ }
and then cofigure your custom url and call in /Services/Api.js
I use React Native Navigation v2 wix for navigation support
ALL my Code is easy to understand components is for reusable code containers is for screen i add readme.me each folder
all image are in Images
all theme image require and colors is in /Themes/
all redux is in /Redux/
all saga /Saga/
- All my code is linted standar
- I write test for all function in redux
- wrote test for all funciton in saga
- all test passed
- test i use enzym
- cd to the repo
- Run Build for either OS
- for iOS
- run
react-native run-ios
- run
- for Android
- Run Genymotion
- run
react-native run-android
To Lint on Commit
This is implemented using husky. There is no additional setup needed.
Bypass Lint
If you have to bypass lint for a special commit that you will come back and clean (pushing something to a branch etc.) then you can bypass git hooks with adding --no-verify
to your commit command.
Understanding Linting Errors
The linting rules are from JS Standard and React-Standard. Regular JS errors can be found with descriptions here, while React errors and descriptions can be found here.
This project uses react-native-config to expose config variables to your javascript code in React Native. You can store API keys
and other sensitive information in a .env
and access them from React Native like so:
import Secrets from 'react-native-config'
Secrets.API_URL // 'https://myapi.com'
Secrets.GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY // 'abcdefgh'
The .env
file is ignored by git keeping those secrets out of your repo.
- Copy .env.example to .env
- Add your config variables
- Follow instructions at https://github.com/luggit/react-native-config#setup
- Done!