This RaspberryPi motor-driving board can communicate with RaspberryPi via IIC.
It can control the motor to rotate forward and reserve, and rotation speed.
The control command is IIC command and the drive command is PWM signal.
The single-channel maximum operate current is 1.2A. The input port is compatible with GPIO port.
With 2 independent output channels and 2 encoder ports, it can control 2 DC-motors or 2 motors with encoder.
Application: RaspberryPi smart car, DIY tank, DIY micro-fish...
Provide a Raspberry Pi library for the DC Motor Driver HAT modules.
DC Motors driver.
- Two DC motors with encoder control or normal DC motors.
- Get motors speed form encoder.
- PWM frequency set.
- PWM duty set.
This Sensor should work with DFRobot_RaspberryPi_DC_Motor on RaspberryPi.
Run the program:
$> python2
class DFRobot_DC_Motor:
''' Enum motor ID '''
M1 = 0x01
M2 = 0x02
''' Board status '''
STA_OK = 0x00
STA_ERR = 0x01
''' last operate status, users can use this variable to determine the result of a function call. '''
last_operate_status = STA_OK
''' Orientation and global variables '''
CW = 0x01 # clockwise
CCW = 0x02 # countclockwise
STOP = 0x05
ALL = 0xffffffff
def begin(self):
@brief Board begin
@return Board status
def set_addr(self, addr):
@brief Set board controler address, reboot module to make it effective
@param address: int Address to set, range in 1 to 127
def set_encoder_enable(self, id):
@brief Set dc motor encoder enable
@param id: list Encoder list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
def set_encoder_disable(self, id):
@brief Set dc motor encoder disable
@param id: list Encoder list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
def set_encoder_reduction_ratio(self, id, reduction_ratio):
@brief Set dc motor encoder reduction ratio
@param id: list Encoder list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
@param reduction_ratio: int Set dc motor encoder reduction ratio, range in 1 to 2000, (pulse per circle) = 16 * reduction_ratio * 2
def get_encoder_speed(self, id):
@brief Get dc motor encoder speed, unit rpm
@param id: list Encoder list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
@return :list List of encoders speed
def set_moter_pwm_frequency(self, frequency):
@brief Set dc motor pwm frequency
@param frequency: int Frequency to set, in range 100HZ to 12750HZ, otherwise no effective (actual frequency) = frequency - (frequency % 50)
def motor_movement(self, id, orientation, speed):
@brief Motor movement
@param id: list Motor list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
@param orientation: int Motor orientation, self.CW (clockwise) or self.CCW (counterclockwise)
@param speed: float Motor pwm duty cycle, in range 0 to 100, otherwise no effective
def motor_stop(self, id):
@brief Motor stop
@param id: list Motor list, items in range 1 to 2, or id = self.ALL
def detecte(self):
@brief If you forget address you had set, use this to detecte them, must have class instance
@return Board list conformed
class DFRobot_DC_Motor_IIC(DFRobot_DC_Motor):
def __init__(self, bus_id, addr):
@param bus_id: int Which bus to operate
@oaram addr: int Board controler address
·author [Frank]