This repository performs a SAT-based attack on locked open-source designs: (1) modules from the RISC-V Ariane core and (2) modules from an AES core. The attacks are executed using two open-source tools: (1) the original SAT-based attack tool and (2) the RANE tool.
- Original SAT-based attack
This attack was first described in 2015 in the paper Evaluating the Security of Logic Encryption Algorithms The repository and further installation steps can be found here.
The RANE tool is described in the paper RANE: An Open-Source Formal De-obfuscation Attack for Reverse Engineering of Logic Encrypted Circuits The repository and further installation steps can be found here.
- Yosys
The repository and further installation steps can be found here.
- Synopsys DC (optional)
Commercial tool
The logic locking is performed only on several combinational modules from both Ariane and AES.
The designs to be (un-)locked are separated in two folders, benmchmarks\ariane
and benmchmarks\aes
The directory structure in both designs is the same.
- The RTL file being locked is in the folder
- The synthesized netlist in assignment format is stored inn
. Depending on the tool used, all the consecutive files are stored either inyosys
subfolder. - The netlist in
format is stored in3_bench_orig
- The locked netlist as well as the results from the unlocking are stored in
The main script is scripts/
. All the steps are documented there. The additional files are in the same scripts
The script scripts/
executes all the necessary steps to perform the SAT-based locking and attack.
The general flow is shown in the following figure:
Let's take the aes_sbox
module as an example, synthesized with Yosys.
The original design is located in benchmarks/aes/1_rtl_orig/aes_sbox.v
While performing the (un-)locking with both tools (original SAT and RANE), some manual changes have to be done on the files in different formats in order for the attacks to succeed. The scripts contain additional comments.
Before the modules can be locked, they have to be synthesized first.
The SAT-attack tool excepts netlists in bench
RANE tool can work with neltislts in bench
as well as in verilog
format, however, this flow covers only the bench
format, since that is the only output from the SAT-based tool.
The synthesys with Yosys is done using the yosys.tcl
The synthesized netlist is in assignment format in benchmarks/aes/2_assign_orig/yosys/aes_sbox.v
See the script for additional comments.
The synthesys with Synopsys DC is done using the dc.tcl
The synthesized netlist is in assignment format.
Yosys/ABC is used to do the conversion from verilog assignment format to blif
to bench
The original netlist is in benchmarks/aes/3_bench_orig/yosys/aes_sbox.bench
The logic locking is executed with the SAT-based attack tool.
It can perform Random Logic Locking (RLL) as well as Strong Logic Locking (SLL) with configurable key-input sizes.
The encrypted output netlist is in benchmarks/aes/4_bench_obf/yosys/aes_sbox.bench
❗ The RLL using the RANE tool did not work due to missing files in the repository.
The SAT-based attack produces an output stored in benchmarks/aes/4_bench_obf/yosys/statistics.txt
If the attack is successful, it shows the key, the number of DIPs as well as the time needed for unlocking.
:exclamation: Unlocking with RANE must be done with additional modifications to the signal names as described in scripts/