The world's biggest dump for the not-so-dumb ideas.
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It is time to say hi to your ideas. This project emerged from an empowering message I believe in: every idea, no matter how quirky, carries a potential spark. Step into hi-deas, an imaginative playground that ignites your creativity. Get ready to unveil your hidden billionaire concepts and embrace the magic of innovation!
Not available, check the running instructions.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Handlebars
- Express
- Bcrypt
- Sequelize
- MVC Architecture
- Handler to deal with user cookies and sessions
- Bcrypt library for password hashings
- Flash messages on the frontend for a better user experience/interaction
- [X] Add project information readme
- [X] Allow users to navigate to individual ideas by the main page
- [ ] Add a new project logo
- [ ] Add .env configurations for user customization
- [ ] Allow users to post comments on ideas
- [ ] Fix a session bug that "sometimes" prevents users from logging in
$ git clone
$ npm install
$ Make sure to have your environment settings correctly configured in `db/conn.js`;
$ npm run start
$ Then open your web browser;
$ Go to `localhost:3000`;
No documentation needed in this project. Simply run the application.
This project is sprinkled with the open-source enchantment of the MIT License. Feel free to dive into the code, contribute your wizardry, and craft your own magical creations. Let's conjure some innovation together! ✨🔮
- Author: Júlio Mazotti;
- Inspired on Thoughts by Matheus Battisti, Hora de Codar;