- Renamed DerivativeBenchmark into DerivativeProblem.
Other problems are renamed *Problem. - Renamed GillMurraySaundersWrightExponentialDerivativeBenchmark
into GMSWExponentialProblem. - New benchmark problems: PolynomialProblem, InverseProblem,
SXXNProblem1, SXXNProblem2, SXXNProblem3,
SXXNProblem4, OliverProblem1, OliverProblem2, OliverProblem3. - Removed FiniteDifferenceFormula and FiniteDifferenceOptimalStep.
These features are equivalently provided by FirstDerivativeForward,
FirstDerivativeCentral, SecondDerivativeCentral, ThirdDerivativeCentral. - Renamed NumericalDerivative into FunctionWithArguments.
- Fixed Sphinx API help pages
- Added Examples sections into many docstrings.
- ThirdDerivativeCentral: Implement exact step and error for third derivative
- Scipy is a dependency
- SteplemanWinarsky.compute_step: separate hmin and hmax into two separate
input arguments instead of a single list with 2 floats.
This enables to set each parameter independently. - New examples: use benchmark, finite difference formulas.
- New GeneralFiniteDifference.
Full Changelog: https://github.com/mbaudin47/numericalderivative/commits/v0.2