A collection of check plugins for Nagios, check_mk ...
- Perl Interpreter
:: Configured Network UPS Tools
Copy the file(s) to your local agent plugin directory, e.g. /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local
Some settings can be configured in the plugin files (section SETTINGS).
- Perl Interpreter
- Monitoring::Plugin / Nagios::Plugin and other Perl modules (install via packet manager or CPAN)
Copy the scripts into your favourite directory and try them out by calling the script directly from command line, e.g.
gege@box:/opt/git/nagios-plugins> ./check_qnap_hdd -H -w 40 -c 45
QNAP HDDs OK - HDD1: 21C, HDD2: 20C | 'HDD1 Temp'=21;40;45 'HDD2 Temp'=20;40;45
For the integration in your monitoring system read the corresponding manuals.
These checks can be used with check_mk via "Host & Service Parameters" -> Active checks -> Classical active and passive Monitoring checks
check_travis_status -r <repository-user/-name> [-t timeout]
:: Check Travis CI build status for repository
Repository format: user/name
(e.g. dev-sec/puppet-os-hardening
check_fritzbox -H <host> -p <password> [-u <user>]
:: Check state of the DSL uplink on an AVM Fritzbox
check_qnap_hdd -H <host> -w <warning-temp> -c <critical-temp> [-t timeout]
:: Check harddisk temperaturecheck_qnap_temp -H <host> -w <warning-temp> -c <critical-temp> [-t timeout]
:: Check system temperaturecheck_qnap_volumes -H <host> -w <warning free space%> -c <critical free space%> [-t timeout]
:: Check free space on volume
- Author: Michael Geiger info@mgeiger.de
- For updates see: https://www.mgeiger.de/downloads.html and https://github.com/mcgege/nagios-plugins
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, Version 3 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.