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Merge pull request #1204 from mcneilco/ACAS-669 #206

Merge pull request #1204 from mcneilco/ACAS-669

Merge pull request #1204 from mcneilco/ACAS-669 #206

Workflow file for this run

name: Trigger Dev Tag
# Trigger on new commits to release branches
branches: [ "release/**", "master" ]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# Checkout this repo
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
fetch-depth: 0
# Get branch name
- name: Set BRANCH_NAME to the current branch ${{ github.ref }}
run: |
echo "BRANCH_NAME=$(echo ${{ github.ref }} | sed 's/refs\/heads\///g')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Get next dev tag name on this branch
# First command lists all tags on the branch, filters to those containing '-dev', then grabs the last one
# Second command increments the final digit after dev, so 2022.1.1-dev1 will become 2022.1.1-dev2
# and 2022.1.1-dev9 will become 2022.1.1-dev10
- name: Get next dev tag name
if: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME != 'master' }}
run: |
LAST_TAG=$(git tag --sort=v:refname --merged ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} | grep -E '^[0-9]{4}\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+-dev[0-9]+$' | tail -1)
echo "NEXT_TAG=$(echo $LAST_TAG | awk -F-dev -v OFS=-dev '{$NF += 1 ; print}')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Get next dev tag name (master)
if: ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master' }}
run: |
LAST_TAG=$(git tag --sort=v:refname --merged ${{ env.BRANCH_NAME }} | grep -E '^master-dev[0-9]+$' | tail -1)
echo "NEXT_TAG=$(echo $LAST_TAG | awk -F'-dev' -v OFS='-dev' '{if ($2 ~ /^[0-9]+$/) $2 += 1; print}')" >> $GITHUB_ENV
# Trigger the build
- name: Trigger the tagger workflow with branch ${{env.BRANCH_NAME}} and tag ${{ env.NEXT_TAG }}
uses: actions/github-script@v7
github-token: ${{ secrets.ACAS_WORKFLOWS_TOKEN }}
script: |{
owner: "mcneilco",
repo: "acas",
workflow_id: "tagger.yml",
ref: "${{env.BRANCH_NAME}}",
inputs: {
"branch-name": "${{env.BRANCH_NAME}}",
"tag-name": "${{env.NEXT_TAG}}"