A powerful and flexible TypeScript/JavaScript library for converting Gregorian dates to Bangla dates with extensive formatting options. Works seamlessly with both CommonJS and ES Modules!
- 🔄 Convert any Gregorian date to Bangla date
- 🌐 Support for both Bengali and English output
- 🎨 Custom date formatting
- 🔢 Bengali numeral conversion
- 🌺 Season information
- 📅 Weekday support
- ⌚ Time formatting (12/24 hour)
- 📝 Relative time formatting
- 💪 TypeScript support
npm install bangla-date-converter
// Using ES Modules
import { BanglaDateConverter } from 'bangla-date-converter';
// Using CommonJS
const { BanglaDateConverter } = require('bangla-date-converter');
// Create a converter instance
const converter = new BanglaDateConverter(new Date());
// Get Bangla date (returns full date object)
const banglaDate = converter.getBanglaDate();
// Output: { year: 1430, date: 15, month: 'পৌষ', day: 'শনিবার', season: 'শীত', monthIndex: 8 }
// Format date with custom template
const formatted = converter.format({
template: 'DD MM, YY (WW)',
format: 'bn'
// Output: ১৫ পৌষ, ১৪৩০ (শনিবার)
// Custom formatting with time (12-hour format)
const withTime = converter.format({
template: 'DD MM, YY TT',
format: 'en',
timeFormat: '12h',
shortMonth: true
// Output: "15 Poush, 1430 02:30 PM"
// Relative time formatting
const relative = converter.format({
relative: true,
format: 'bn'
// Output: "আজ" (today) / "গতকাল" (yesterday) / "আগামীকাল" (tomorrow)
// With ordinal numbers
const withOrdinal = converter.format({
template: 'DD MM',
ordinal: true
// Output: "১৫ই পৌষ"
// Convert Bangla date to Gregorian
// Parameters: (year, month, date)
// Note: month is 0-based (0-11), where 0 = Boishakh, 11 = Choitro
const gregorianDate = BanglaDateConverter.fromBanglaDate(1430, 0, 1);
// Output: 2023-04-14T00:00:00.000Z (1st Boishakh 1430)
Converts a Gregorian date to Bangla date with various formatting options.
interface DateConverterOptions {
format?: 'bn' | 'en'; // Output language
showSeason?: boolean; // Include season information
showWeekDay?: boolean; // Include week day
showTime?: boolean; // Include time
timeFormat?: '12h' | '24h'; // Time format
Formats the Bangla date according to specified options.
interface FormattedDateOptions {
template?: string; // e.g., 'DD MM, YY (WW)'
format?: 'bn' | 'en'; // Output language
numerals?: 'bn' | 'en'; // Numeral system
timeFormat?: '12h' | '24h';
separator?: string; // Default: ', '
ordinal?: boolean; // Use ordinal numbers
relative?: boolean; // Use relative time
shortMonth?: boolean; // Short month names
shortWeekDay?: boolean; // Short weekday names
const converter = new BanglaDateConverter(new Date());
const holidays = converter.getHolidays();
// Returns holidays for the current Bangla month
// Get next 5 upcoming holidays
const upcomingHolidays = converter.getUpcomingHolidays(5);
// Get all religious holidays
const religiousHolidays = converter.getHolidaysByType('religious');
// Types: 'religious' | 'national' | 'cultural'
// Add 1 year, 2 months, and 3 days
const futureDate = converter.add(1, 2, 3);
// Subtract 1 year
const pastDate = converter.subtract(1);
const date1 = new BanglaDateConverter(new Date('2023-04-14'));
const date2 = new BanglaDateConverter(new Date('2023-04-15'));
const comparison = date1.compare(date2); // Returns negative number
Contributions are welcome! Please check our CONTRIBUTE.md for guidelines.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
If you find this package helpful, please consider giving it a star on GitHub! For issues and feature requests, please use the GitHub issue tracker.
Made with ❤️ by Md Tanvir Ahamed Shanto for the Bangla community