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Unconstrained Equations of Motion with the TMT Method


You can download this example as a Python script: :jupyter-download:script:`tmt` or Jupyter Notebook: :jupyter-download📓`tmt`.

.. jupyter-execute::

   import numpy as np
   import sympy as sm
   import sympy.physics.mechanics as me

There are several mathematical methods available to formulate the equations of motion of a multibody system. These different methods offer various advantages and disadvantages over Newton and Euler's original formulations and among each other. For example, Joseph-Louis Lagrange developed a way to arrive at the equations of motion from the descriptions of kinetic and potential energy of the system. Sir William Hamilton then reformulated Lagrange's approach in terms of generalized momenta instead of energy. Since then, Gibbs & Appell, Kane [Kane1985]_, and others have proposed more methods. In this chapter, we present one of these alternative methods called the "TMT Method". The details and derivation of the TMT Method can be found in [Vallery2020]_ .

Vallery and Schwab show how the collection of Newton-Euler equations for each individual rigid body can be transformed into the reduced dynamical differential equations associated with the generalized coordinates, speeds, and accelerations using the \mathbf{T} matrix. This \mathbf{T} matrix is populated by the measure numbers of the partial velocities expressed in the inertial reference frame.

Given \nu rigid bodies in a multibody system described by n generalized coordinates and generalized speeds, the velocities of each mass center and the angular velocities of each body in an inertial reference frame N can be written in column vector \bar{v} form by extracting the measure numbers in the inertial reference frame N of each velocity term.

\bar{v}(\bar{u}, \bar{q}, t) =
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
\vdots \\
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{\nu o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{\nu o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
{}^N\bar{v}^{B_{\nu o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_\nu} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_\nu} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
{}^N\bar{\omega}^{B_\nu} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\

The measure numbers of the partial velocities with respect to each of the n generalized speeds in \bar{u} can be efficiently found by taking the Jacobian of \bar{v} with respect to the generalized speeds, which we will name matrix \mathbf{T}.

\mathbf{T} = \mathbf{J}_{\bar{v},\bar{u}} \in \mathbb{R}^{6\nu \times n}
\bar{v} = \mathbf{T} \bar{u}

For each set of six rows in \bar{v} tied to a single rigid body, the associated mass and inertia for that body can be written as:

\mathbf{M}_{B_1} =
m_{B_1} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & m_{B_1} & 0 & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & m_{B_1} & 0 & 0 & 0 \\
0 & 0 & 0 &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x\hat{n}_x &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x\hat{n}_y &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x\hat{n}_z \\
0 & 0 & 0 &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y\hat{n}_x &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y\hat{n}_y &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y\hat{n}_z \\
0 & 0 & 0 &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z\hat{n}_x &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z\hat{n}_y &
\breve{I}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z\hat{n}_z \\

Multiplying the velocities with this matrix gives the momenta of each rigid body.

\mathbf{M}_{B_1} \bar{v}_{B_1} =
\bar{p}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{p}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{p}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
\bar{H}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{H}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{H}^{B_1/B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\

The matrices for each rigid body can then be assembled into a matrix for the entire set of rigid bodies.

\mathbf{M} =
\mathbf{M}_{B_1} & \mathbf{0}       & \ldots     & \mathbf{0} \\
\mathbf{0}       & \mathbf{M}_{B_2} & \ldots     & \vdots \\
\vdots           & \vdots           & \ddots     & \vdots \\
\mathbf{0}       & \mathbf{0}       & \ldots     & \mathbf{M}_{B_\nu}

Allowing the momenta of all the rigid bodies to be found by matrix multiplication of \mathbf{M} \bar{v}.

A vector \bar{F} of resultant forces and torques of couples acting on each rigid body can be formed in a similar manner as \bar{v}, by extracting the measure numbers in the inertial reference frame.

\bar{F} =
\bar{R}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{R}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{R}^{B_{1o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
\bar{T}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{T}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{T}^{B_1} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
\vdots \\
\bar{R}^{B_{2o}} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{R}^{B_{2o}} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{R}^{B_{2o}} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\
\bar{T}^{B_2} \cdot \hat{n}_x \\
\bar{T}^{B_2} \cdot \hat{n}_y \\
\bar{T}^{B_2} \cdot \hat{n}_z \\

The dynamical differential equations for the entire Newton-Euler system are then:

\frac{d \mathbf{M} \bar{v}}{dt} = \bar{F} \in \mathbb{R}^{6\nu}

We know that selecting n generalized coordinates for such a system allows us to write the dynamical differential equations as a set of n equations which is, in general, much smaller than 6\nu equations due to the large number of holonomic constraints that represent the connections of all the bodies in the system. Vallery and Schwab show that the mass matrix \mathbf{M}_d for this reduced set of equations can be efficiently calculated using the \mathbf{T} matrix ([Vallery2020]_, pg. 349):

\mathbf{M}_d = -\mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{M} \mathbf{T}

and that the forces not proportional to the generalized accelerations is found with:

\bar{g}_d = \mathbf{T}^T\left(\bar{F} - \bar{g}\right)

where [*]:

\bar{g} = \frac{d\mathbf{M}\bar{v}}{dt}\bigg\rvert_{\dot{\bar{u}}=\bar{0}}
[*]Note that my \bar{g} is slightly different than the one presented in [Vallery2020]_ to make sure the time derivative of the angular momenta are properly calculated.

The equations of motion then take this form:

\bar{0} =
\mathbf{M}_d\dot{\bar{u}} + \bar{g}_d =
-\mathbf{T}^T \mathbf{M} \mathbf{T} \dot{\bar{u}} +
\mathbf{T}^T\left(\bar{F} - \bar{g}\right)

These equations are equivalent to Kane's Equations.

Example Formulation

Let us return once again to the holonomic system introduced in :ref:`Example of Kane’s Equations`.

Three dimensional pendulum made up of two pinned rods and a sliding mass on rod B. Each degree of freedom is resisted by a linear spring. When the generalized coordinates are all zero, the two rods are perpendicular to each other.

Start by introducing the variables.

.. jupyter-execute::

   m, g, kt, kl, l = sm.symbols('m, g, k_t, k_l, l')
   q1, q2, q3 = me.dynamicsymbols('q1, q2, q3')
   u1, u2, u3 = me.dynamicsymbols('u1, u2, u3')
   t = me.dynamicsymbols._t

   q = sm.Matrix([q1, q2, q3])
   u = sm.Matrix([u1, u2, u3])
   p = sm.Matrix([g, kl, kt, l, m])
   q, u, p

The derivation of the kinematics is done in the same way as before.

.. jupyter-execute::

   N = me.ReferenceFrame('N')
   A = me.ReferenceFrame('A')
   B = me.ReferenceFrame('B')

   A.orient_axis(N, q1, N.z)
   B.orient_axis(A, q2, A.x)

   A.set_ang_vel(N, u1*N.z)
   B.set_ang_vel(A, u2*A.x)

   O = me.Point('O')
   Ao = me.Point('A_O')
   Bo = me.Point('B_O')
   Q = me.Point('Q')

   Ao.set_pos(O, l/2*A.x)
   Bo.set_pos(O, l*A.x)
   Q.set_pos(Bo, q3*B.y)

   O.set_vel(N, 0)
   Ao.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)
   Bo.v2pt_theory(O, N, A)
   Q.set_vel(B, u3*B.y)
   Q.v1pt_theory(Bo, N, B)

   Ao.vel(N), A.ang_vel_in(N), Bo.vel(N), B.ang_vel_in(N), Q.vel(N)

Only the contributing forces need be declared (noncontributing would cancel out in the TMT transformation if included). Do not forget Newton's Third Law and be sure to include the equal and opposite reactions.

.. jupyter-execute::

   R_Ao = m*g*N.x
   R_Bo = m*g*N.x + kl*q3*B.y
   R_Q = m/4*g*N.x - kl*q3*B.y
   T_A = -kt*q1*N.z + kt*q2*A.x
   T_B = -kt*q2*A.x

The inertia dyadics of each body will be needed.

.. jupyter-execute::

   I = m*l**2/12
   I_A_Ao = I*me.outer(A.y, A.y) + I*me.outer(A.z, A.z)
   I_B_Bo = I*me.outer(B.x, B.x) + I*me.outer(B.z, B.z)

Create the TMT Components

The vector \bar{v} is formed from the velocities and angular velocities of each rigid body or particle.

.. jupyter-execute::

   v = sm.Matrix([

The inertial matrices for each body and the particle Q are:

.. jupyter-execute::

   MA = sm.diag(m, m, m).col_join(sm.zeros(3)).row_join(sm.zeros(3).col_join(I_A_Ao.to_matrix(N)))

.. jupyter-execute::

   MB = sm.diag(m, m, m).col_join(sm.zeros(3)).row_join(sm.zeros(3).col_join(I_B_Bo.to_matrix(N)))

.. jupyter-execute::

   MQ = sm.diag(m/4, m/4, m/4)

Note that these matrices change with time because we've expressed the inertia scalars in the inertial reference frame N. The matrices for all of the bodies can be assembled into \mathbf{M}:

.. jupyter-execute::

   M = sm.diag(MA, MB, MQ)

\bar{F} is constructed to match the order of \bar{v}:

.. jupyter-execute::

   F = sm.Matrix([,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

These are the components we need to form the reduced dynamical differential equations.

Formulate the reduced equations of motion

First find \mathbf{T} using the Jacobian:

.. jupyter-execute::

   T = v.jacobian(u)

and then compute \bar{g}:

.. jupyter-execute::

   qd_repl = dict(zip(q.diff(t), u))
   ud_repl = {udi: 0 for udi in u.diff(t)}
   gbar = (M*v).diff(t).xreplace(qd_repl).xreplace(ud_repl)

The reduced mass matrix is then formed with -\mathbf{T}^T\mathbf{M}\mathbf{T}:

.. jupyter-execute::

   Md = sm.trigsimp(-T.transpose()*M*T)

and the reduced remainder term is formed with \mathbf{T}^T(\bar{F} - \bar{g}):

.. jupyter-execute::

   gd = sm.trigsimp(T.transpose()*(F - gbar))

Evaluate the equations of motion

Now we can check to see if these dynamical differential equations are the same as the ones we found with Kane's Method by evaluating them with the same set of numbers we used in :ref:`Numerical Evaluation`. The input values were:

.. jupyter-execute::

   u_vals = np.array([
       0.1,  # u1, rad/s
       2.2,  # u2, rad/s
       0.3,  # u3, m/s

   q_vals = np.array([
       np.deg2rad(25.0),  # q1, rad
       np.deg2rad(5.0),  # q2, rad
       0.1,  # q3, m

   p_vals = np.array([
       9.81,  # g, m/s**2
       2.0,  # kl, N/m
       0.01,  # kt, Nm/rad
       0.6,  # l, m
       1.0,  # m, kg

We can lambdify Md and gq to see if these give the same values as those found with Kane's Equations:

.. jupyter-execute::

   eval_d = sm.lambdify((u, q, p), (Md, gd))

   Md_vals, gd_vals = eval_d(u_vals, q_vals, p_vals)
   Md_vals, gd_vals

These numerical arrays are identical to our prior results. The state derivatives then should also be identical:

.. jupyter-execute::

   eval_d(u_vals, q_vals, p_vals)
   ud_vals = -np.linalg.solve(Md_vals, np.squeeze(gd_vals))

which they are. We can be fairly confident that Kane's method and the TMT method result in the same equations of motion for this system.