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Project F-Boat: Autonomous Monitoring of Guanabara Bay Waters

🌊 Introduction

The F-Boat Project is an innovative initiative resulting from the collaboration between two universities, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF) and Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) with the aim of developing an autonomous sailboat, whose function is to monitor the waters of Guanabara Bay. This technology emerged due to the increase of environmental demands and it represents a vanguard initiative on the marine and environmental field.

🔥 Motivation

The motivation for developing the F-Boat is driven by the critical need to monitor and preserve the waters of the bays and lagoons. This initiative is rooted in the commitment to environmental sustainability and the understanding of the importance of water quality for the health of marine ecosystems and the quality of life of local communities.

To watch the F-Boat in operation:

👷 Multidisciplinary Team

The F-Boat project benefited from the expertise of a diverse group of:

  • researchers;
  • students;
  • faculty from the Departments of Electrical Engineering (TEE-UFF);
  • faculty from Water Resources and Environmental Engineering (TGH-UFF);
  • the Institute of Computing (IC-UFF);
  • team from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

👍 Partnerships

The F-Boat project received crucial financial support from institutions and entities committed to scientific and technological research, including:

  • Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support of the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ)
  • Niterói City Hall
  • Marinha do Brasil (brazilian navy)
  • nVidia, a world leader in Artificial Intelligence solutions and high-performance embedded computing systems.
FABERJ. Um dos apoiadores do F-Boat Prefeitura de Niterói Marinha do Brasil Nvidia

🚧 Development and Construction

The construction of the F-Boat was a complex task that required specialized skills and experience in naval engineering. The construction process began in Natal, RN, and is ongoing in the city of Niterói, RJ. Some of the notable features of this autonomous sailboat include:

📁 Documentation

✔️ Scientific Papers: Our research is documented in various scientific papers. Check out our collection of papers for more details on our work.

✔️ Physical Structure: To understand the physical structure of our system, refer to the structure documentation for detailed information. Here is the link to the F-Boat assembly playlist:

✔️ Academic Work: For in-depth information on our research, please refer to our collection of academic papers for detailed insights into our work.

✔️ Water Testing: For details on our water testing procedures and results, consult our water testing documentation for comprehensive information.

✔️ Desing of Electronic Boards: To gain insights into the electronic components of our system, please refer to the electronic board documentation for detailed information.


Popular repositories Loading

  1. Yara_OVE Yara_OVE Public

    Yara is an Open Source Ocean Virtual Environment for Sailboats and other USVs

    C++ 1 3

  2. documentation documentation Public

    This folder contains the most relevant public documentation of the F-Boat project.

  3. actuators-code-arduino-mega-and-arduino-uno-version actuators-code-arduino-mega-and-arduino-uno-version Public

    Forked from Natalnet/nboat

    Repository with Arduino code for controlling the boat's actuators, sail, rudder, and outboard motor. The repository also includes the configuration parameters for the Pixhawk used by the F-Boat. Th…


  4. actuators-code-just-arduino-mega-version actuators-code-just-arduino-mega-version Public

    Forked from takamasanumuro/SailBoat

    Folder with code and dependencies to be uploaded to the Arduino Mega board of the FBoat.


  5. water-sensors-code water-sensors-code Public

    Repository with Arduino code that runs on the Arduino Uno, receiving data from water temperature and pH sensors and then relaying this data via Mavlink to the Pixhawk.


  6. .github .github Public



Showing 7 of 7 repositories
  • Yara_OVE Public

    Yara is an Open Source Ocean Virtual Environment for Sailboats and other USVs

    medialab-fboat/Yara_OVE’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 1 Apache-2.0 3 0 0 Updated Dec 16, 2024
  • eSailorAdapter Public

    Adapter code to make interface between esailor algorithm and fboat pixhawk

    medialab-fboat/eSailorAdapter’s past year of commit activity
    Python 0 0 0 0 Updated Jul 12, 2024
  • .github Public
    medialab-fboat/.github’s past year of commit activity
    0 1 0 0 Updated Sep 10, 2023
  • documentation Public

    This folder contains the most relevant public documentation of the F-Boat project.

    medialab-fboat/documentation’s past year of commit activity
    0 0 0 0 Updated Sep 4, 2023
  • water-sensors-code Public

    Repository with Arduino code that runs on the Arduino Uno, receiving data from water temperature and pH sensors and then relaying this data via Mavlink to the Pixhawk.

    medialab-fboat/water-sensors-code’s past year of commit activity
    C 0 0 0 0 Updated Sep 3, 2023
  • actuators-code-just-arduino-mega-version Public Forked from takamasanumuro/SailBoat

    Folder with code and dependencies to be uploaded to the Arduino Mega board of the FBoat.

    medialab-fboat/actuators-code-just-arduino-mega-version’s past year of commit activity
    C 0 1 0 0 Updated Sep 2, 2023
  • actuators-code-arduino-mega-and-arduino-uno-version Public Forked from Natalnet/nboat

    Repository with Arduino code for controlling the boat's actuators, sail, rudder, and outboard motor. The repository also includes the configuration parameters for the Pixhawk used by the F-Boat. The repository originally belongs to the partner project Natalnet.

    medialab-fboat/actuators-code-arduino-mega-and-arduino-uno-version’s past year of commit activity
    C++ 0 6 0 0 Updated Oct 23, 2021


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