Convert a variety of data formats to CSV.
xan from [options] [<input>]
xan from --help
Supported formats:
ods - OpenOffice spreadsheet
xls - Excel spreasheet
xlsb - Excel spreasheet
xlsx - Excel spreasheet
json - JSON array or object
ndjson - Newline-delimited JSON
jsonl - Newline-delimited JSON
txt - text lines
npy - Numpy array
Some formats can be streamed, some others require the full file to be loaded into
memory. The streamable formats are `ndjson`, `jsonl`, `txt` and `npy`.
from options:
-f, --format <format> Format to convert from. Will be inferred from file
extension if not given. Must be specified when reading
from stdin, since we don't have a file extension to
work with.
Excel/OpenOffice-related options:
-s, --sheet <name> Name of the sheet to convert. [default: Sheet1]
JSON options:
--sample-size <n> Number of records to sample before emitting headers.
[default: 64]
--key-column <name> Name for the key column when parsing a JSON map.
[default: key]
--value-column <name> Name for the value column when parsing a JSON map.
[default: value]
Text lines options:
-c, --column <name> Name of the column to create.
[default: value]
Common options:
-h, --help Display this message
-o, --output <file> Write output to <file> instead of stdout.