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Releases: metagenopolis/CroCoDeEL


20 Jan 20:56
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Add a feature to filter low-abundance species and enhance CroCoDeEL's sensitivity with taxonomic profilers other than Meteor.
Fix a bug when merging two abundance tables containing a different number of species. #2
Improve logging messages and update the documentation.

CroCoDeEL 1.0.5

05 Jun 15:16
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Merge commands 'search_conta' and 'search_conta_multi'
Add option for a second species abundance table in 'search_conta' 'plot_conta' and 'easy_wf' commands

CroCoDeEL 1.0.4

31 May 08:23
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Add command (search_conta_distrib) to be used in workflows to distribute computational load across multiple nodes
Fix matplotlib warning when generating a pdf with many pages
Improve software architecture

CroCoDeEL 1.0.3

06 May 16:01
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Improve logging messages
Improve traceability by adding a comment line in output file

CroCoDeEL 1.0.2

03 May 08:56
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Improve logging messages
Use importlib.resources to load models and test data
Update package requirements for submission to bioconda

CroCoDeEL 1.0.1

02 May 14:51
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Update documentation
Remove old code

CroCoDeEL 1.0.0

02 May 09:48
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First release of CroCoDeEL ready to be published on PyPI