So now we can refer back to the instructions.
You should have already downloaded the Ethereum.ova file. It's on the project page under week 4. Spoiler alert... It will download as a .tar file and you will have to extract the .ova file from that, but it's really an .ovf file.
So don't be confused.
These are the provided instructions: "Open virtualBox "File->Import Appliance "Browse for "Ethereum Ubuntu.ova" file "open->Next->Check "Reinitialize the MAC address all network cards"-> Import
Click on File on VirtualBox then Import appliance.
Now browse your computer and find your Ethereum.ovf and click on that then check "Reinitialize the MAC address all network cards" then click on Import.
This will take a few minutes.
Then click on the Ethereum vm box to get the machine running. It will take a few minutes, then the screen should populate and look like a regular desktop.
Click on the icon, minimize the terminal when it comes up, then click on the icon 2. Start The Browser This will get you to http://localhost:8080/index.html
Follow the instructions. They're straightforward. Pick a couple of super simple passwords get the addresses ckick through everything then go to part two.
Under Add Peer click Connect Peers, check peer details, create additional accounts. then check accounts and balances.
All of this is explicit on the page on the local host.
Go through clicking all the buttons, ESPECIALLY the start miner button. The miner will feed into Node 1's first listed account.
When you get to the unlock account bit scroll up to check accounts and balances. When you hit that button you'll notice the top account in Node 1 has some number of wei in it. Use the address from this account and your Node 1 password to unlock that account, then go ahead and unlock a second account. This will be the account to which you send the wei. Be easy and unlock it under Node 2, using the Node 2 password.
I noticed a lot of people having trouble with noticing that the miner was adding to an account. You have to re-click to get the new data.
You can unlock more accounts... just paste the account number over the number in the box (or delete the old and paste the new) and continue sending eth around your addresses.
It can take several minutes after the transaction is successfully submitted for it to show in the balances.
Submit the project, generate your token, save it in a .txt file, and submit.
Lmk if you have problems or want additional help.
Thank-you, metaverde