- It's fast and unopinionated and minimalist web framework for node.js
- Express is a server-side or back-end framework
- It is used with react, angular, or vue to be used in combination to build full stack applications.
- JavaScript fundamentals (Object, arrays, Conditions)
- Basic Node.js & NPM
- HTTP status codes
- High Order Array methods - forEach, map, filter
- Arrow Functions
- app.get(), app.post(), app.put(), app.delete()
- Access to params, query strings, url parts
- Express has a router so we can store routes in separate files and export
- We can parse incoming data with the Body Parser
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
// Fetch from database
// Load pages
// Return JSON
// Full access to request and response
- We can set the routing structure by ourselves, follow this code
// creating the route config
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, 'public', 'index.html'));
- But we will use static folder path
// Set Static Folder
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
- By using the static folder path system we can simply just put any file on the static folder and without configure the routes we can access them
These are functions which have access to the request and response object.
Express has it's own middleware
Execute any code
Make changes to the request/response objects
End response cycle
call next middleware in the stack
Middleware functions should have three parameters req, res, next
When our server gets request the middleware fires up
npm install express
We will be using express-handlebars as view engine for express.
In handlebars whatever we want to output we need to use {{{}}} and to use variable we need to use {{}}
// Handlebar Middleware
app.engine('handlebars', exphbs());
app.set('view engine', 'handlebars');
// Homepage Route
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.render('index'));
entry point is the index
there are lots of function we need to specify the port which will be listened by the express server. We need to specify the port number.
We will be using nodemon to prevent restarting the server again and again
We can use custom scripts to define new task
mainly we use express to create json api to connect front end to back end or render template where we can use dynamic data to create a dynamic app rather than just a static website.
To run the server
npm run dev
I am not sure but files that are used as models are always uppercase.
We will be using moment to handle the date.
Here, this code will give us req.params.id as string but on our member.id which is a integer so our output will come out as void or [], aslo note that we have '===' which will catc that whether it's input and output are same or not. So we will have empty output.
res.json(members.filter(member -> member.id === req.params.id))
To solve this conflict we use parseInt(req.params.id)
API also stands for those who serves the json
Create Member: Whenever we want to create something on the server we need to make a post request to the server. We want to send data and when we will get data we will have it in the req object
To get the request successfull we need a body parser
This body parser can be identified by a middleware.
To work with the back end we might do two things
- we built an api to view some thing on the fornt end just serving json
- or we gonna have a complete server side app where we use templates.