Learning Philosophy:
- The Power of Tiny Gains
- Master Adjacent Disciplines
- T-shaped skills
- Data Scientists Should Be More End-to-End
- Just in Time Learning
- Have basic business understanding
- Be able to frame an ML problem
- Be familiar with data ethics
- Be able to import data from multiple sources
- Be able to annotate data efficiently
- Be able to manipulate data with Numpy
- Be able to manipulate data with Pandas
- Be able to manipulate data in spreadsheets
- Be able to manipulate data in databases
- Be able to use the command line
- Be able to perform feature engineering
- Be able to experiment in a notebook
- Be able to visualize data
- Be able to to read research papers
- Be able to model problems mathematically
- Be able to structure machine learning projects
- Be able to utilize version control
- Be able to use data version control
- Be familiar with fundamental ML algorithms
- Be familiar with fundamentals of deep learning
- Be able to implement models in scikit-learn
- Be able to implement models in Tensorflow and Keras
- Be able to implement models in PyTorch
- Be able to implement models using cloud services
- Be able to apply unsupervised learning algorithms
- Be able to implement NLP models
- Be familiar with Recommendation Systems
- Be able to implement computer vision models
- Be able to model graphs and network data
- Be able to implement models for timeseries and forecasting
- Be familiar with Reinforcement Learning
- Be able to optimize performance metric
- Be familiar with literature on model interpretability
- Be able to optimize models for production
- Be able to write unit tests
- Be able to serve models as REST APIs
- Be able to build interactive UI for models
- Be able to deploy model to production
- Be able to perform load testing
- Be able to perform A/B testing
- Be proficient in Python
- Be familiar with compiled languages
- Have a general understanding of other parts of the stack
- Be familiar with fundamental Computer Science concepts
- Be able to apply proper software engineering process
- Be able to efficiently use a text editor
- Be able to communicate and collaborate well
- Be familiar with the hiring pipeline
- Broaden Perspective
- Book: Delivering Happiness
- Book: Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap...And Others Don't
- Book: Hello, Startup: A Programmer's Guide to Building Products, Technologies, and Teams
- Book: How Google Works
- Book: Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business
- Book: Rework
- Book: The Airbnb Story
- Book: The Personal MBA
- Facebook: Digital marketing: get started
- Facebook: Digital marketing: go further
- Google Analytics for Beginners
- Google: Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
- Moz: The Beginner's Guide to SEO
- Smartly: Marketing Fundamentals
- Treehouse: SEO Basics
- Udacity: App Monetization
- Udacity: App Marketing
- Udacity: Get Your Startup Started
- Udacity: How to Build a Startup
- Youtube: SEO Unlocked
- Welcome to the SEO Unlocked
- Introduction to SEO and Why It's Important
- Keyword Research Part 1
- Keyword Research Part 2
- On-page and technical SEO Part 1
- On-page and technical SEO Part 2
- Mastering Technical SEO Audits
- Content Marketing Part 1
- Advanced Content Marketing Tactics
- The 10 Commandments of Content Marketing
- How to Edit Your Content For SEO
- Discover Your Competitive Strategy
- Over 4 Million Backlinks Built With This Simple Process
- How to Get POWERFUL Backlinks for Faster Rankings
- Get THOUSANDS of Backlinks On Semi-Autopilot
- How To Get The Most Out Of Google Analytics
- How to Setup Google Search Console
- How to Use Advanced Features in Google Analytics
- A Deep Dive Into Branding, Data & Experience
- How To Create A Compelling Brand
- Designing Your Customer Experience & Case Studies
- Welcome to the SEO Unlocked
- AWS: Types of Machine Learning Solutions
- Article: Apply Machine Learning to your Business
- Article: Resilience and Vibrancy: The 2020 Data & AI Landscape
- Article: Software 2.0
- Article: How Facebook uses super-efficient AI models to detect hate speech
- Article: Highlights from ICML 2020
- Article: Recent Advances in Google Translate
- Article: A Peek at Trends in Machine Learning
- Article: How to deliver on Machine Learning projects
- Article: Data Science as a Product
- Article: Customer service is full of machine learning problems
- Article: Cannes: How ML saves us $1.7M a year on document previews
- Article: Machine Learning @ Monzo in 2020
- Book: AI Superpowers: China, Silicon Valley, and the New World Order
- Book: A Human's Guide to Machine Intelligence
- Book: The Future Computed
- Book: Machine Learning Yearning by Andrew Ng
- Book: Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence
- Book: Building Machine Learning Powered Applications: Going from Idea to Product
- Coursera: AI For Everyone
- Datacamp: Case Studies in Statistical Thinking
- Datacamp: Data Science for Everyone
- Datacamp: Machine Learning with the Experts: School Budgets
- Datacamp: Machine Learning for Everyone
- Datacamp: Analyzing Police Activity with pandas
- Datacamp: HR Analytics in Python: Predicting Employee Churn
- Datacamp: Predicting Customer Churn in Python
- Datacamp: Data Science for Managers
- Facebook: Field Guide to Machine Learning
- Google: Introduction to Machine Learning Problem Framing
- Microsoft: Define an AI strategy to create business value
- Microsoft: Discover ways to foster an AI-ready culture in your business
- Microsoft: Identify guiding principles for responsible AI in your business
- Microsoft: Introduction to AI technology for business leaders
- Pluralsight: How to Think About Machine Learning Algorithms
- State of AI Report 2020
- Udacity: Problem Solving with Advanced Analytics
- Youtube: Vincent Warmerdam: The profession of solving (the wrong problem) | PyData Amsterdam 2019
- Youtube: Making Money from AI by Predicting Sales - Jay's Intro to AI Part 2
- Youtube: How does YouTube recommend videos? - AI EXPLAINED!
- Youtube: How does Google Translate's AI work?
- Youtube: Data Science in Finance
- Youtube: The Age of AI
- How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I.
- Healed through A.I. | The Age of A.I.
- Using A.I. to build a better human | The Age of A.I.
- Love, art and stories: decoded | The Age of A.I.
- The 'Space Architects' of Mars | The Age of A.I.
- Will a robot take my job? | The Age of A.I.
- Saving the world one algorithm at a time | The Age of A.I.
- How A.I. is searching for Aliens | The Age of A.I.
- How Far is Too Far? | The Age of A.I.
- Youtube: Gradient Dissent Podcast
- DeepChem creator Bharath Ramsundar on using deep learning for molecules and medicine discovery
- ML Research and Production Pipelines with Chip Huyen
- Product Management for AI with Peter Skomoroch
- Slow down and change one thing at a time - Advancing AI research with Josh Tobin
- Societal Impacts of Artificial Intelligence with Miles Brundage
- Deep Reinforcement Learning and Robotics with Peter Welinder
- Machine learning across industries with Vicki Boykis
- Designing ML models for millions of consumer robots - Angela Bassa and Danielle Dean
- Building trustworthy AI systems and combating potential malicious use – A conversation w/ Jack Clark
- Rachael Tatman - Conversational A.I. and Linguistics
- Nicolas Koumchatzky - Machine Learning in Production for Self Driving Cars
- Brandon Rohrer - Machine Learning in Production for Robots
- DeepChem creator Bharath Ramsundar on using deep learning for molecules and medicine discovery
- Youtube: Accuracy as a Failure
- Youtube: Using Intent Data to Optimize the Self-Solve Experience
- Youtube: Trillions of Questions, No Easy Answers: A (home) movie about how Google Search works
- Youtube: Hugging Face, Transformers | NLP Research and Open Source | Interview with Julien Chaumond
- Youtube: Vincent Warmerdam - Playing by the Rules-Based-Systems | PyData Eindhoven 2020
- Article: How to Detect Bias in AI
- Practical Data Ethics
- Lesson 1: Disinformation
- Lesson 2: Bias & Fairness
- Lesson 3: Ethical Foundations & Practical Tools
- Lesson 4: Privacy and surveillance
- Lesson 4 continued: Privacy and surveillance
- Lesson 5.1: The problem with metrics
- Lesson 5.2: Our Ecosystem, Venture Capital, & Hypergrowth
- Lesson 5.3: Losing the Forest for the Trees, guest lecture by Ali Alkhatib
- Lesson 6: Algorithmic Colonialism, and Next Steps
- Docs: Beautiful Soup Documentation
- Datacamp: Importing Data in Python (Part 2)
- Datacamp: Web Scraping in Python
- Article: Create A Synthetic Image Dataset — The “What”, The “Why” and The “How”
- Article: We need Synthetic Data
- Article: Weak Supervision for Online Discussions
- Youtube: Snorkel: Dark Data and Machine Learning - Christopher Ré
- Youtube: Training a NER Model with Prodigy and Transfer Learning
- Youtube: Training a New Entity Type with Prodigy – annotation powered by active learning
- Youtube: ECCV 2020 WSL tutorial: 4. Human-in-the-loop annotations
- Article: A Visual Intro to NumPy and Data Representation
- Article: NumPy Illustrated: The Visual Guide to NumPy
- Datacamp: Intro to Python for Data Science
- Pluralsight: Working with Multidimensional Data Using NumPy
- Article: Visualizing Pandas' Pivoting and Reshaping Functions
- Article: A Gentle Visual Intro to Data Analysis in Python Using Pandas
- Article: Comprehensive Guide to Grouping and Aggregating with Pandas
- Article: 8 Python Pandas Value_counts() tricks that make your work more efficient
- Datacamp: pandas Foundations
- Datacamp: Pandas Joins for Spreadsheet Users
- Datacamp: Manipulating DataFrames with pandas
- Datacamp: Merging DataFrames with pandas
- Datacamp: Data Manipulation with pandas
- Datacamp: Optimizing Python Code with pandas
- Datacamp: Streamlined Data Ingestion with pandas
- Datacamp: Analyzing Marketing Campaigns with pandas
- edX: Implementing Predictive Analytics with Spark in Azure HDInsight
- Article: Modern Pandas
- Datacamp: Spreadsheet basics
- Datacamp: Data Analysis with Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Intermediate Spreadsheets for Data Science
- Datacamp: Pivot Tables with Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Data Visualization in Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Introduction to Statistics in Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Conditional Formatting in Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Marketing Analytics in Spreadsheets
- Datacamp: Error and Uncertainty in Spreadsheets
- edX: Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Excel
- Codecademy: SQL Track
- Datacamp: Intro to SQL for Data Science
- Datacamp: Introduction to MongoDB in Python
- Datacamp: Intermediate SQL
- Datacamp: Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL
- Datacamp: Joining Data in PostgreSQL
- Datacamp: Querying with TransactSQL
- Datacamp: Introduction to Databases in Python
- Datacamp: Reporting in SQL
- Datacamp: Applying SQL to Real-World Problems
- Datacamp: Analyzing Business Data in SQL
- Datacamp: Data-Driven Decision Making in SQL
- Datacamp: Database Design
- Udacity: SQL for Data Analysis
- Udacity: Intro to relational database
- Udacity: Database Systems Concepts & Design
- Article: Streamline your projects using Makefile
- Calmcode: makefiles
- Calmcode: entr
- Codecademy: Learn the Command Line
- Datacamp: Introduction to Shell for Data Science
- Datacamp: Introduction to Bash Scripting
- Datacamp: Data Processing in Shell
- LaunchSchool: Introduction to Commandline
- Learn Enough Command Line to be dangerous
- Thoughtbot: Mastering the Shell
- Thoughtbot: tmux
- Udacity: Linux Command Line Basics
- Udacity: Shell Workshop
- Web Bos: Command Line Power User
- Article: Tips for Advanced Feature Engineering
- Article: Preparing data for a machine learning model
- Article: Feature selection for a machine learning model
- Article: Learning from imbalanced data
- Article: Hacker's Guide to Data Preparation for Machine Learning
- Article: Practical Guide to Handling Imbalanced Datasets
- Datacamp: Analyzing Social Media Data in Python
- Datacamp: Dimensionality Reduction in Python
- Datacamp: Preprocessing for Machine Learning in Python
- Datacamp: Data Types for Data Science
- Datacamp: Cleaning Data in Python
- Datacamp: Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Python
- Datacamp: Importing & Managing Financial Data in Python
- Datacamp: Manipulating Time Series Data in Python
- Datacamp: Working with Geospatial Data in Python
- Datacamp: Analyzing IoT Data in Python
- Datacamp: Dealing with Missing Data in Python
- Datacamp: Exploratory Data Analysis in Python
- edX: Data Science Essentials
- Google: Feature Engineering
- Udacity: Creating an Analytical Dataset
- Article: Securely storing configuration credentials in a Jupyter Notebook
- Article: Automatically Reload Modules with %autoreload
- Calmcode: ipywidgets
- Documentation: Jupyter Lab
- Pluralsight: Getting Started with Jupyter Notebook and Python
- Youtube: William Horton - A Brief History of Jupyter Notebooks
- Youtube: I Like Notebooks
- Youtube: I don't like notebooks.- Joel Grus (Allen Institute for Artificial Intelligence)
- Youtube: Ryan Herr - After model.fit, before you deploy| JupyterCon 2020
- Youtube: nbdev live coding with Hamel Husain
- Youtube: How to Use JupyterLab
- Article: Creating a Catchier Word Cloud Presentation
- Datacamp: Introduction to Data Visualization with Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Seaborn
- Datacamp: Introduction to Matplotlib
- Datacamp: Intermediate Data Visualization with Seaborn
- Datacamp: Visualizing Time Series Data in Python
- Datacamp: Improving Your Data Visualizations in Python
- Datacamp: Visualizing Geospatial Data in Python
- Datacamp: Interactive Data Visualization with Bokeh
- Udacity: Data Visualization in Tableau
- Youtube: Jake VanderPlas - Exploratory Data Visualization with Vega, Vega-Lite, and Altair - PyCon 2018
- UWData: Data Visualization Curriculum
- Paper: A Neural Probabilistic Language Model
- Paper: Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
- Paper: Sequence to Sequence Learning with Neural Networks
- Paper: Neural Machine Translation by Jointly Learning to Align and Translate
- Paper: Attention Is All You Need
- Paper: BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding
- Paper: XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding
- Paper: Synonyms Based Term Weighting Scheme: An Extension to TF.IDF
- Paper: RoBERTa: A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach
- Paper: GLUE: A Multi-Task Benchmark and Analysis Platform for Natural Language Understanding
- Paper: Amazon.com Recommendations Item-to-Item Collaborative Filtering
- Paper: Collaborative Filtering for Implicit Feedback Datasets
- Paper: BPR: Bayesian Personalized Ranking from Implicit Feedback
- Paper: Factorization Machines
- Paper: Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems
- Paper: Neural Factorization Machines for Sparse Predictive Analytics
- Paper: Multiword Expressions: A Pain in the Neck for NLP
- Paper: PyTorch: An Imperative Style, High-Performance Deep Learning Library
- Paper: Self-supervised Visual Feature Learning with Deep Neural Networks: A Survey
- Paper: A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations
- Paper: Self-Supervised Learning of Pretext-Invariant Representations
- Paper: FixMatch: Simplifying Semi-Supervised Learning with Consistency and Confidence
- Paper: Self-Labelling via Simultalaneous Clustering and Representation Learning
- Paper: A Survey on Contextual Embeddings
- Paper: A survey on Semi-, Self- and Unsupervised Techniques in Image Classification
- Paper: Shortcut Learning in Deep Neural Networks
- Paper: Multi-document Summarization by using TextRank and Maximal Marginal Relevance for Text in Bahasa Indonesia
- Paper: Train Once, Test Anywhere: Zero-Shot Learning for Text Classification
- Paper: Zero-shot Text Classification With Generative Language Models
- Paper: How to Fine-Tune BERT for Text Classification?
- Paper: Universal Sentence Encoder
- Paper: Enriching Word Vectors with Subword Information
- Paper: Deep Learning Based Text Classification: A Comprehensive Review
- Paper: Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP models with CheckList
- Paper: Pseudo-Label : The Simple and Efficient Semi-Supervised Learning Method for Deep Neural Networks
- Paper: Temporal Ensembling for Semi-Supervised Learning
- Paper: Boosting Self-Supervised Learning via Knowledge Transfer
- Paper: Follow-up Question Generation
- Paper: The Hardware Lottery
- Paper: Question Generation via Overgenerating Transformations and Ranking
- Paper: Good Question! Statistical Ranking for Question Generation
- Paper: Towards ML Engineering: A Brief History Of TensorFlow Extended (TFX)
- Paper: Interpolation Consistency Training for Semi-Supervised Learning
- Paper: Neural Text Generation: A Practical Guide
- Paper: Pest Management In Cotton Farms: An AI-System Case Study from the Global South
- Paper: BERT2DNN: BERT Distillation with Massive Unlabeled Data for Online E-Commerce Search
- Paper: On the surprising similarities between supervised and self-supervised models
- Paper: All-but-the-Top: Simple and Effective Postprocessing for Word Representations
- Paper: Simple and Effective Dimensionality Reduction for Word Embeddings
- Paper: A Survey on Visual Transformer
- Youtube: mixup: Beyond Empirical Risk Minimization (Paper Explained)
- 3Blue1Brown: Essence of Calculus
- The Essence of Calculus, Chapter 1
- The paradox of the derivative | Essence of calculus, chapter 2
- Derivative formulas through geometry | Essence of calculus, chapter 3
- Visualizing the chain rule and product rule | Essence of calculus, chapter 4
- What's so special about Euler's number e? | Essence of calculus, chapter 5
- Implicit differentiation, what's going on here? | Essence of calculus, chapter 6
- Limits, L'Hôpital's rule, and epsilon delta definitions | Essence of calculus, chapter 7
- Integration and the fundamental theorem of calculus | Essence of calculus, chapter 8
- What does area have to do with slope? | Essence of calculus, chapter 9
- Higher order derivatives | Essence of calculus, chapter 10
- Taylor series | Essence of calculus, chapter 11
- What they won't teach you in calculus
- The Essence of Calculus, Chapter 1
- 3Blue1Brown: Essence of linear algebra
- Vectors, what even are they? | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 1
- Linear combinations, span, and basis vectors | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 2
- Linear transformations and matrices | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 3
- Matrix multiplication as composition | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 4
- Three-dimensional linear transformations | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 5
- The determinant | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 6
- Inverse matrices, column space and null space | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 7
- Nonsquare matrices as transformations between dimensions | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 8
- Dot products and duality | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 9
- Cross products | Essence of linear algebra, Chapter 10
- Cross products in the light of linear transformations | Essence of linear algebra chapter 11
- Cramer's rule, explained geometrically | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 12
- Change of basis | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 13
- Eigenvectors and eigenvalues | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 14
- Abstract vector spaces | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 15
- Vectors, what even are they? | Essence of linear algebra, chapter 1
- 3Blue1Brown: Neural networks
- Article: A Visual Tour of Backpropagation
- Article: Entropy, Cross Entropy, and KL Divergence
- Article: Entropy of a probability distribution — in layman’s terms
- Article: KL Divergence — in layman’s terms
- Article: Relearning Matrices as Linear Functions
- Article: You Could Have Come Up With Eigenvectors - Here's How
- Article: PageRank - How Eigenvectors Power the Algorithm Behind Google Search
- Article: Interactive Visualization of Why Eigenvectors Matter
- Article: Cross-Entropy and KL Divergence
- Article: Why Randomness Is Information?
- Article: Basic Probability Theory
- Book: Basics of Linear Algebra for Machine Learning
- Datacamp: Introduction to Statistics in Python
- Datacamp: Foundations of Probability in Python
- Datacamp: Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 1)
- Datacamp: Statistical Thinking in Python (Part 2)
- Datacamp: Statistical Simulation in Python
- edX: Essential Statistics for Data Analysis using Excel
- Computational Linear Algebra for Coders
- Khan Academy: Precalculus
- Khan Academy: Probability
- Khan Academy: Differential Calculus
- Khan Academy: Multivariable Calculus
- Khan Academy: Linear Algebra
- MIT: 18.06 Linear Algebra (Professor Strang)
- 1. The Geometry of Linear Equations
- 2. Elimination with Matrices.
- 3. Multiplication and Inverse Matrices
- 4. Factorization into A = LU
- 5. Transposes, Permutations, Spaces R^n
- 6. Column Space and Nullspace
- 9. Independence, Basis, and Dimension
- 10. The Four Fundamental Subspaces
- 11. Matrix Spaces; Rank 1; Small World Graphs
- 14. Orthogonal Vectors and Subspaces
- 15. Projections onto Subspaces
- 16. Projection Matrices and Least Squares
- 17. Orthogonal Matrices and Gram-Schmidt
- 21. Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
- 22. Diagonalization and Powers of A
- 24. Markov Matrices; Fourier Series
- 25. Symmetric Matrices and Positive Definiteness
- 27. Positive Definite Matrices and Minima
- 29. Singular Value Decomposition
- 30. Linear Transformations and Their Matrices
- 31. Change of Basis; Image Compression
- 33. Left and Right Inverses; Pseudoinverse
- 1. The Geometry of Linear Equations
- StatQuest: Statistics Fundamentals
- StatQuest: Histograms, Clearly Explained
- StatQuest: What is a statistical distribution?
- StatQuest: The Normal Distribution, Clearly Explained!!!
- Statistics Fundamentals: Population Parameters
- Statistics Fundamentals: The Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation
- StatQuest: What is a statistical model?
- StatQuest: Sampling A Distribution
- Hypothesis Testing and The Null Hypothesis
- Alternative Hypotheses: Main Ideas!!!
- p-values: What they are and how to interpret them
- How to calculate p-values
- p-hacking: What it is and how to avoid it!
- Statistical Power, Clearly Explained!!!
- Power Analysis, Clearly Explained!!!
- Covariance and Correlation Part 1: Covariance
- Covariance and Correlation Part 2: Pearson's Correlation
- StatQuest: R-squared explained
- The Central Limit Theorem
- StatQuickie: Standard Deviation vs Standard Error
- StatQuest: The standard error
- StatQuest: Technical and Biological Replicates
- StatQuest - Sample Size and Effective Sample Size, Clearly Explained
- Bar Charts Are Better than Pie Charts
- StatQuest: Boxplots, Clearly Explained
- StatQuest: Logs (logarithms), clearly explained
- StatQuest: Confidence Intervals
- StatQuickie: Thresholds for Significance
- StatQuickie: Which t test to use
- StatQuest: One or Two Tailed P-Values
- The Binomial Distribution and Test, Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Quantiles and Percentiles, Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Quantile-Quantile Plots (QQ plots), Clearly Explained
- StatQuest: Quantile Normalization
- StatQuest: Probability vs Likelihood
- StatQuest: Maximum Likelihood, clearly explained!!!
- Maximum Likelihood for the Exponential Distribution, Clearly Explained! V2.0
- Why Dividing By N Underestimates the Variance
- Maximum Likelihood for the Binomial Distribution, Clearly Explained!!!
- Maximum Likelihood For the Normal Distribution, step-by-step!
- StatQuest: Odds and Log(Odds), Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Odds Ratios and Log(Odds Ratios), Clearly Explained!!!
- Live 2020-04-20!!! Expected Values
- StatQuest: Histograms, Clearly Explained
- Udacity: Algebra Review
- Udacity: Differential Equations in Action
- Udacity: Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues
- Udacity: Linear Algebra Refresher
- Udacity: Statistics
- Udacity: Intro to Descriptive Statistics
- Udacity: Intro to Inferential Statistics
- Youtube: Principal Component Analysis (PCA) - THE MATH YOU SHOULD KNOW!
- Youtube: Support Vector Machines - THE MATH YOU SHOULD KNOW
- Youtube: The Kernel Trick - THE MATH YOU SHOULD KNOW!
- Youtube: Logistic Regression - THE MATH YOU SHOULD KNOW!
- Youtube: But what is a Neural Network? - THE MATH YOU SHOULD KNOW!
- Youtube: Visualizing Deep Learning
- Article: I trained a model. What is next?
- Article: pydantic
- Article: Always start with a stupid model, no exceptions.
- Article: Organizing machine learning projects: project management guidelines
- Article: Most impactful AI trends of 2018: the rise of ML Engineering
- Article: Building machine learning products: a problem well-defined is a problem half-solved.
- Article: Simple considerations for simple people building fancy neural networks
- Article: Logging and Debugging in Machine Learning - How to use Python debugger and the logging module to find errors in your AI application
- Article: How to Unit Test Deep Learning: Tests in TensorFlow, mocking and test coverage
- Article: Best practices to write Deep Learning code: Project structure, OOP, Type checking and documentation
- Article: Deep Learning in Production: Laptop set up and system design
- Article: Configuring Google Colab Like A Pro
- Article: Stop using print, start using loguru in Python
- Coursera: Structuring Machine Learning Projects
- Datacamp: Conda Essentials
- Datacamp: Conda for Building & Distributing Packages
- Datacamp: Creating Robust Python Workflows
- Datacamp: Software Engineering for Data Scientists in Python
- Datacamp: Designing Machine Learning Workflows in Python
- Datacamp: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
- Datacamp: Command Line Automation in Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Data Engineering
- Datacamp: Experimental Design in Python
- Full Stack Deep Learning Bootcamp: March 2019
- Lecture 1: Introduction to Deep Learning
- Lecture 2: Setting Up Machine Learning Projects
- Lecture 3: Introduction to the Text Recognizer Project
- Lecture 4: Infrastructure and Tooling
- Lecture 5: Tracking Experiments
- Lecture 6: Data Management
- Lecture 7: Machine Learning Teams
- Lecture 9: Lukas Biewald
- Lecture 10: Troubleshooting Deep Neural Networks
- Lecture 11: Labs 6-9: Detection, Data Labeling, Testing and Deployment
- Lecture 12: Testing and Deployment
- Lecture 13: Research Directions
- Lecture 14: Jeremy Howard
- Lecture 15: Richard Socher
- Guest Lecture - Chip Huyen - Machine Learning Interviews - Full Stack Deep Learning
- MIT: The Missing Semester of CS Education
- Lecture 1: Course Overview + The Shell (2020)
- Lecture 2: Shell Tools and Scripting (2020)
- Lecture 3: Editors (vim) (2020)
- Lecture 4: Data Wrangling (2020)
- Lecture 5: Command-line Environment (2020)
- Lecture 6: Version Control (git) (2020)
- Lecture 7: Debugging and Profiling (2020)
- Lecture 8: Metaprogramming (2020)
- Lecture 9: Security and Cryptography (2020)
- Lecture 10: Potpourri (2020)
- Lecture 11: Q&A (2020)
- Lecture 1: Course Overview + The Shell (2020)
- Treehouse: Object Oriented Python
- Treehouse: Setup Local Python Environment
- Udacity: Writing READMEs
- Youtube: Weights and Biases Tutorial
- Youtube: Integrate Weights & Biases with PyTorch
- Youtube: Log (Almost) Anything with Weights & Biases
- Youtube: MLOps Tutorials
- Youtube: Data Engineering + ML + Software Engineering // Satish Chandra Gupta // MLOps Coffee Sessions #16
- Youtube: OO Design and Testing Patterns for Machine Learning with Chris Gerpheide
- Youtube: MLSys Seminars Fall 2020
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 0: ML + Systems
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 1: Marco Tulio Ribeiro
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 2: Matei Zaharia
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 3: Virginia Smith
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 4: Alex Ratner
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 5: Chip Huyen
- Stanford MLSys Seminar Episode 0: ML + Systems
- Article: Mastering Git Stash Workflow
- Article: How to Become a Master of Git Tags
- Article: How to track large files in Github / Bitbucket? Git LFS to the rescue
- Codecademy: Learn Git
- Code School: Git Real
- Datacamp: Introduction to Git for Data Science
- Learn enough git to be dangerous
- Learn Git Branching
- Thoughtbot: Mastering Git
- Udacity: GitHub & Collaboration
- Udacity: How to Use Git and GitHub
- Udacity: Version Control with Git
- Youtube: 045 Introduction to Git LFS
- Article: Validating your Machine Learning Model
- Article: The Complete Guide to AUC and Average Precision: Simulations and Visualizations
- Article: Connections: Log Likelihood, Cross Entropy, KL Divergence, Logistic Regression, and Neural Networks
- Article: Best Use of Train/Val/Test Splits, with Tips for Medical Data
- Article: Measuring Performance: AUPRC and Average Precision
- Article: Measuring Performance: AUC (AUROC)
- Article: Measuring Performance: The Confusion Matrix
- Article: Measuring Performance: Accuracy
- Article: Naive Bayes classification
- Article: Linear regression
- Article: Polynomial regression
- Article: Logistic regression
- Article: Decision trees
- Article: K-nearest neighbors
- Article: Support Vector Machines
- Article: Random forests
- Article: Boosted trees
- Article: Hacker's Guide to Fundamental Machine Learning Algorithms with Python
- Article: Simple Ways to Tackle Class Imbalance
- Article: MLE and MAP — in layman’s terms
- AWS: The Elements of Data Science
- Book: Approaching (Almost) Any Machine Learning Problem
- Datacamp: AI Fundamentals
- Datacamp: Extreme Gradient Boosting with XGBoost
- Datacamp: Ensemble Methods in Python
- Datacamp: Foundations of Predictive Analytics in Python (Part 1)
- Datacamp: Foundations of Predictive Analytics in Python (Part 2)
- Elements of AI
- edX: Principles of Machine Learning
- edX: Data Science Essentials
- StatQuest: Machine Learning
- A Gentle Introduction to Machine Learning
- Machine Learning Fundamentals: Cross Validation
- Machine Learning Fundamentals: The Confusion Matrix
- Machine Learning Fundamentals: Sensitivity and Specificity
- Machine Learning Fundamentals: Bias and Variance
- ROC and AUC, Clearly Explained!
- StatQuest: Fitting a line to data, aka least squares, aka linear regression.
- StatQuest: Linear Models Pt.1 - Linear Regression
- StatQuest: Odds and Log(Odds), Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Odds Ratios and Log(Odds Ratios), Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Logistic Regression
- Logistic Regression Details Pt1: Coefficients
- Logistic Regression Details Pt 2: Maximum Likelihood
- Logistic Regression Details Pt 3: R-squared and p-value
- Saturated Models and Deviance
- Deviance Residuals
- Regularization Part 1: Ridge (L2) Regression
- Regularization Part 2: Lasso (L1) Regression
- Ridge vs Lasso Regression, Visualized!!!
- Regularization Part 3: Elastic Net Regression
- StatQuest: Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Step-by-Step
- StatQuest: PCA main ideas in only 5 minutes!!!
- StatQuest: PCA - Practical Tips
- StatQuest: PCA in Python
- StatQuest: Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) clearly explained.
- StatQuest: MDS and PCoA
- StatQuest: t-SNE, Clearly Explained
- StatQuest: Hierarchical Clustering
- StatQuest: K-means clustering
- StatQuest: K-nearest neighbors, Clearly Explained
- Naive Bayes, Clearly Explained!!!
- Gaussian Naive Bayes, Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Decision Trees
- StatQuest: Decision Trees, Part 2 - Feature Selection and Missing Data
- Regression Trees, Clearly Explained!!!
- How to Prune Regression Trees, Clearly Explained!!!
- StatQuest: Random Forests Part 1 - Building, Using and Evaluating
- StatQuest: Random Forests Part 2: Missing data and clustering
- The Chain Rule
- Gradient Descent, Step-by-Step
- Stochastic Gradient Descent, Clearly Explained!!!
- AdaBoost, Clearly Explained
- Gradient Boost Part 1: Regression Main Ideas
- Gradient Boost Part 2: Regression Details
- Gradient Boost Part 3: Classification
- Gradient Boost Part 4: Classification Details
- Bam!!! Clearly Explained!!!
- Support Vector Machines, Clearly Explained!!!
- Support Vector Machines Part 2: The Polynomial Kernel
- Support Vector Machines Part 3: The Radial (RBF) Kernel
- XGBoost Part 1: Regression
- XGBoost Part 2: Classification
- XGBoost Part 3: Mathematical Details
- XGBoost Part 4: Crazy Cool Optimizations
- StatQuest: Fiitting a curve to data, aka lowess, aka loess
- Statistics Fundamentals: Population Parameters
- Principal Component Analysis (PCA) clearly explained (2015)
- Decision Trees in Python from Start to Finish
- A Gentle Introduction to Machine Learning
- Udacity: A Friendly Introduction to Machine Learning
- Udacity: Intro to Data Analysis
- Udacity: Intro to Data Science
- Udacity: Intro to Machine Learning
- Udacity: Classification Models
- Article: The Last 5 Years In Deep Learning
- Article: Visualizing Optimization Trajectory of Neural Nets
- Article: Optimization for Deep Learning Highlights in 2017
- Article: Neural networks: activation functions
- Article: Neural networks: training with backpropagation
- Article: Gradient descent
- Article: Setting the learning rate of your neural network
- Article: Deep neural networks: preventing overfitting
- Article: Normalizing your data (specifically, input and batch normalization)
- Article: Batch Normalization
- Article: Are Deep Neural Networks Dramatically Overfitted?
- Article: Attention? Attention!
- Article: How to Explain the Prediction of a Machine Learning Model?
- Article: Neural Network from scratch-part 1
- Article: Neural Network from scratch-part 2
- Article: Deep Learning Algorithms - The Complete Guide
- Article: In-layer normalization techniques for training very deep neural networks
- AWS: Understanding Neural Networks
- Book: Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning
- Coursera: Neural Networks and Deep Learning
- DeepMind: DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lecture Series 2020
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 1/12 | Intro to Machine Learning & AI
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 2/12 | Neural Networks Foundations
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 3/12 | Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Recognition
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 4/12 | Advanced Models for Computer Vision
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 5/12 | Optimization for Machine Learning
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 6/12 | Sequences and Recurrent Networks
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 7/12 | Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 8/12 | Attention and Memory in Deep Learning
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 9/12 | Generative Adversarial Networks
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 10/12 | Unsupervised Representation Learning
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 11/12 | Modern Latent Variable Models
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 12/12 | Responsible Innovation
- DeepMind x UCL | Deep Learning Lectures | 1/12 | Intro to Machine Learning & AI
- Fast.ai: Deep Learning for Coder (2020)
- Book: Grokking Deep Learning
- Book: Make Your Own Neural Network
- MIT: 6.S191: Introduction to Deep Learning
- MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191
- Recurrent Neural Networks | MIT 6.S191
- Convolutional Neural Networks | MIT 6.S191
- Deep Generative Modeling | MIT 6.S191
- Reinforcement Learning | MIT 6.S191
- Deep Learning New Frontiers | MIT 6.S191
- Neurosymbolic AI | MIT 6.S191
- Generalizable Autonomy for Robot Manipulation | MIT 6.S191
- Neural Rendering | MIT 6.S191
- Machine Learning for Scent | MIT 6.S191
- MIT Introduction to Deep Learning | 6.S191
- Pluralsight: Deep Learning: The Big Picture
- Udacity: Deep Learning
- Youtube: Neural Networks from Scratch in Python
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.1 Intro and Neuron Code
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.2 Coding a Layer
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.3 The Dot Product
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.4 Batches, Layers, and Objects
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.5 Hidden Layer Activation Functions
- Neural Networks from Scratch - P.1 Intro and Neuron Code
- Youtube: Visualizing Deep Learning
- Youtube: Deep Double Descent
- Youtube: How do we check if a neural network has learned a specific phenomenon?
- Article: Label Smoothing Explained using Microsoft Excel
- Youtube: What is Adversarial Machine Learning and what to do about it? – Adversarial example compilation
- Article: Stacking made easy with Sklearn
- Datacamp: Supervised Learning with scikit-learn
- Datacamp: Machine Learning with Tree-Based Models in Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Linear Modeling in Python
- Datacamp: Linear Classifiers in Python
- Datacamp: Generalized Linear Models in Python
- Pluralsight: Building Machine Learning Models in Python with scikit-learn
- Video: human learn
- Youtube: Applied Machine Learning 2020
- Channel Intro - Applied Machine Learning
- Applied ML 2020 - 01 Introduction
- Applied ML 2020 - 02 Visualization and matplotlib
- Applied ML 2020 - 03 Supervised learning and model validation
- Applied ML 2020 - 04 - Preprocessing
- Applied ML 2020 - 05 - Linear Models for Regression
- Applied ML 2020 - 06 - Linear Models for Classification
- Applied ML 2020 - 07 - Decision Trees and Random Forests
- Applied ML 2020 - 08 - Gradient Boosting
- Applied ML 2020 - 09 - Model Evaluation and Metrics
- Applied ML 2020 - 10 - Calibration, Imbalanced data
- Applied ML 2020 - 11 - Model Inspection and Feature Selection
- Applied ML 2020 - 12 - AutoML (plus some feature selection)
- Applied ML 2020 - 13 - Dimensionality reduction
- Applied ML 2020 - 14 - Clustering and Mixture Models
- Applied ML 2020 - 15 - Working with Text Data
- Applied ML 2020 - 16 - Topic models for text data
- Applied ML 2020 - 17 - Word vectors and document embeddings
- Applied ML 2020 - 18 - Neural Networks
- Applied ML 2020 - 19 - Keras and Convolutional neural nets
- Applied ML 2020 - 20 - Advanced neural networks
- Applied ML 2020 - 21 - Time Series and Forecasting
- Channel Intro - Applied Machine Learning
- Coursera: Introduction to Tensorflow
- Coursera: Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow
- Coursera: Getting Started With Tensorflow 2
- Coursera: Customising your models with TensorFlow 2
- Deeplizard: Keras - Python Deep Learning Neural Network API
- Book: Deep Learning with Python (Page: 276)
- Datacamp: Deep Learning in Python
- Datacamp: Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Processing
- Datacamp: Introduction to TensorFlow in Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Deep Learning with Keras
- Datacamp: Advanced Deep Learning with Keras
- Google: Intro to Tensorflow
- Google: Machine Learning Crash Course
- Pluralsight: Deep Learning with Keras
- Udacity: Intro to TensorFlow for Deep Learning
- Article: Training Neural Nets on Larger Batches: Practical Tips for 1-GPU, Multi-GPU & Distributed setups
- Article: An introduction to PyTorch Lightning with comparisons to PyTorch
- Article: Scaling Logistic Regression Via Multi-GPU/TPU Training
- Article: PyTorch Lightning Bolts — From Linear, Logistic Regression on TPUs to pre-trained GANs
- Article: Keeping Up with PyTorch Lightning and Hydra
- Article: PyTorch Lightning 0.9 — synced BatchNorm, DataModules and final API!
- Article: PyTorch Lightning: Metrics
- Article: PyTorch Multi-GPU Metrics Library and More in PyTorch Lightning 0.8.1
- Article: 7 Tips To Maximize PyTorch Performance
- Article: From PyTorch to PyTorch Lightning — A gentle introduction
- Article: Converting From Keras To PyTorch Lightning
- Article: How Wadhwani AI Uses PyTorch To Empower Cotton Farmers
- Article: PyTorch Loss Functions: The Ultimate Guide
- Article: Supercharge your Training with Pytorch Lightning + Weights & Biases
- Article: Sharded: A New Technique To Double The Size Of PyTorch Models
- Article: Introducing PyTorch Lightning Sharded: Train SOTA Models, With Half The Memory
- Article: Transform your ML-model to Pytorch with Hummingbird
- Article: Distributed model training in PyTorch using DistributedDataParallel
- Article: Taming LSTMs: Variable-sized mini-batches and why PyTorch is good for your health
- Article: Pad pack sequences for Pytorch batch processing with DataLoader
- Article: Understanding Bidirectional RNN in PyTorch
- Article: But what are PyTorch DataLoaders really?
- Article: How to Build a Streaming DataLoader with PyTorch
- Article: Tricks for training PyTorch models to convergence more quickly
- Article: A developer-friendly guide to model pruning in PyTorch
- Article: A developer-friendly guide to model quantization with PyTorch
- Article: Distributed model training in PyTorch using DistributedDataParallel
- Article: A developer-friendly guide to mixed precision training with PyTorch
- Article: Fit More and Train Faster With ZeRO via DeepSpeed and FairScale
- Article: Faster Deep Learning Training with PyTorch – a 2021 Guide
- Documentation: Pytorch Lightning
- Datacamp: Introduction to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Deeplizard: Neural Network Programming - Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Udacity: Intro to Deep Learning with PyTorch
- Youtube: PyTorch Lightning 101
- Youtube: SimCLR with PyTorch Lightning
- Youtube: PyTorch Performance Tuning Guide
- Youtube: Skin Cancer Detection with PyTorch
- Youtube: Learn with Lightning
- Youtube: PyTorch Tutorial - RNN & LSTM & GRU - Recurrent Neural Nets
- Youtube: Pytorch Zero to All
- PyTorch Lecture 01: Overview
- PyTorch Lecture 02: Linear Model
- PyTorch Lecture 03: Gradient Descent
- PyTorch Lecture 04: Back-propagation and Autograd
- PyTorch Lecture 05: Linear Regression in the PyTorch way
- PyTorch Lecture 06: Logistic Regression
- PyTorch Lecture 07: Wide and Deep
- PyTorch Lecture 08: PyTorch DataLoader
- PyTorch Lecture 09: Softmax Classifier
- PyTorch Lecture 10: Basic CNN
- PyTorch Lecture 11: Advanced CNN
- PyTorch Lecture 12: RNN1 - Basics
- PyTorch Lecture 13: RNN 2 - Classification
- PyTorch Lecture 01: Overview
- PyTorch Developer Day 2020 | Full Livestream
- Youtube: Lightning Chat: How a Grandmaster Won a Kaggle Competition Using Pytorch Lightning
- AWS: Amazon Transcribe Deep Dive: Using Feedback Loops to Improve Confidence Level of Transcription
- AWS: Build a Text Classification Model with AWS Glue and Amazon SageMaker
- AWS: Deep Dive on Amazon Rekognition: Building Computer Visions Based Smart Applications
- AWS: Hands-on Rekognition: Automated Video Editing
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Comprehend
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Comprehend Medical
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Elastic Inference
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Forecast
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Lex
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Personalize
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Polly
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon SageMaker Neo
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Transcribe
- AWS: Introduction to Amazon Translate
- AWS: Introduction to AWS Marketplace - Machine Learning Category
- AWS: Machine Learning Exam Basics
- AWS: Neural Machine Translation with Sockeye
- AWS: Process Model: CRISP-DM on the AWS Stack
- AWS: Satellite Image Classification in SageMaker
- Datacamp: Introduction to AWS Boto in Python
- edX: Amazon SageMaker: Simplifying Machine Learning Application Development
- Article: From Research to Production with Deep Semi-Supervised Learning
- Article: RecSys 2020 - Takeaways and Notable Papers
- Article: Paper Summary: DeViSE: A Deep Visual-Semantic Embedding Model
- Article: An overview of proxy-label approaches for semi-supervised learning
- Article: Create, Visualize and Interpret Customer Segments
- Article: A gentle introduction to HDBSCAN and density-based clustering
- Article: Grouping data points with k-means clustering
- Article: Soft clustering with Gaussian mixed models (EM)
- Article: Introduction to autoencoders
- Article: Variational autoencoders
- Article: Principal components analysis (PCA)
- Article: Deep Inside Autoencoders
- Article: Build a simple Image Retrieval System with an Autoencoder
- Article: Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features by Contrasting Cluster Assignments
- Article: A Framework For Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning And Designing A New Approach
- Article: Contrastive Self-Supervised Learning
- Article: Understanding self-supervised and contrastive learning with "Bootstrap Your Own Latent" (BYOL)
- Article: Affinity Propagation Algorithm Explained
- Article: Algorithm Breakdown: Affinity Propagation
- Article: From Autoencoder to Beta-VAE
- Article: Self-Supervised Representation Learning
- Article: GANs in computer vision - Introduction to generative learning
- Article: GANs in computer vision - self-supervised adversarial training and high-resolution image synthesis with style incorporation
- Article: GANs in computer vision - semantic image synthesis and learning a generative model from a single image
- Article: GANs in computer vision - Improved training with Wasserstein distance, game theory control and progressively growing schemes
- Article: GANs in computer vision - Conditional image synthesis and 3D object generation
- Article: Decrypt Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Article: How to Generate Images using Autoencoders
- Article: Deepfakes: Face synthesis with GANs and Autoencoders
- Article: EfficientDet Meets Pytorch-Lightning
- Berkeley: Deep Unsupervised Learning Spring 2020
- L1 Introduction -- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
- L2 Autoregressive Models -- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
- L3 Flow Models -- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- UC Berkeley -- Spring 2020
- L4 Latent Variable Models (VAE) -- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- UC Berkeley
- Lecture 5 Implicit Models -- GANs Part I --- UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
- Lecture 6 Implicit Models / GANs part II --- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- Berkeley
- Lecture 7 Self-Supervised Learning -- UC Berkeley Spring 2020 - CS294-158 Deep Unsupervised Learning
- L8 Round-up of Strengths and Weaknesses of Unsupervised Learning Methods -- UC Berkeley SP20
- L9 Semi-Supervised Learning and Unsupervised Distribution Alignment -- CS294-158-SP20 UC Berkeley
- L10 Compression -- UC Berkeley, Spring 2020, CS294-158 Deep Unsupervised Learning
- L11 Language Models -- guest instructor: Alec Radford (OpenAI) --- Deep Unsupervised Learning SP20
- L12 Representation Learning for Reinforcement Learning --- CS294-158 UC Berkeley Spring 2020
- L1 Introduction -- CS294-158-SP20 Deep Unsupervised Learning -- UC Berkeley, Spring 2020
- Datacamp: Customer Segmentation in Python
- Datacamp: Unsupervised Learning in Python
- Deck: Demystifying Self-Supervised Learning for Visual Recognition
- DeepMind: Inefficient Data Efficiency
- Google: Clustering
- Udacity: Segmentation and Clustering
- Wandb: Unsupervised Visual Representation Learning with SwAV
- Youtube: BYOL: Bootstrap Your Own Latent: A New Approach to Self-Supervised Learning (Paper Explained)
- Youtube: A critical analysis of self-supervision, or what we can learn from a single image (Paper Explained)
- Youtube: Week 10 – Lecture: Self-supervised learning (SSL) in computer vision (CV)
- Youtube: CVPR 2020 Tutorial: Towards Annotation-Efficient Learning
- Youtube: Yuki Asano | Self-Supervision | Self-Labelling | Labelling Unlabelled videos | CV | CTDS.Show #81
- Youtube: Contrastive Clustering with SwAV
- Youtube: Variational Autoencoders - EXPLAINED!
- Youtube: OptaProAnalyticsForum– Learning to watch football: Self-supervised representations for tracking data
- Youtube: Can a Neural Net tell if an image is mirrored? – Visual Chirality
- Youtube: Deep InfoMax: Learning deep representations by mutual information estimation and maximization
- Deep Learning Lecture Summer 2020
- Deep Learning: Unsupervised Learning - Part 1
- Deep Learning: Unsupervised Learning - Part 2
- Deep Learning: Unsupervised Learning - Part 3
- Deep Learning: Unsupervised Learning - Part 4
- Deep Learning: Unsupervised Learning - Part 5
- Deep Learning: Weakly and Self-Supervised Learning - Part 1
- Deep Learning: Weakly and Self-Supervised Learning - Part 2
- Deep Learning: Weakly and Self-Supervised Learning - Part 3
- Deep Learning: Weakly and Self-Supervised Learning - Part 4
- ECCV 2020: New Frontiers for Learning with Limited Labels or Data
- Introduction to New Frontiers on Learning with Limited Labels or Data
- Self-Supervised Part and Viewpoint Discovery from Image Collections
- Learning Visual Correspondences across Instances and Video Frames
- Limitless Labels in a Labelless World: Weak Supervision with Noisy Labels
- Inverting Neural Networks for Data-free Knowledge Transfer
- Learning Efficiently with Biologically Inspired Feedback
- Youtube: Self-Supervised Learning - What is Next? - Workshop at ECCV 2020, August 28th
- Next Challenges for Self-Supervised Learning - Aäron van den Oord
- Perspectives on Unsupervised Representation Learning - Paolo Favaro
- Learning and Transferring Visual Representations with Few Labels - Carl Doersch
- Multi-view Invariance and Grouping for Self-Supervised Learning - Ishan Misra
- Representation Learning beyond Instance Discrimination and Semantic Categorization - Stella Yu
- Self-Supervision as a Path to a Post-Dataset Era - Alexei Alyosha Efros
- Self-Supervision & Modularity: Cornerstones for Generalization in Embodied Agents - Deepak Pathak
- Next Challenges for Self-Supervised Learning - Aäron van den Oord
- Youtube: Marco Cuturi - A Primer on Optimal Transport
- Youtube: Sebastian Ruder: Neural Semi-supervised Learning under Domain Shift
- Youtube: Clustering Algorithms
- Youtube: Beyond supervised learning
- Article: Understanding ARPA and Language Models
- Article: Transformer-based Encoder-Decoder Models
- Article: Zero-Shot Learning in Modern NLP
- Article: Visualizing A Neural Machine Translation Model (Mechanics of Seq2seq Models With Attention)
- Article: Text Data Cleanup - Dynamic Embedding Visualisation
- Article: The Illustrated BERT, ELMo, and co. (How NLP Cracked Transfer Learning)
- Article: Intuition & Use-Cases of Embeddings in NLP & beyond
- Article: The Illustrated GPT-2 (Visualizing Transformer Language Models)
- Article: The Illustrated Word2vec
- Article: All Our N-gram are Belong to You
- Article: Introducing spaCy
- Article: DialogRPT with Huggingface Transformers
- Article: How to Outperform GPT-3 by Combining Task Descriptions With Supervised Learning
- Article: How we used Universal Sentence Encoder and FAISS to make our search 10x smarter
- Article: Porting fairseq wmt19 translation system to transformers
- Article: NLP: Pre-trained Sentiment Analysis
- Article: How to build a State-of-the-Art Conversational AI with Transfer Learning
- Article: The Current Best of Universal Word Embeddings and Sentence Embeddings
- Article: Long Short-Term Memory: From Zero to Hero with PyTorch
- Article: Ten trends in Deep learning NLP
- Article: Google mT5 multilingual text-to-text transformer: A Brief Paper Analysis
- Article: String Matching with BERT, TF-IDF, and more!
- Article: Keyword Extraction with BERT
- Article: Creating a class-based TF-IDF with Scikit-Learn
- Article: Topic Modeling with BERT
- Article: NLP Year In Review
- Article: Using an NLP Q&A System To Study Climate Hazards and Nature-Based Solutions
- Article: Building a sentence embedding index with fastText and BM25
- Article: ML and NLP Research Highlights of 2020
- Article: Hugging Face Reads - 01/2021 - Sparsity and Pruning
- Article: Rebuilding the most popular spellchecker. Part 1
- Article: Rebuilding the spellchecker, pt.2: Just look in the dictionary, they said!
- Article: Rebuilding the spellchecker, pt.3: Lookup—compounds and solutions
- Article: Rebuilding the spellchecker, pt.4: Introduction to suggest algorithm
- Article: Rebuilding the spellchecker: Hunspell and the order of edits
- Article: Performers: The Kernel Trick, Random Fourier Features, and Attention
- Article: Advance BERT model via transferring knowledge from Cross-Encoders to Bi-Encoders
- Article: Interactive Topic Modeling with BERTopic
- Article: Commonsense Reasoning for Natural Language Processing
- Article: Zero shot NER using RoBERTA
- Article: Understanding Climate Change Domains through Topic Modeling
- Article: Simple PyTorch Transformer Example with Greedy Decoding
- Article: Topic Modeling for Keyword Extraction
- Article: Poor man’s GPT-3: Few shot text generation with T5 Transformer
- Article: Paraphrasing
- Article: Spelling Correction: How to make an accurate and fast corrector
- Article: Text Generation
- Article: How to steal modern NLP systems with gibberish?
- Article: Part of Speech Tagging with Hidden Markov Chain Models
- Article: Building RNNs is Fun with PyTorch and Google Colab
- Article: Automatically Summarize Trump’s State of the Union Address
- Article: Evaluation Metrics for Language Modeling
- Article: Does GPT-2 Know Your Phone Number?
- Article: ColumnTransformer Meets Natural Language Processing
- Article: pyLDAvis: Topic Modelling Exploration Tool That Every NLP Data Scientist Should Know
- Article: Explain NLP models with LIME & SHAP
- Article: When Topic Modeling is Part of the Text Pre-processing
- Article: Automatic Topic Labeling in 2018: History and Trends
- Article: The Annotated Transformer
- Article: Question Classification using Self-Attention Transformer — Part 1
- Article: Question Classification using Self-Attention Transformer — Part 1.1
- Article: Question Classification using Self-Attention Transformer — Part 2
- Article: Question Classification using Self-Attention Transformer — Part 3
- Article: Attention? An Other Perspective!: Part 1
- Article: Attention? An Other Perspective!: Part 2
- Article: Attention? An Other Perspective!: Part 3
- Article: Attention? An Other Perspective!: Part 4
- Article: Attention? An Other Perspective!: Part 5
- Article: On word embeddings - Part 1
- Article: On word embeddings - Part 2: Approximating the Softmax
- Article: On word embeddings - Part 3: The secret ingredients of word2vec
- Article: A survey of cross-lingual word embedding models
- Article: Leveraging Pre-trained Language Model Checkpoints for Encoder-Decoder Models
- Article: Semantic search using BERT embeddings
- Article: GPT-2 A nascent transfer learning method that could eliminate supervised learning in some NLP tasks
- Article: Brief review of word embedding families (2019)
- Article: Trends in input representation for state-of-art NLP models (2019)
- Article: An Overview of Multi-Task Learning in Deep Neural Networks
- Article: Deep Learning for NLP Best Practices
- Article: Learning to select data for transfer learning
- Article: Multi-Task Learning Objectives for Natural Language Processing
- Article: Word embeddings in 2017: Trends and future direction
- Article: Tracking the Progress in Natural Language Processing
- Article: NLP's ImageNet moment has arrived
- Article: A Review of the Neural History of Natural Language Processing
- Article: 10 Exciting Ideas of 2018 in NLP
- Article: The 4 Biggest Open Problems in NLP
- Article: Neural Transfer Learning for Natural Language Processing
- Article: The State of Transfer Learning in NLP
- Article: Unsupervised Cross-lingual Representation Learning
- Article: Why You Should Do NLP Beyond English
- Article: Solving NER with BERT for any entity type with very little training data (compared to past approaches)
- Article: Deconstructing BERT
- Article: A review of BERT based models
- Article: XLNet — a clever language modeling solution
- Article: T5 — a model that explores the limits of transfer learning
- Article: Examining BERT’s raw embeddings
- Article: Unsupervised NER using BERT
- Article: Document search with fragment embeddings
- Article: Unsupervised creation of interpretable sentence representations
- Article: Maximizing BERT model performance
- Article: Character level language model RNN
- Article: How To Create Natural Language Semantic Search For Arbitrary Objects With Deep Learning
- Article: How To Create Data Products That Are Magical Using Sequence-to-Sequence Models
- Article: State-of-the-Art Language Models in 2020
- Article: How to solve 90% of NLP problems: a step-by-step guide
- Article: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
- Article: How to Apply BERT to Arabic and Other Languages
- Article: The Illustrated Transformer
- Article: Under the Hood of RNNs
- Article: The Annotated GPT-2
- Article: Adapting Text Augmentation to Industry problems
- Article: How I Used Deep Learning To Train A Chatbot To Talk Like Me (Sorta)
- Article: Semantic Entailment
- Article: Feature-based Approach with BERT
- Article: Introduction to recurrent neural networks
- Article: Aspect-Based Opinion Mining (NLP with Python)
- Article: The Transformer Explained
- Article: Controlling Text Generation with Plug and Play Language Models
- Article: What makes a good conversation?
- Article: NLP for Supervised Learning - A Brief Survey
- Article: Generating Questions Using Transformers
- Article: Neural Language Models as Domain-Specific Knowledge Bases
- Article: Understanding BERT’s Semantic Interpretations
- Article: Using NLP (BERT) to improve OCR accuracy
- Article: Hyperparameter Optimization for 🤗Transformers: A guide
- Article: Faster and smaller quantized NLP with Hugging Face and ONNX Runtime
- Article: Learning Word Embedding
- Article: The Transformer Family
- Article: Generalized Language Models
- Article: Document clustering
- Article: The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks
- Article: LSTM Primer With Real Life Application( DeepMind Kidney Injury Prediction )*
- Article: Making sense of LSTMs by example
- Article: 3 subword algorithms help to improve your NLP model performance
- Article: Exploring LSTMs
- Article: Understanding LSTM Networks
- Article: 74 Summaries of Machine Learning and NLP Research
- Article: Smart Batching Tutorial - Speed Up BERT Training
- Article: GPU Benchmarks for Fine-Tuning BERT
- Article: Existing Tools for Named Entity Recognition
- Article: Domain-Specific BERT Models
- Article: Search (Pt 1) — A Gentle Introduction
- Article: Search (Pt 2) — A Semantic Horse Race
- Article: Search (Pt 3) — Elastic Transformers
- Article: How to Implement a Beam Search Decoder for Natural Language Processing
- Article: Speller100: Zero-shot spelling correction at scale for 100-plus languages
- A friendly introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
- Book: Embeddings in Natural Language Processing
- Book: Linguistic Fundamentals for Natural Language Processing: 100 Essentials from Morphology and Syntax
- Coursera: Sequence Models
- Coursera: Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow
- CMU: Low-resource NLP Bootcamp 2020
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (1): NLP Tasks
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (2): Linguistics - Phonology and Morphology
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (3): Machine Translation
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (4): Linguistics - Syntax and Morphosyntax
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (5): Neural Representation Learning
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (6): Multilingual NLP
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (7): Speech Synthesis
- CMU Low resource NLP Bootcamp 2020 (1): NLP Tasks
- CMU: Neural Nets for NLP 2020
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (1): Introduction
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (2): Language Modeling, Efficiency/Training Tricks
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (3): Convolutional Neural Networks for Text
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (4): Recurrent Neural Networks
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (5): Efficiency Tricks for Neural Nets
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (6): Conditioned Generation
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (7): Attention
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (8): Distributional Semantics and Word Vectors
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (9): Sentence and Contextual Word Representations
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (10): Debugging Neural Nets (for NLP)
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (11): Structured Prediction with Local Independence Assumptions
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (12): Generating Trees Incrementally
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (13): Generating Trees Incrementally
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (14): Search-based Structured Prediction
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (15): Minimum Risk Training and Reinforcement Learning
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (16): Advanced Search Algorithms
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (17): Adversarial Methods
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (18): Models w/ Latent Random Variables
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (19): Unsupervised and Semi-supervised Learning of Structure
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (20): Multitask and Multilingual Learning
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (21): Document Level Models
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (22): Neural Nets + Knowledge Bases
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (23): Machine Reading w/ Neural Nets
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (24): Natural Language Generation
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (25): Model Interpretation
- CMU Neural Nets for NLP 2020 (1): Introduction
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (1): Introduction
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (2): Typology - The Space of Language
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (3): Words, Parts of Speech, Morphology
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (4): Text Classification and Sequence Labeling
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (5): Advanced Text Classification/Labeling
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (6): Translation, Evaluation, and Datasets
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (7): Machine Translation/Sequence-to-sequence Models
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (8): Data Augmentation for Machine Translation
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (9): Language Contact and Similarity Across Languages
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (10): Multilingual Training and Cross-lingual Transfer
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (11): Unsupervised Translation
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (12): Code Switching, Pidgins, and Creoles
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (13): Speech
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (14): Automatic Speech Recognition
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (15): Low Resource ASR
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (16): Text to Speech
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (17): Morphological Analysis and Inflection
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (18): Dependency Parsing
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (19): Data Annotation
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (20): Active Learning
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (21): Information Extraction
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (22): Multilingual NLP for Indigenous Languages
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (23): Universal Translation at Scale
- CMU Multilingual NLP 2020 (1): Introduction
- CMU: MultiModal Machine Learning Fall 2020
- Lecture 1.1: Course Introduction
- Lecture 1.2: Multimodal applications and datasets
- Lecture 2.1: Basic concepts: neural networks
- Lecture 2.2: Basic concepts: network optimization
- Lecture 3.1: Visual unimodal representations
- Lecture 3.2: Language unimodal representations
- Lecture 4.1: Multimodal representation learning
- Lecture 4.2: Coordinated representations
- Lecture 5.1: Multimodal alignment
- Lecture 5.2: Alignment and representation
- Lecture 7.1: Alignment and translation
- Lecture 7.2: Probabilistic graphical models
- Lecture 8.1: Discriminative graphical models
- Lecture 8.2: Deep Generative Models
- Lecture 9.1: Reinforcement learning
- Lecture 9.2: Multimodal RL
- Lecture 10.1: Fusion and co-learning
- Lecture 10.2: New research directions
- Datacamp: Advanced NLP with spaCy
- Datacamp: Building Chatbots in Python
- Datacamp: Clustering Methods with SciPy
- Datacamp: Feature Engineering for NLP in Python
- Datacamp: Machine Translation in Python
- Datacamp: Natural Language Processing Fundamentals in Python
- Datacamp: Natural Language Generation in Python
- Datacamp: RNN for Language Modeling
- Datacamp: Regular Expressions in Python
- Datacamp: Sentiment Analysis in Python
- Datacamp: Spoken Language Processing in Python
- RNN and LSTM
- Spacy Tutorial
- Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 1 – Course Overview | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 2 – Word Vectors 1 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 3 – Word Vectors 2 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 4 – Word Vectors 3 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 5 – Sentiment Analysis 1 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 6 – Sentiment Analysis 2 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 7 – Relation Extraction | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 8 – NLI 1 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 9 – NLI 2 | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 10 – Grounding | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 11 – Semantic Parsing | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 12 – Evaluation Methods | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 13 – Evaluation Metrics | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 14 – Contextual Vectors | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 15 – Presenting Your Work | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Lecture 1 – Course Overview | Stanford CS224U: Natural Language Understanding | Spring 2019
- Stanford CS224N: Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 1 – Introduction and Word Vectors
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 2 – Word Vectors and Word Senses
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 3 – Neural Networks
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 4 – Backpropagation
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 5 – Dependency Parsing
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 6 – Language Models and RNNs
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 7 – Vanishing Gradients, Fancy RNNs
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 8 – Translation, Seq2Seq, Attention
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 9 – Practical Tips for Projects
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 10 – Question Answering
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 11 – Convolutional Networks for NLP
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 12 – Subword Models
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 13 – Contextual Word Embeddings
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 14 – Transformers and Self-Attention
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 15 – Natural Language Generation
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 16 – Coreference Resolution
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 17 – Multitask Learning
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 18 – Constituency Parsing, TreeRNNs
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 19 – Bias in AI
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 20 – Future of NLP + Deep Learning
- Stanford CS224N: NLP with Deep Learning | Winter 2019 | Lecture 1 – Introduction and Word Vectors
- Stanford: Natural Language Processing | Dan Jurafsky, Christopher Manning
- Course Introduction
- Regular Expressions
- Regular Expressions in Practical NLP
- Word Tokenization
- Word Normalization and Stemming
- Sentence Segmentation
- Defining Minimum Edit Distance
- Computing Minimum Edit Distance
- Backtrace for Computing Alignments
- Weighted Minimum Edit Distance
- Minimum Edit Distance in Computational Biology
- Introduction to N grams
- Estimating N gram Probabilities
- Evaluation and Perplexity
- Generalization and Zeros
- Smoothing Add One
- Interpolation
- Good Turing Smoothing
- Kneser Ney Smoothing
- The Spelling Correction Task
- The Noisy Channel Model of Spelling
- Real Word Spelling Correction
- State of the Art Systems
- What is Text Classification
- Naive Bayes
- Formalizing the Naive Bayes Classifier
- Naive Bayes Learning
- Naive Bayes Relationship to Language Modeling
- Multinomial Naive Bayes A Worked Example
- Precision, Recall, and the F measure
- Text Classification Evaluation
- Practical Issues in Text Classification
- What is Sentiment Analysis
- Sentiment Analysis A baseline algorithm
- Sentiment Lexicons
- Learning Sentiment Lexicons
- Other Sentiment Tasks
- Generative vs Discriminative Models
- Making features from text for discriminative NLP models
- Feature Based Linear Classifiers
- Building a Maxent Model The Nuts and Bolts
- Generative vs Discriminative models
- Maximizing the Likelihood
- Introduction to Information Extraction
- Evaluation of Named Entity Recognition
- Sequence Models for Named Entity Recognition
- Maximum Entropy Sequence Models
- What is Relation Extraction
- Using Patterns to Extract Relations
- Supervised Relation Extraction
- Semi Supervised and Unsupervised Relation Extraction
- The Maximum Entropy Model Presentation
- Feature Overlap Feature Interaction
- Conditional Maxent Models for Classification
- Smoothing Regularization Priors for Maxent Models
- An Intro to Parts of Speech and POS Tagging
- Some Methods and Results on Sequence Models for POS Tagging
- Syntactic Structure Constituency vs Dependency
- Empirical Data Driven Approach to Parsing
- The Exponential Problem in Parsing
- Instructor Chat
- CFGs and PCFGs
- Grammar Transforms
- CKY Parsing
- CKY Example
- Constituency Parser Evaluation
- Lexicalization of PCFGs
- Charniak's Model
- PCFG Independence Assumptions
- The Return of Unlexicalized PCFGs
- Latent Variable PCFGs
- Dependency Parsing Introduction
- Greedy Transition Based Parsing
- Dependencies Encode Relational Structure
- Introduction to Information Retrieval
- Term Document Incidence Matrices
- The Inverted Index
- Query Processing with the Inverted Index
- Phrase Queries and Positional Indexes
- Introducing Ranked Retrieval
- Scoring with the Jaccard Coefficient
- Term Frequency Weighting
- Inverse Document Frequency Weighting
- TF IDF Weighting
- The Vector Space Model
- Calculating TF IDF Cosine Scores
- Evaluating Search Engines
- Word Senses and Word Relations
- WordNet and Other Online Thesauri
- Word Similarity and Thesaurus Methods
- Word Similarity Distributional Similarity I
- Word Similarity Distributional Similarity II
- What is Question Answering
- Answer Types and Query Formulation
- Passage Retrieval and Answer Extraction
- Using Knowledge in QA
- Advanced Answering Complex Questions
- Introduction to Summarization
- Generating Snippets
- Evaluating Summaries ROUGE
- Summarizing Multiple Documents
- Instructor Chat II
- Course Introduction
- TextBlob Tutorial Series
- Natural Language Processing Tutorial With TextBlob -Tokens,Translation and Ngrams
- NLP Tutorial With TextBlob and Python - Parts of Speech Tagging
- NLP Tutorial With TextBlob & Python - Lemmatizating
- NLP Tutorial with TextBlob & Python - Sentiment Analysis(Polarity,Subjectivity)
- Building a NLP-based Flask App with TextBlob
- Natural Language Processing with Polyglot - Installation & Intro
- Natural Language Processing Tutorial With TextBlob -Tokens,Translation and Ngrams
- Youtube: fast.ai Code-First Intro to Natural Language Processing
- What is NLP? (NLP video 1)
- Topic Modeling with SVD & NMF (NLP video 2)
- Topic Modeling & SVD revisited (NLP video 3)
- Sentiment Classification with Naive Bayes (NLP video 4)
- Sentiment Classification with Naive Bayes & Logistic Regression, contd. (NLP video 5)
- Derivation of Naive Bayes & Numerical Stability (NLP video 6)
- Revisiting Naive Bayes, and Regex (NLP video 7)
- Intro to Language Modeling (NLP video 8)
- Transfer learning (NLP video 9)
- ULMFit for non-English Languages (NLP Video 10)
- Understanding RNNs (NLP video 11)
- Seq2Seq Translation (NLP video 12)
- Word embeddings quantify 100 years of gender & ethnic stereotypes-- Nikhil Garg (NLP video 13)
- Text generation algorithms (NLP video 14)
- Implementing a GRU (NLP video 15)
- Algorithmic Bias (NLP video 16)
- Introduction to the Transformer (NLP video 17)
- The Transformer for language translation (NLP video 18)
- What you need to know about Disinformation (NLP video 19)
- Article: Zero to Hero with fastai - Beginner
- Article: Zero to Hero with fastai - Intermediate
- What is NLP? (NLP video 1)
- NLP Course | For You
- Youtube: BERT Research Series
- YouTube: Intro to NLP with Spacy
- Talk: Practical NLP for the Real World
- YouTube: Level 3 AI Assistant Conference 2020
- Youtube: Conversation Analysis Theory in Chatbots | Michael Szul
- Youtube: Designing Practical NLP Solutions | Ines Montani
- Youtube: Effective Copywriting for Chatbots | Hans Van Dam
- Youtube: Distilling BERT | Sam Sucik
- Youtube: Transformer Policies that improve Dialogues: A Live Demo by Vincent Warmerdam
- Youtube: From Research to Production – Our Process at Rasa | Tanja Bunk
- Youtube: Keynote: Perspective on the 5 Levels of Conversational AI | Alan Nichol
- Youtube: RASA Algorithm Whiteboard
- Introducing The Algorithm Whiteboard
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Diet Architecture 1: How it Works
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Diet Architecture 2: Design Decisions
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Diet Architecture 3: Benchmarking
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Embeddings 1: Just Letters
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Embeddings 2: CBOW and Skip Gram
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Embeddings 3: GloVe
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Embeddings 4: Whatlies
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Attention 1: Self Attention
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Attention 2: Keys, Values, Queries
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Attention 3: Multi Head Attention
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard: Attention 4 - Transformers
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - StarSpace
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - TED Policy
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - TED in Practice
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Response Selection
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Response Selection: Implementation
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Countvectors
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Subword Embeddings
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - Implementation of Subword Embeddings
- Rasa Algorithm Whiteboard - BytePair Embeddings
- Introducing The Algorithm Whiteboard
- Youtube: A brief history of the Transformer architecture in NLP
- Youtube: The Transformer neural network architecture explained. “Attention is all you need” (NLP)
- Youtube: How does a Transformer architecture combine Vision and Language? ViLBERT - NLP meets Computer Vision
- Youtube: Strategies for pre-training the BERT-based Transformer architecture – language (and vision)
- Youtube: Ilya Sutskever - GPT-2
- Youtube: NLP Masterclass | Modeling Fallacies in NLP
- Youtube: What is GPT-3? Showcase, possibilities, and implications
- Youtube: TextAttack: A Framework for Data Augmentation and Adversarial Training in NLP
- Article: How the Embedding Layers in BERT Were Implemented
- Youtube: Easy Data Augmentation for Text Classification
- Youtube: Webinar: Special NLP Session with Hugging Face
- Youtube: Spacy IRL 2019
- Sebastian Ruder: Transfer Learning in Open-Source Natural Language Processing (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Giannis Daras: Improving sparse transformer models for efficient self-attention (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Peter Baumgartner: Applied NLP: Lessons from the Field (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Justina Petraitytė: Lessons learned in helping ship conversational AI assistants (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Yoav Goldberg: The missing elements in NLP (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Sofie Van Landeghem: Entity linking functionality in spaCy (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Guadalupe Romero: Rethinking rule-based lemmatization (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Mark Neumann: ScispaCy: A spaCy pipeline & models for scientific & biomedical text (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Patrick Harrison: Financial NLP at S&P Global (spaCy IRL 2019)
- McKenzie Marshall: NLP in Asset Management (spaCy IRL 2019)
- David Dodson: spaCy in the News: Quartz's NLP pipeline (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Matthew Honnibal & Ines Montani: spaCy and Explosion: past, present & future (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Sebastian Ruder: Transfer Learning in Open-Source Natural Language Processing (spaCy IRL 2019)
- Youtube: The Future of Natural Language Processing
- Youtube: Sentiment Analysis: Key Milestones, Challenges and New Directions
- Youtube: Simple and Efficient Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing, with Moshe Wasserblat, Intel AI
- Youtube: Why not solve biological problems with a Transformer? BERTology meets Biology
- Youtube: Introduction to NLP
- Introduction to NLP | Bag of Words Model
- Introduction to NLP | TF-IDF
- Introduction to NLP | Text Cleaning and Preprocessing
- Introduction to NLP | Word Embeddings & Word2Vec Model
- Introduction to NLP | GloVe Model Explained
- Introduction to NLP | GloVe & Word2Vec Transfer Learning
- Introduction to NLP | How to Train Custom Word Vectors
- Sarcasm is Very Easy to Detect! GloVe + LSTM
- Text Summarization & Keyword Extraction | Introduction to NLP
- Introduction to NLP | Bag of Words Model
- Youtube: Self-attention step-by-step | How to get meaning from text
- Youtube: Chat Bot with PyTorch
- Youtube: NLP with Friends Talks
- Youtube: Insincere Question Classification with PyTorch
- Crash Course: Linguistics
- Youtube: Recent Advances in Language Pretraining and Generation
- Youtube: Talks # 3: Lorenzo Ampil - Introduction to T5 for Sentiment Span Extraction
- Youtube: Frontiers in ML: Learning from Limited Labeled Data: Challenges and Opportunities for NLP
- Youtube: DeepLearning.ai NLP talk: Chris Manning
- Youtube: DeepLearning.ai NLP talk: Oren Etzioni
- Youtube: DeepLearning.ai NLP talk: Quoc Le
- Youtube: What can MIR learn from transfer learning in NLP?
- Youtube: The Narrated Transformer Language Model
- Youtube: spaCy v3.0: Bringing State-of-the-art NLP from Prototype to Production
- Youtube: Conversational AI with Transformers and Rule-Based Systems
- Talk: High Performance Natural Language Processing
- Talk: EmoTag1200: Understanding the Association between Emojis and Emotions
- Youtube: Research Paper Walkthrough
- Simple Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction using Sentence Embeddings | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Leveraging BERT for Extractive Text Summarization on Lectures | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Data Augmentation Techniques for Text Classification in NLP | Research Paper Walkthrough
- CRIM at SemEval-2018 Task 9: A Hybrid Approach to Hypernym Discovery | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Data Augmentation using Pre-trained Transformer Model (BERT, GPT2, etc) | Research Paper Walkthrough
- A Supervised Approach to Extractive Summarisation of Scientific Papers | Research Paper Walkthrough
- BLEURT: Learning Robust Metrics for Text Generation | Research Paper Walkthrough
- DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations | ML with Graphs | Research Paper Walkthrough
- LSBert: A Simple Framework for Lexical Simplification | Research Paper Walkthrough
- SpanBERT: Improving Pre-training by Representing and Predicting Spans | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Text Summarization of COVID-19 Medical Articles using BERT and GPT-2 | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Extractive & Abstractive Summarization with Transformer Language Models | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Unsupervised Multi-Document Summarization using Neural Document Model | Research Paper Walkthrough
- SummPip: Multi-Document Summarization with Sentence Graph Compression | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Combining BERT with Static Word Embedding for Categorizing Social Media | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Reformulating Unsupervised Style Transfer as Paraphrase Generation | Research Paper Walkthrough
- PEGASUS: Pre-training with Gap-Sentences for Abstractive Summarization | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Evaluation of Text Generation: A Survey | Human-Centric Evaluations | Research Paper Walkthrough
- Simple Unsupervised Keyphrase Extraction using Sentence Embeddings | Research Paper Walkthrough
- NLP Summit 2020
- The 2020 Trends for Applied Natural Language Processing | NLP Summit 2020
- NLP Industry Survey Analysis: the landscape of natural language use cases in 2020 | NLP Summit 2020
- Auto NLP: Pretrain, Tune & Deploy State-of-the-art Models Without Coding
- Proof-of-Concept Delight | NLP Summit 2020
- Distributed Natural Language Processing Apps for Financial Engineering | NLP Summit 2020
- Bleeding Edge Applications of 2020 Transformers | NLP Summit 2020
- How Freshworks Freddy AI leverages NLP for Ethics-First Customer Experiences | NLP Summit 2020
- NLP for Recruitment Automation: Building a Chatbot from the Job Description | NLP Summit 2020
- The 2020 Trends for Applied Natural Language Processing | NLP Summit 2020
- Youtube: Explainability for Natural Language Processing
- Youtube: Gibberish Detector
- Youtube: NLP Lecture 7 Constituency Parsing
- NLP Lecture 7 - Overview of Constituency Parsing Lecture
- NLP Lecture 7 - Introduction to Constituency Parsing
- NLP Lecture 7(a) - Context Free Grammar
- NLP Lecture 7(b) - Constituency Parsing
- NLP Lecture 7(c) - Statistical Constituency Parsing
- NLP Lecture 7(d) - Dependency Parsing
- NLP Lecture 7 - Overview of Constituency Parsing Lecture
- Youtube: LING 83 Teaching Video: Constituency Parsing
- Youtube: SpaCy for Digital Humanities with Python Tutorials
- Introduction to SpaCy and Cleaning Data (SpaCy and Python Tutorials for DH - 01)
- How to Install SpaCy and Models (Spacy and Python Tutorial for DH 02)
- How to Separate Sentences in SpaCy (SpaCy and Python Tutorials for DH - 03)
- Spacy and Named Entity Recognition NER (Spacy and Python Tutorial for DH 04)
- Finding Parts of Speech (SpaCy and Python Tutorial for DH 05)
- Extracting Nouns and Noun Chunks (SpaCy and Python Tutorial for DH 06)
- Extracting Verbs and Verb Phrases (SpaCy and Python Tutorial for DH 07)
- Lemmatization: Finding the Roots of Words (Spacy and Python Tutorial for DH 08)
- Data Visualization with DisplaCy (Spacy and Python Tutorial for DH 09)
- Customizing DisplaCy Render Data Visualization (Spacy and Python Tutorial for DH 10)
- Finding Quotes in Sentences (SpaCy and Python Tutorial for DH 11)
- Introduction to Named Entity Recognition (NER for DH 01)
- Machine Learning NER with Python and spaCy (NER for DH 03 )
- How to Use spaCy's EntityRuler (Named Entity Recognition for DH 04 | Part 01)
- How to Use spaCy to Create an NER training set (Named Entity Recognition for DH 04 | Part 02)
- How to Train a spaCy NER model (Named Entity Recognition for DH 04 | Part 03)
- Examining a spaCy Model in the Folder (Named Entity Recognition for DH 05)
- What are Word Vectors (Named Entity Recognition for DH 06)
- How to Generate Custom Word Vectors in Gensim (Named Entity Recognition for DH 07)
- How to Load Custom Word Vectors into spaCy Models (Named Entity Recognition for DH 08)
- Getting the Data for Custom Labels (Holocaust NER for DH 09.01)
- How to Add a Custom NER Pipe in spaCy and a Custom Label (NER for DH 09.02 )
- How to Training Custom Entities into spaCy Models (Named Entity Recognition for DH 09 03)
- How to Add and Place Pipes from other Models into a New Model (NER for DH 09 04)
- How to Add Custom Functions to spaCy Pipeline (NER for DH 09.05)
- Precision vs. Recall and Adding PERSON to Holocaust NER Pipeline (Named Entity Recognition DH 09.06)
- Finalizing the Holocaust NER Pipeline (Named Entity Recognition for DH 09.07)
- Classical Latin Named Entity Recognition (NER for DH 10.01)
- How to Package spaCy Models (Even with Custom Factories) (NER for DH 11)
- Introduction to SpaCy and Cleaning Data (SpaCy and Python Tutorials for DH - 01)
- Youtube: Billion-scale Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search
- Youtube: Data Science - Fuzzy Record Matching
- Youtube: Minimum Edit Distance Dynamic Programming
- Youtube: Cheuk Ting Ho - Fuzzy Matching Smart Way of Finding Similar Names Using Fuzzywuzzy
- Youtube: What's in a Name? Fast Fuzzy String Matching - Seth Verrinder & Kyle Putnam - Midwest.io 2015
- Youtube: Jiaqi Liu Fuzzy Search Algorithms How and When to Use Them PyCon 2017
- Youtube: 1 + 1 = 1 or Record Deduplication with Python | Flávio Juvenal @ PyBay2018
- Youtube: Mike Mull: The Art and Science of Data Matching
- Youtube: Record linkage: Join for real life by Rhydwyn Mcguire
- Google: Recommendation Systems
- Pluralsight: Understanding Algorithms for Recommendation Systems
- Youtube: Learning to Rank: From Theory to Production - Malvina Josephidou & Diego Ceccarelli, Bloomberg
- Youtube: Learning "Learning to Rank"
- Youtube: Learning to rank search results - Byron Voorbach & Jettro Coenradie [DevCon 2018]
- Article: The 9 Deep Learning Papers You Need To Know About (Understanding CNNs Part 3)
- Article: How to extract Key-Value pairs from Documents using deep learning
- Article: Essential Pil (Pillow) Image Tutorial (for Machine Learning People)
- Article: What is Focal Loss and when should you use it?
- Article: Part 1: Deep Representations, a way towards neural style transfer
- Article: A gentle introduction to OCR
- Article: Breaking Linear Classifiers on ImageNet
- Article: Building an image search service from scratch
- Article: Squeeze and Excitation Networks Explained with PyTorch Implementation
- Article: DenseNet Architecture Explained with PyTorch Implementation from TorchVision
- Article: EfficientNet: Rethinking Model Scaling for Convolutional Neural Networks
- Article: Group Normalization
- Article: A Short Introduction to Generative Adversarial Networks
- Article: Semi-supervised Learning with GANs
- Article: Densely Connected Convolutional Networks in Tensorflow
- Article: Convolutional neural networks
- Article: Common architectures in convolutional neural networks
- Article: An overview of semantic image segmentation
- Article: Evaluating image segmentation models
- Article: An overview of object detection: one-stage methods
- Article: A Brief History of CNNs in Image Segmentation: From R-CNN to Mask R-CNN
- Article: Object Detection for Dummies Part 1: Gradient Vector, HOG, and SS
- Article: Object Detection for Dummies Part 2: CNN, DPM and Overfeat
- Article: Object Detection for Dummies Part 3: R-CNN Family
- Article: Understanding coordinate systems and DICOM for deep learning medical image analysis
- Article: Understanding the receptive field of deep convolutional networks
- Article: Deep learning in medical imaging - 3D medical image segmentation with PyTorch
- Article: Intuitive Explanation of Skip Connections in Deep Learning
- Article: Human Pose Estimation
- Article: YOLO - You only look once (Single shot detectors)
- Article: Localization and Object Detection with Deep Learning
- Article: Semantic Segmentation in the era of Neural Networks
- Article: ECCV 2020: Some Highlights
- Article: NonCompositional
- Article: Looking Inside The Blackbox — How To Trick A Neural Network
- AWS: Semantic Segmentation Explained
- Book: Deep Learning for Computer Vision with Python
- Book: Practical Python and OpenCV
- Coursera: Convolutional Neural Networks
- Datacamp: Biomedical Image Analysis in Python
- Datacamp: Image Processing in Python
- Google: ML Practicum: Image Classification
- Stanford: CS231N Winter 2016
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 1: Introduction and Historical Context
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 2: Data-driven approach, kNN, Linear Classification 1
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 3: Linear Classification 2, Optimization
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 4: Backpropagation, Neural Networks 1
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 5: Neural Networks Part 2
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 6: Neural Networks Part 3 / Intro to ConvNets
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 7: Convolutional Neural Networks
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 8: Localization and Detection
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 9: Visualization, Deep Dream, Neural Style, Adversarial Examples
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 10: Recurrent Neural Networks, Image Captioning, LSTM
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 11: ConvNets in practice
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 12: Deep Learning libraries
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 14: Videos and Unsupervised Learning
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 13: Segmentation, soft attention, spatial transformers
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 15: Invited Talk by Jeff Dean
- CS231n Winter 2016: Lecture 1: Introduction and Historical Context
- Udacity: Introduction to Computer Vision
- Youtube: Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition (Paper Explained)
- Youtube: Implementing ResNet from scratch
- Youtube: ConvNets Scaled Efficiently
- Youtube: Building an Image Captioner with Neural Networks
- Youtube: Evolution of Face Generation | Evolution of GANs
- Youtube: Autoencoders - EXPLAINED
- Youtube: Unpaired Image-Image Translation using CycleGANs
- Youtube: AI creates Image Classifiers…by DRAWING?
- Youtube: The Evolution of Convolution Neural Networks
- Youtube: Depthwise Separable Convolution - A FASTER CONVOLUTION!
- Youtube: Mask Region based Convolution Neural Networks - EXPLAINED!
- Youtube: Sound play with Convolution Neural Networks
- Youtube: Convolution Neural Networks - EXPLAINED
- Youtube: Generative Adversarial Networks - FUTURISTIC & FUN AI !
- Youtube: How Convolution Works
- Youtube: DETR: End-to-End Object Detection with Transformers (Paper Explained)
- Youtube: An Image is Worth 16x16 Words: Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale (Paper Explained)
- Datacamp: Machine Learning for Finance in Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Time Series Analysis in Python
- Datacamp: Machine Learning for Time Series Data in Python
- Datacamp: Intro to Portfolio Risk Management in Python
- Datacamp: Financial Forecasting in Python
- Datacamp: Predicting CTR with Machine Learning in Python
- Datacamp: Intro to Financial Concepts using Python
- Datacamp: Fraud Detection in Python
- Datacamp: Forecasting Using ARIMA Models in Python
- Datacamp: Introduction to Portfolio Analysis in Python
- Datacamp: Credit Risk Modeling in Python
- Datacamp: Machine Learning for Marketing in Python
- Udacity: Machine Learning for Trading
- Udacity: Time Series Forecasting
- DeepLizard: Reinforcement Learning - Goal Oriented Intelligence
- Reinforcement Learning Series Intro - Syllabus Overview
- Markov Decision Processes (MDPs) - Structuring a Reinforcement Learning Problem
- Expected Return - What Drives a Reinforcement Learning Agent in an MDP
- Policies and Value Functions - Good Actions for a Reinforcement Learning Agent
- What do Reinforcement Learning Algorithms Learn - Optimal Policies
- Q-Learning Explained - A Reinforcement Learning Technique
- Exploration vs. Exploitation - Learning the Optimal Reinforcement Learning Policy
- OpenAI Gym and Python for Q-learning - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Train Q-learning Agent with Python - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Watch Q-learning Agent Play Game with Python - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Deep Q-Learning - Combining Neural Networks and Reinforcement Learning
- Replay Memory Explained - Experience for Deep Q-Network Training
- Training a Deep Q-Network - Reinforcement Learning
- Training a Deep Q-Network with Fixed Q-targets - Reinforcement Learning
- Deep Q-Network Code Project Intro - Reinforcement Learning
- Build Deep Q-Network - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Deep Q-Network Image Processing and Environment Management - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Deep Q-Network Training Code - Reinforcement Learning Code Project
- Reinforcement Learning Series Intro - Syllabus Overview
- A recipe for training neural networks
- Article: Evaluating a machine learning model
- Article: Hyperparameter tuning for machine learning models
- Article: Hacker's Guide to Hyperparameter Tuning
- Article: Environment and Distribution Shift
- Coursera: Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization
- Datacamp: Model Validation in Python
- Datacamp: Hyperparameter Tuning in Python
- Google: Testing and Debugging
- Troubleshooting Deep Neural Networks
- Youtube: How do GPUs speed up Neural Network training?
- Youtube: Why use GPU with Neural Networks?
- Youtube: Auto-Tuning Hyperparameters with Optuna and PyTorch
- Article: How to leverage Explainable Machine Learning
- NeurIPS 2020: Tutorial on Explaining ML Predictions: State-of-the-art, Challenges, and Opportunities
- Youtube: Jay Alammar - Take A Look Inside Language Models With Ecco
- Article: A Survey of Methods for Model Compression in NLP
- Article: Why you should convert your NLP pipelines to ONNX
- Article: Neural Network Pruning
- Article: FasterAI
- Article: Is the future of Neural Networks Sparse? An Introduction (1/N)
- Article: Sparse Neural Networks (2/N): Understanding GPU Performance.
- Article: Block Sparse Matrices for Smaller and Faster Language Models
- Article: Effective testing for machine learning systems
- Article: Unit Testing for Data Scientists
- Article: Testing in Production, the safe way
- Datacamp: Unit Testing for Data Science in Python
- Pluralsight: Test-driven Development: The Big Picture
- Test Driven Development with Python
- Thoughtbot: Fundamentals of TDD
- Udacity: Software Analysis & Testing
- Udacity: Software Testing
- Udacity: Software Debugging
- Youtube: Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList | AISC
- Article: Deploy a Keras Deep Learning Project to Production with Flask
- Article: Deploy BERT for Sentiment Analysis as REST API using PyTorch, Transformers by Hugging Face and FastAPI
- Article: Microservice in Python using FastAPI
- Article: Selecting gunicorn worker types for different python web applications.
- Article: Better performance by optimizing Gunicorn config
- Django Best Practices
- Udacity: Authentication & Authorization: OAuth
- Udacity: HTTP & Web Servers
- Udacity: Designing RESTful APIs
- Udacity: Client-Server Communication
- Youtube: PyConBY 2020: Sebastian Ramirez - Serve ML models easily with FastAPI
- Youtube: FastAPI from the ground up
- Acloudguru: AWS Certified Machine Learning - Specialty
- Acloudguru: AWS Certified Developer - Associate
- Acloudguru: AWS Certification Preparation Guide
- AWS: Exam Readiness: AWS Certified Developer – Associate
- AWS: Thirty Serverless Architectures in 30 Minutes
- Article: Celery Execution Pools: What is it all about?
- Article: Getting machine learning to production
- Article: A Guide to Production Level Deep Learning
- Article: MLOps concepts for busy engineers: model serving
- Article: How to put machine learning models into production
- Article: Monitoring your Machine Learning Model
- Article: How to Deploy a Machine Learning Model
- Article: Smaller Docker images with Conda
- Article: How to scale services using Docker Compose
- Article: Understand Linux Load Averages and Monitor Performance of Linux
- Article: Preventing model drift with continuous monitoring and deployment using Github Actions and Algorithmia Insights
- Article: Building a feature store
- Article: Combining rule engines and machine learning
- Article: Model artifacts: the war stories
- Article: Shadow mode deployments
- Article: When is a neural net too big for production?
- Article: Tensorflow in Docker
- Article: How to build scalable Machine Learning systems — Part 1/2
- Article: Architecting a Machine Learning Pipeline
- Article: Deploying Machine Learning Models: A Checklist
- Article: How to Serve Models
- Article: How to Monitor Models
- Article: Production Machine Learning Monitoring: Outliers, Drift, Explainers & Statistical Performance
- Article: Machine learning is going real-time
- Article: The correct way to evaluate online machine learning models
- Article: Machine Learning to Production
- Article: Online batching with Spell serving
- Article: A deep dive into AWS spot instance interruptions
- Article: Key Concepts for Deploying Machine Learning Models to Mobile
- Article: Configuring Gunicorn for Docker
- Article: How To Pass Environment Info During Docker Builds
- Article: Pass Docker Environment Variables During The Image Build
- Article: Setting Default Docker Environment Variables During Image Build
- Article: Getting oriented in the RAPIDS distributed ML ecosystem, part 1: ETL
- Article: Getting oriented in the RAPIDS distributed ML ecosystem, part 2: training and scoring
- Article: Making model training scripts robust to spot interruptions
- Article: Getting started with large-scale ETL jobs using Dask and AWS EMR
- Article: Distributed model training using Horovod
- Article: MLOps concepts for busy engineers: model serving
- Article: Enough Docker to be Dangerous
- Article: How Docker Can Help You Become A More Effective Data Scientist
- Article: How to properly ship and deploy your machine learning model
- [Blog: Python Speed]
- Connection refused? Docker networking and how it impacts your image
- Faster or slower: the basics of Docker build caching
- Where’s your code? Debugging ImportError and ModuleNotFoundErrors in your Docker image
- A tableau of crimes and misfortunes: the ever-useful docker history
- Broken by default: why you should avoid most Dockerfile examples
- A review of the official Dockerfile best practices: good, bad, and insecure
- The best Docker base image for your Python application (February 2021)
- A deep dive into the official Docker image for Python
- Using Alpine can make Python Docker builds 50× slower
- When to switch to Python 3.9
- Building on solid ground: ensuring reproducible Docker builds for Python
- Push and pull: when and why to update your dependencies
- Installing system packages in Docker with minimal bloat
- Less capabilities, more security: minimizing privilege escalation in Docker
- Avoiding insecure images from Docker build caching
- Build secrets in Docker and Compose, the secure way
- Security scanners for Python and Docker: from code to dependencies
- The high cost of slow Docker builds
- Faster Docker builds with pipenv, poetry, or pip-tools
- Elegantly activating a virtualenv in a Dockerfile
- Poetry vs. Docker caching: Fight!
- Speed up pip downloads in Docker with BuildKit’s new caching
- Multi-stage builds #1: Smaller images for compiled code
- Multi-stage builds #2: Python specifics—virtualenv, –user, and other methods
- Multi-stage builds #3: Why your build is surprisingly slow, and how to speed it up
- Configuring Gunicorn for Docker
- Activating a Conda environment in your Dockerfile
- Shrink your Conda Docker images with conda-pack
- Reproducible and upgradable Conda environments: dependency management with conda-lock
- What’s running in production? Making your Docker images identifiable
- Decoupling database migrations from server startup: why and how
- A Python prompt into a running process: debugging with Manhole
- A thousand little details: developing software for ops
- Your Docker build needs a smoke test
- Where’s that log file? Debugging failed Docker builds
- “Let’s use Kubernetes!” Now you have 8 problems
- Docker BuildKit: faster builds, new features, and now it’s stable
- Options for packaging your Python code: Wheels, Conda, Docker, and more
- Docker vs. Singularity for data processing: UIDs and filesystem access
- Cortex Blog
- Server-side batching: Scaling inference throughput in machine learning
- How we served 1,000 models on GPUs for $0.47
- Designing a machine learning platform for both data scientists and engineers
- How to serve batch predictions with TensorFlow Serving
- How to deploy Transformer models for language tasks
- How we scale machine learning model deployment on Kubernetes
- Why we built a serverless machine learning platform—instead of using AWS Lambda
- Why we don’t deploy machine learning models with Flask
- How to deploy machine learning models from a notebook to production
- A/B testing machine learning models in production
- How to deploy 1,000 models on one CPU with TensorFlow Serving
- How to reduce the cost of machine learning inference
- Improve NLP inference throughput 40x with ONNX and Hugging Face
- How to deploy PyTorch Lightning models to production
- Doc: Environment variables in Compose
- Doc: Lecture 3: Data engineering
- Luigi Patruno: ML in Production
- Video: You trained a machine learning model. Now what?
- Article: Docker for Machine Learning – Part I
- Article: Docker for Machine Learning – Part II
- Article: Docker for Machine Learning – Part III
- Article: Using Docker to Generate Machine Learning Predictions in Real Time
- Article: Batch Inference vs Online Inference
- Article: Storing Metadata from Machine Learning Experiments
- Article: How Data Leakage Impacts Machine Learning Models
- Article: An Introduction to Kubernetes for Data Scientists
- Article: How to Use Kubernetes Pods for Machine Learning
- Article: Kubernetes Jobs for Machine Learning
- Article: Kubernetes CronJobs for Machine Learning
- Article: Kubernetes Deployments for Machine Learning
- Article: Kubernetes Services for Machine Learning
- Article: The Ultimate Guide to Model Retraining
- Article: Top ML Resources: Interview with Eric Colson
- Article: Top ML Resources: Interview with Veronika Megler, PhD
- Article: Top ML Resources: Interview with Erik Bernhardsson
- Article: Top ML Resources: Interview with Rui Carmo
- Article: Top ML Resources: Interview with Jeremy Jordan
- Article: 5 Challenges to Running Machine Learning Systems in Production
- Article: Enabling Machine-Learning-as-a-Service Through Privacy Preserving Machine Learning
- Article: What Does it Mean to Deploy a Machine Learning Model? (Deployment Series: Guide 01)
- Article: Software Interfaces for Machine Learning Deployment (Deployment Series: Guide 02)
- Article: Batch Inference for Machine Learning Deployment (Deployment Series: Guide 03)
- Article: The Challenges of Online Inference (Deployment Series: Guide 04)
- Article: Online Inference for ML Deployment (Deployment Series: Guide 05)
- Article: Model Registries for ML Deployment (Deployment Series: Guide 06)
- Article: Test-Driven Machine Learning Development (Deployment Series: Guide 07)
- Article: A/B Testing Machine Learning Models (Deployment Series: Guide 08)
- Article: Lessons Learned from 15 Years of Monitoring Machine Learning in Production
- Article: Why is it Important to Monitor Machine Learning Models?
- Article: Maximizing Business Impact with Machine Learning
- Article: Proxy Metrics
- Article: Celery: an overview of the architecture and how it works
- Article: Unit Testing Celery Tasks
- Article: Testing Celery Chains
- Article: Task Routing in Celery
- Article: Dynamic Task Routing in Celery
- Article: Dockerize a Celery app with Django and RabbitMQ
- Article: How to call a Celery task from another app
- Article: Distributed Monte Carlo with Celery chords
- Article: An incredibly simple no-frills Celery setup
- Article: 3 Strategies to Customise Celery logging handlers
- Article: Celery task exceptions and automatic retries
- Article: Concurrency and Parallelism
- Article: Celery, docker and the missing startup banner
- Article: Monitoring a Dockerized Celery Cluster with Flower
- Article: Quick Guide: Custom Celery Task Logger
- Article: Celery on Docker: From the Ground up
- Article: Kubernetes for Python Developers: Part 1
- Article: Auto-reload Celery on code changes
- Book: Building Intelligent Systems: A Guide to Machine Learning Engineering
- Datacamp: Parallel Computing with Dask
- Datacamp: Data Engineering for Everyone
- Datacamp: Cloud Computing for Everyone
- Pluralsight: Docker and Containers: The Big Picture
- Pluralsight: Docker and Kubernetes: The Big Picture
- Pluralsight: AWS Developer: The Big Picture
- Pluralsight: AWS Networking Deep Dive: Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
- Pluralsight: AWS VPC Operations
- Pluralsight: Building Applications Using Elastic Beanstalk
- Servers for Hackers Series
- The Hacker's Guide to Scaling Python
- Udacity: Intro to DevOps
- Udacity: Configuring Linux Web Servers
- Udacity: Scalable Microservices with Kubernetes
- Udemy: AWS Concepts
- Udemy: Serverless Concepts
- Udemy: AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2018
- Whitepaper: Architecting for the Cloud AWS Best Practices
- Whitepaper: AWS Well-Architected Framework
- Whitepaper: AWS Security Best Practices
- Whitepaper: Blue/Green Deployments on AWS
- Whitepaper: Microservices on AWS
- Whitepaper: Optimizing Enterprise Economics with Serverless Architectures
- Whitepaper: Practicing Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery on AWS
- Whitepaper: Running Containerized Microservices on AWS
- Whitepaper: Serverless Architectures with AWS Lambda
- Youtube: Deploying a machine learning model to the cloud using AWS Lambda
- Youtube: Shawn Scully: Production and Beyond: Deploying and Managing Machine Learning Models
- Youtube: Human-Centric Machine Learning Infrastructure @Netflix
- Youtube: Instrumentation, Observability & Monitoring of Machine Learning Models
- Youtube: OpML '20 - How ML Breaks: A Decade of Outages for One Large ML Pipeline
- Youtube: Applied ML in Production
- MLOps Community Talks
- Our 1st MLOps Meetup - Luke Marsden
- MLOps Community Meetup #3: Hierarchy of Machine Learning Needs with Phil Winder
- MLOps Community March 25 2020 featuring Charles Radclyffe
- MLOps #4: Shubhi Jain - Building an ML Platform @SurveyMonkey
- MLOps Meetup #6: Mid-Scale Production Feature Engineering with Dr. Venkata Pingali
- MLOps meetup #5 High Stakes ML with Flavio CLesio
- MLOps meetup #7 Alex Spanos // TrueLayer 's MLOps Pipeline
- #8 Optimizing your ML workflow with kubeflow 1.0
- #10 MLOps the Elephant and the Blind Men with Saurav Chakravorty
- #11 Machine Learning at scale in Mercado Libre with Carlos de la Torre
- MLOps meetup #12 // Why data scientists should know data engineering with Dan Sullivan
- #13 Maximizing job opportunities as a data scientists with Anthony Kelly
- MLOps #14: Kubeflow vs MLflow with Byron Allen
- MLOps #15 - Scaling Human in the Loop Machine Learning with Robert Munro
- #16 Venture Capital In Machine Learning Startups with John Spindler
- MLOps #17 // The challenges of ML Operations and how Hermione helps along the way
- MLOps #18 // Nubank - Running a fintech on ML
- MLOps #19 // DataOps and Data versioning in ML
- MLOps #21 Build vs Buy an ML platform // Diego Oppenheimer - CEO Algorithmia
- MLOps #22 Deep Dive on Paperspace Tooling // Misha Kutsovsky - Senior ML Architect at Paperspace
- Feature Stores: An essential part of the ML stack to build great data / Kevin Stumpf - CTO at Tecton
- MLOps #24 Monitoring the ML stack // Lina Weichbrodt
- MLOps #25 - How to become a better data scientist: the definite guide // Alexey Grigorev
- MLOps #26 Python and Dask: Scaling the DataFrame // Dan Gerlanc - Founder of Enplus Advisors
- #27 How to Leverage ML Tooling Ecosystem Mariya Davydova Head of Product at Neu ro
- MLOps #28 ML Observability // Aparna Dhinakaran - Chief Product Officer at Arize AI
- MLOps #29 Continuous Evaluation & Model Experimentation // Danny Ma - Founder of Sydney Data Science
- MLOps Coffee Sessions #6 Continuous Integration for ML // Featuring Elle O'Brien
- MLOps #30 Scaling ML Capabilities in Large Organizations // Bertjan Broeksema & Axel Goblet
- MLOps #31 Path to Production and Monetizing Machine Learning // Vin Vashishta - Data Scientist
- MLOps #32 Creating Beautiful Ambient Music with Google Brain’s Music Transformer // Daniel Jeffries
- MLOps #33 Building Say Less: An AI-Powered Summarization App // Yoav Zimmerman - Model Zoo
- MLOps #34 Owned By Statistics: How Kubeflow & MLOps Can Help Secure ML Workloads // David Aronchick
- MLOps #35: Streaming Machine Learning with Apache Kafka and Tiered Storage // Kai Waehner, Confluent
- Bring Your On-Prem ML Use Cases to Production on Google Cloud using Kubeflow
- Moving deep learning from research to prod using DeterminedAI and Kubeflow // David Hershey
- MLOps Coffee Sessions #11: Analyzing “Continuous Delivery and Automation Pipelines in ML" // Part 3
- MLOps Coffee Sessions #14 Conversation with the creators of Dask // Hugo Bowne and Matthew Rocklin
- When You Say Data Scientist Do You Mean Data Engineer? Lessons Learned From Start Up Life
- Scalable Python for Everyone, Everywhere // Matthew Rocklin // MLOps Meetup #37
- Operationalize Open Source Models with SAS Open Model Manager // Ivan Nardini // MLOps Meetup #39
- Data Engineering + ML + Software Engineering // Satish Chandra Gupta // MLOps Coffee Sessions #16
- Hands-on serving models using KFserving // Theofilos Papapanagiotou // MLOps Meetup #40
- Luigi in Production // MLOps Coffee Sessions #18 // Luigi Patruno ML in Production
- Metaflow: Supercharging Our Data Scientist Productivity // Ravi Kiran Chirravuri // MLOps Meetup #41
- UN Global Platform // Mark Craddock // Co-Founder & CTO, Global Certification // MLOps Meetup #42
- The Current MLOps Landscape // Nathan Benaich & Timothy Chen // MLOps Meetup #43
- A Conversation with Seattle Data Guy // Benjamin Rogojan // MLOps Coffee Sessions #21
- Our 1st MLOps Meetup - Luke Marsden
- Youtube: Josh Wills: Visibility and Monitoring for Machine Learning Models
- Youtube: PyData Vancouver meetup: cortex.dev : Serving machine learning models in production
- Youtube: Why Your Web Server Should Log to Stdout (Especially with Docker)
- Article: Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) – A/B Testing Sans Regret
- Article: When to Run Bandit Tests Instead of A/B/n Tests
- Datacamp: Customer Analytics & A/B Testing in Python
- Udacity: A/B Testing
- Udacity: A/B Testing for Business Analysts
- Youtube: Hypothesis testing with Applications in Data Science
- Article: No Really, Python's Pathlib is Great
- Article: A deep dive on Python type hints
- Article: I wish I knew these things when I learned Python
- Article: The Complete Python Development Guide
- Article: Hypermodern Python
- Article: Hypermodern Python Chapter 2: Testing
- Article: Hypermodern Python Chapter 3: Linting
- Article: Hypermodern Python Chapter 4: Typing
- Article: Hypermodern Python Chapter 5: Documentation
- Article: Hypermodern Python Chapter 6: CI/CD
- Article: Speeding Up Python with Concurrency, Parallelism, and asyncio
- Article: Speed Up Your Python Program With Concurrency
- Regex For Noobs (like me!) - An Illustrated Guide
- Book: A Byte of Python
- Book: Learn Python The Hard way
- Book: Python 201
- Book: Python Anti-Patterns
- Book: Real Python
- Book: The Python 3 Standard Library By Example
- Book: Writing Idiomatic Python 3
- Calmcode: logging
- Calmcode: tqdm
- Calmcode: virtualenv
- Calmcode: ray
- Codecademy: Learn Python
- Cognitiveclass.ai: Python for Data Science
- Datacamp: Python for R Users
- Datacamp: Python for Spreadsheet Users
- Datacamp: Python for MATLAB Users
- Datacamp: Importing Data in Python (Part 1)
- Datacamp: Intermediate Python for Data Science
- Datacamp: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 1)
- Datacamp: Python Data Science Toolbox (Part 2)
- Datacamp: Intro to Python for Finance
- Datacamp: Writing Efficient Python Code
- Datacamp: Writing Functions in Python
- Datacamp: Working with Dates and Times in Python
- Datacamp: Object-Oriented Programming in Python
- edX: Introduction to Python for Data Science
- edX: Programming with Python for Data Science
- Google's Python Class
- Treehouse: Python Basics
- TheNewBoston: Python Programming Tutorials
- Udacity: Introduction to Python Programming
- Udacity: Programming Foundations with Python
- Youtube: Python 3 Programming Tutorial - Regular Expressions / Regex with re
- Youtube: Python Tutorial: re Module - How to Write and Match Regular Expressions (Regex)
- Youtube: Tutorial: Sebastian Witowski - Modern Python Developer's Toolkit
- Youtube: Tutorial: Santiago Basulto - Python Concurrency: from beginner to pro
- Youtube: Aaron Richter- Parallel Processing in Python| PyData Global 2020
- Book: Refactoring UI
- Codecademy: Learn HTML
- Codecademy: Learn Color Design
- Codecademy: Learn SASS
- Codecademy: Make a website
- Codecademy: Learn ReactJS: Part I
- Codecademy: Learn ReactJS: Part II
- Codecademy: Learn JavaScript
- Codecademy: Jquery Track
- Codecademy: Learn Ruby
- Code School: Fundamentals of Design
- Code School: Blasting Off with Bootstrap
- (ES6) - Beau teaches JavaScript
- Pluralsight: UX Fundamentals
- Pluralsight: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The Big Picture
- Pluralsight: CSS Positioning
- Pluralsight: Introduction to CSS
- Pluralsight: CSS: Specificity, the Box Model, and Best Practices
- Pluralsight: CSS: Using Flexbox for Layout
- Pluralsight: Using The Chrome Developer Tools
- Thoughtbot: Design for Developers
- Treehouse: HTML
- Treehouse: Javascript Booleans
- Udacity: ES6 - JavaScript Improved
- Udacity: Intro to Javascript
- Udacity: Object Oriented JS 1
- Udacity: Object Oriented JS 2
- Udemy: Understanding Typescript
- Book: Grokking Algorithms
- Codecademy: Big O
- Crashcourse: Computer Science
- Khan Academy: Data Structures
- Udacity: Intro to Algorithms
- Udacity: Intro to Computer Science
- Udacity: Intro to Theoretical Computer Science
- Udacity: Programming Languages
- Udacity: Networking for Web Developers
- Pluralsight: Security Awareness: Basic Concepts and Terminology
- Pluralsight: Secure Software Development
- Pluralsight: Clean Architecture: Patterns, Practices, and Principles
- Thoughtbot: Software Development Process
- Thoughtbot: Refactoring
- Udacity: Design of Computer Programs
- Udacity: Product Design
- Udacity: Rapid Prototyping
- Udacity: Software Architecture and Design
- Udacity: Software Development Process
- Udacity: Full Stack Foundations
- Article: Work remotely with PyCharm, TensorFlow and SSH
- Article: Python remote debugging with PyCharm, CUDA, and Conda
- Article: How To Use Visual Studio Code for Remote Development via the Remote-SSH Plugin
- Article: Docker as Remote Interpreter for PyCharm Professional
- Learn Enough Text Editor to Be Dangerous
- Mastering Pycharm
- Video: Pycharm Tips
- Youtube: Productive pytest with PyCharm
- Youtube: Getting Started with Python in Visual Studio Code
- Youtube: 42 PyCharm Tips and Tricks
- Youtube: Pycharm Quick Tips & Tricks
- How to use Live Edit to edit HTML&CSS in PyCharm
- How to let PyCharm install and generate the imports while you write a symbol
- How to enforce One Import Per Line in PyCharm
- How to optimize imports in PyCharm
- How to use the navigation bar to move around your project tree in PyCharm
- How to use Recent Files to open the tool window in PyCharm
- How to navigate to symbol using the keyboard in PyCharm
- How to navigate the cursor position back and forth in PyCharm
- How to use the 'find action' shortcut in PyCharm
- How to activate the navigation bar in PyCharm
- How to navigate to file using the keyboard in PyCharm
- How to open a file using the keyboard in PyCharm
- How to use speed search to navigate files in PyCharm
- How to activate the navigation bar and create a file in PyCharm
- How to use the find in path dialog in PyCharm
- How to use drag-n-drop to create a SQLite database in PyCharm
- How to evaluate expressions during debugging in PyCharm
- How to add conditions to your breakpoints in PyCharm
- How to use refactor to rename a file and its references in PyCharm
- How to quickly view parameter information in PyCharm
- How to view arguments and documentation without interrupting your flow
- How to make and extend selections in PyCharm
- How to reformat your code in PyCharm
- How to smart-add a new line in PyCharm
- How to split the screen in PyCharm
- How to get PyCharm adding fields in a constructor for you
- How to use refactoring to rename symbols in PyCharm
- How to avoid disasters by using the local history in PyCharm
- How to run your project from the keyboard in PyCharm
- How to disable tabs in PyCharm
- How to speed up coverage in PyCharm
- How to enable auto-run for your tests in PyCharm
- How to run a single test in PyCharm
- How to use the gutter to quickly spot missing tests in PyCharm
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- How to do partial commits in PyCharm
- How to put a project under version control in PyCharm
- How to get started with a repository from GitHub in PyCharm
- How to undo the last commit in PyCharm
- How to quickly show your npm scripts in PyCharm
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- How to use Live Edit to edit HTML&CSS in PyCharm
- Google: Technical Writing
- Book: Emotional Intelligence
- Book: How to Win Friends & Influence People
- Book: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion
- Book: Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don't
- Book: Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter
- Book: Soft Skills: The software developer's life manual
- Book: The New One Minute Manager
- Calmcode: Remote Work
- Youtube: Building a psychologically safe workplace | Amy Edmondson | TEDxHGSE
- Article: What You Need to Know Before Considering a PhD
- Article: Advice to aspiring data scientists: start a blog
- Article: Systems Design Interview Guide
- Article: A Guide to Cold Emailing
- Book: Machine Learning Systems Design
- Datacamp: Preparing for Statistics Interview Questions in Python
- Datacamp: Preparing for Coding Interview Questions in Python
- Datacamp: Kaggle Competition
- Udacity: Optimize your GitHub
- Udacity: Strengthen Your LinkedIn Network & Brand
- Udacity: Data Science Interview Prep
- Udacity: Full-Stack Interview Prep
- Udacity: Refresh Your Resume
- Udacity: Craft Your Cover Letter
- Udacity: Technical Interview
- Youtube: Stanford CS230: Deep Learning | Autumn 2018 | Lecture 8 - Career Advice / Reading Research Papers
- Youtube: The Importance of Writing in a Tech Career - Eugene Yan
- Youtube: How to prepare for Machine Learning interviews- Part 1 | Applied AI Course
- Youtube: How to prepare for Machine Learning interviews- Part 2 | Applied AI Course
- Book: Atomic Habits
- Book: Deep Work
- Book: Outliers: The Story of Success
- Book: Platform: The Art and Science of Personal Branding
- Book: Rich Dad Poor Dad
- Book: The Power of Broke
- Book: The 10X Rule
- Book: The Millionaire Fastlane
- Book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F**k
- Calmcode: Pomodoro
- Youtube: Why specializing early doesn't always mean career success | David Epstein
- Youtube: Chamath Palihapitiya, Founder and CEO Social Capital, on Money as an Instrument of Change
- Youtube: How to Build a Personal Monopoly with Jack Butcher
- Youtube: How to Use Twitter