A swift-movers- resource controller project is a portfolio project for the alx Holberton final project It a proof of concept for logistics as a service system. This includes all the activities and works needed in the logistics industry. This the controller for the resources provided by the system it handles all the scheduling and operations of each client and business that has the access to the paid services.
It uses a graphql server with python 3.9.13
Clone the project.
git clone https://github.com/michaelgobz/swiftmovers.git
git checkout master
cd swiftmovers
python -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate for unix and linux systems
run ./venv/scripts/activate.bat for window
when you using vscode the environment is detected automatically
pip install -r requirements.txt
or using poetry these commands should get you started
pip install poetry
poetry install
The api used the postgres database v15. to get started with more information is available here
Firstly, download the database server on machine here complete the installation process
Create a user/role with the credentials below
username :swiftAdmin password :swiftAdmin
Create database
via the commandline or using pg4 admin the administrative interface for postgresql -
run the following commands in your terminal to get the server running
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
The server runs on port 8000 the django's default
You should be able to access the API server on here.