This tool takes graph definitions in CSV/TSV format and generates various graph formats for rendering. Export to,
- PlantUML
- Graphviz / dot
- Mermaid
- GML (Graph Modeling Language)
Custom renders can be added using Handlebars templates via handlebars-rust.
Project data flow, defined using this project. The data is available in the sample
Download a release from the releases page.
Remove the quarantine attribute from the binary,
xattr -d ./layercake
Nodes come in two types, partition and non-partition nodes. Partition nodes are used to group nodes together, and are used to create a hierarchy in the graph.
See also the tips and snippets for file watchers, command line rendering, etc
Using the sample project,
# Generate a sample project
layercake generate sample attack_tree example-project
# Run the sample project with a plan, this will generate the output files
layercake run -p example-project/plan.yaml
# Run the sample project with a plan, re-run the plan on input changes
layercake run -p example-project/plan.yaml -w
Now edit and change the CSV files. A collaborative workflow might include Google Sheets, with separate sheets for nodes and edges, followed by export to CSV. If you make local changes, re-import the changed CSV files back to the source.
If you want to re-run the plan on input changes, you can use the -w
(watch) flag. This will re-run the plan when any of the input files change. If you want to automatically generate images
from the output files, you can use a file watcher.
cargo run -- -p sample/kvm_control_flow_plan.yaml
This tool only outputs text files, the following images are rendered using other tools.
Sample control for for virtualized x86 architecture, output to GML and rendered using Gephi.
Sample control for for virtualized x86 architecture, output rendered using PlantUML.
Sample attack tree from Kelly Shortridge's Security Descision Trees with Graphviz output rendered using Graphviz
Aggregate the nodes in a partition of the limit exceeds the set parameter (partition_width
Reference model with no transformation