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refactor: Minimize distraction to Nova module organization
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- Moved `UniversalParams` and several dependent structures for the KZG10 scheme in the `` file.
- Deleted the `` file,
- Consolidated KZG related structs under the `kzg_commitment` module,
- Updated `` to reflect the removal of the `non_hiding_kzg` module.
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huitseeker committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 935d2ce commit 03ef48d
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Showing 5 changed files with 267 additions and 435 deletions.
41 changes: 29 additions & 12 deletions src/provider/
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Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,10 @@
use crate::{
kzg_commitment::KZGCommitmentEngine, non_hiding_kzg::{KZGProverKey, KZGVerifierKey, UniversalKZGParam}},
kzg_commitment::{KZGCommitmentEngine, KZGProverKey, KZGVerifierKey, UniversalKZGParam},
pedersen::Commitment, traits::DlogGroup,
commitment::{CommitmentEngineTrait, Len},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -436,35 +437,51 @@ mod tests {
let n = 4;
let ck: CommitmentKey<NE> =
<KZGCommitmentEngine<E> as CommitmentEngineTrait<NE>>::setup(b"test", n);
let (pk, _vk): (KZGProverKey<E>, KZGVerifierKey<E>) = EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::setup(&ck);
let (pk, vk): (KZGProverKey<E>, KZGVerifierKey<E>) = EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::setup(&ck);

// poly is in eval. representation; evaluated at [(0,0), (0,1), (1,0), (1,1)]
let poly = vec![Fr::from(1), Fr::from(2), Fr::from(2), Fr::from(4)];

let C = <KZGCommitmentEngine<E> as CommitmentEngineTrait<NE>>::commit(&ck, &poly);
let mut tr = Keccak256Transcript::<NE>::new(b"TestEval");

// Call the prover with a (point, eval) pair. The prover recomputes
// poly(point) = eval', and fails if eval' != eval
let test_inner = |point: Vec<Fr>, eval: Fr| -> Result<(), NovaError> {
let mut tr = Keccak256Transcript::<NE>::new(b"TestEval");
let proof =
EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).unwrap();
let mut tr = Keccak256Transcript::new(b"TestEval");
EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::verify(&vk, &mut tr, &C, &point, &eval, &proof)

// Call the prover with a (point, eval) pair.
// The prover does not recompute so it may produce a proof, but it should not verify
let point = vec![Fr::from(0), Fr::from(0)];
let eval = Fr::ONE;
assert!(EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).is_ok());
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_ok());

let point = vec![Fr::from(0), Fr::from(1)];
let eval = Fr::from(2);
assert!(EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).is_ok());
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_ok());

let point = vec![Fr::from(1), Fr::from(1)];
let eval = Fr::from(4);
assert!(EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).is_ok());
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_ok());

let point = vec![Fr::from(0), Fr::from(2)];
let eval = Fr::from(3);
assert!(EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).is_ok());
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_ok());

let point = vec![Fr::from(2), Fr::from(2)];
let eval = Fr::from(9);
assert!(EvaluationEngine::<E, NE>::prove(&ck, &pk, &mut tr, &C, &poly, &point, &eval).is_ok());
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_ok());

// Try a couple incorrect evaluations and expect failure
let point = vec![Fr::from(2), Fr::from(2)];
let eval = Fr::from(50);
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_err());

let point = vec![Fr::from(0), Fr::from(2)];
let eval = Fr::from(4);
assert!(test_inner(point, eval).is_err());

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163 changes: 155 additions & 8 deletions src/provider/
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Expand Up @@ -3,22 +3,169 @@
use std::marker::PhantomData;

use group::{prime::PrimeCurveAffine, Curve};
use ff::Field;
use group::{prime::PrimeCurveAffine, Curve, Group as _};
use halo2curves::pairing::Engine;
use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand_core::SeedableRng;
use rand_core::{CryptoRng, RngCore, SeedableRng};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};

use crate::traits::{
commitment::{CommitmentEngineTrait, Len},
Engine as NovaEngine, Group,
Engine as NovaEngine, Group, TranscriptReprTrait,

use crate::provider::{
non_hiding_kzg::{UVKZGCommitment, UniversalKZGParam},
use crate::provider::{pedersen::Commitment, traits::DlogGroup};

/// `UniversalParams` are the universal parameters for the KZG10 scheme.
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
serialize = "E::G1Affine: Serialize, E::G2Affine: Serialize",
deserialize = "E::G1Affine: Deserialize<'de>, E::G2Affine: Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct UniversalKZGParam<E: Engine> {
/// Group elements of the form `{ β^i G }`, where `i` ranges from 0 to
/// `degree`.
pub powers_of_g: Vec<E::G1Affine>,
/// Group elements of the form `{ β^i H }`, where `i` ranges from 0 to
/// `degree`.
pub powers_of_h: Vec<E::G2Affine>,

// for the purpose of the Len trait, we count commitment bases, i.e. G1 elements
impl<E: Engine> Len for UniversalKZGParam<E> {
fn length(&self) -> usize {

/// `UnivariateProverKey` is used to generate a proof
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
serialize = "E::G1Affine: Serialize",
deserialize = "E::G1Affine: Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct KZGProverKey<E: Engine> {
/// generators
pub powers_of_g: Vec<E::G1Affine>,

/// `UVKZGVerifierKey` is used to check evaluation proofs for a given
/// commitment.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
serialize = "E::G1Affine: Serialize, E::G2Affine: Serialize",
deserialize = "E::G1Affine: Deserialize<'de>, E::G2Affine: Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct KZGVerifierKey<E: Engine> {
/// The generator of G1.
pub g: E::G1Affine,
/// The generator of G2.
pub h: E::G2Affine,
/// β times the above generator of G2.
pub beta_h: E::G2Affine,

impl<E: Engine> UniversalKZGParam<E> {
/// Returns the maximum supported degree
pub fn max_degree(&self) -> usize {

/// Trim the universal parameters to specialize the public parameters
/// for univariate polynomials to the given `supported_size`, and
/// returns prover key and verifier key. `supported_size` should
/// be in range `1..params.len()`
/// # Panics
/// If `supported_size` is greater than `self.max_degree()`, or `self.max_degree()` is zero.
pub fn trim(&self, supported_size: usize) -> (KZGProverKey<E>, KZGVerifierKey<E>) {
let powers_of_g = self.powers_of_g[..=supported_size].to_vec();

let pk = KZGProverKey { powers_of_g };
let vk = KZGVerifierKey {
g: self.powers_of_g[0],
h: self.powers_of_h[0],
beta_h: self.powers_of_h[1],
(pk, vk)

impl<E: Engine> UniversalKZGParam<E> {
/// Build SRS for testing.
pub fn gen_srs_for_testing<R: RngCore + CryptoRng>(mut rng: &mut R, max_degree: usize) -> Self {
let beta = E::Fr::random(&mut rng);
let g = E::G1::random(&mut rng);
let h = E::G2::random(rng);

let (powers_of_g_projective, powers_of_h_projective) = rayon::join(
|| {
.scan(g, |acc, _| {
let val = *acc;
*acc *= beta;
|| {
.scan(h, |acc, _| {
let val = *acc;
*acc *= beta;

let mut powers_of_g = vec![E::G1Affine::identity(); powers_of_g_projective.len()];
let mut powers_of_h = vec![E::G2Affine::identity(); powers_of_h_projective.len()];

|| E::G1::batch_normalize(&powers_of_g_projective, &mut powers_of_g),
|| E::G2::batch_normalize(&powers_of_h_projective, &mut powers_of_h),

Self {

/// Commitments
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, Eq, PartialEq, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
serialize = "E::G1Affine: Serialize",
deserialize = "E::G1Affine: Deserialize<'de>"
pub struct UVKZGCommitment<E: Engine>(
/// the actual commitment is an affine point.
pub E::G1Affine,

impl<E: Engine> TranscriptReprTrait<E::G1> for UVKZGCommitment<E>
E::G1: DlogGroup,
// Note: due to the move of the bound TranscriptReprTrait<G> on G::Base from Group to Engine
<E::G1 as Group>::Base: TranscriptReprTrait<E::G1>,
fn to_transcript_bytes(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
// TODO: avoid the round-trip through the group (to_curve .. to_coordinates)
let (x, y, is_infinity) = self.0.to_curve().to_coordinates();
let is_infinity_byte = (!is_infinity).into();

/// Provides a commitment engine
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/provider/
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Expand Up @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ pub(crate) mod secp_secq;
pub(crate) mod traits;
// a non-hiding variant of {kzg, zeromorph}
pub(crate) mod kzg_commitment;
pub(crate) mod non_hiding_kzg;

pub(crate) mod test_utils;

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