Workspace to resolve remote references (relative remote references). #477
Adds Constants for the Scheme and Bearer format types #745
added a property to OpenReaderSettings to flag whether or not to leave the stream object open after reading from an OpenApiStreamReader object
Updated framework dependencies to .net standard 2.0.
Added support for $ref as valid property in pathItems
Support custom name for body parameter in serialization for V2 #486
CSDL conversion to OpenAPI support in Hidi
hidi to support slicing of postman collections by accepting Postman collection as filter.
hidi transform --filterByCollection 'mycollection.json' --input 'openapi.yaml' --output 'smallOpenApi.yaml'
Hidi input document to be used to determine default values e.g output file format
Updated Hidi documentation to show slicing based on Postman collections with examples
Aligned input parameter names of hidi with kiota
Bug Fixes
Parsing OpenAPI v2 external references
Partial support for external references
Graceful handling of parsing errors and continue to process schema components
Removed DataTypeMismatch as default rule
Round-tripping of empty media type objects and parsing of encoding style.
Allow OpenApiString raw value to be written raw without any encoding by OpenApiPrimitive Write (the selected writer?)
Added support for serializing additional properties in v2 schema
Fixed issues with Pointer encoding to escape slashes and missing segments
Query Parameters Serialization - Explode to respect the default value true #479
Added support for parsing extensions in eternal docs #513
Added $ref as a valid property in pathItem #288
Updated OpenAPI Walker missing elements visiting OpenApiEncoding.Headers (#405 ) and additional properties schema (#484 )
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