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Releases: microsoft/Qcodes

QCoDeS 0.37.0

26 Jan 14:03
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QCoDeS 0.37.0 (2023-01-26)

Breaking Changes:

  • InstrumentBase.ancestors now returns a tuple of ancestors
    to the current Instrument, InstrumentChannel or InstrumentModule and not a list.

  • dond , do1d etc. now returns tuples of Matplotlib axes and colorbars
    when plotting and not lists. #4894

  • Datasets are now exported to a folder next to the database by default rather then to the users home folder.
    Note that if you had specifically configured this in a local config file this should be updated too for the
    change to take effect. #4899

  • DriverTestCase has been moved from qcodes.instrument_drivers.test to qcodes.tests.driver_test_case. #4922

  • qcodes.instrument_drivers.VoltageDivider and qcodes.instrument_drivers.devices.VoltageDivider has
    been deprecated. Its functionality is better implemented in qcodes.parameters.DelegateParameter which
    is also significantly better tested and more general. #4923

  • The QDevil QDAC 1 driver has been migrated to qcodes_contrib_drivers and is included from version
    0.18.0. The driver in QCoDeS is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. #4932

  • Remove deprecated Mercury iPS driver
    use qcodes.instrument_drivers.oxford.OxfordMercuryiPS
    instead. #4936


  • When a dataset is exported an optional user supplied entry point is called. See
    here <../examples/DataSet/Exporting-data-to-other-file-formats.html#Automatically-post-process-exported-datasets.>__
    for more details. #4857
  • PyVISA 1.13 is now supported. #4895
  • validate method of DelegateParameter now also validates the given value
    against the validator of the source parameter (if source parameter is present). #4870
  • The dataset logic has been updated to ensure that if you set an already completed
    dataset as completed the completion timestamp will not be updated. #4876
  • Update the pyqtgraph plot backend for upstream changes in pyqtgraph. #4886
  • QcoDeS is now typechecked with Pyright in addition to mypy. This should give a significantly
    better user experience when working in VS Code. #4938

Improved Drivers:

  • The Minicircuits USB SPDT driver now supports running with the more modern version of the driver DLL mcl_RF_Switch_Controller_NET45.dll #4623

  • Two parameters are added to the Keysight.N51x1 class, conditioned on it having the 'UNW' option:
    1. Having the pulse modulation status on or off.
    2. Setting it to 'internal' or 'external'.

    From the Keysight manual:
    1. This command enables or disables pulse modulation for the selected path.
    2. This command sets the source of the pulse modulation. #4840

Under the hood:

  • Improve performance of parameter validator. #4887


20 Dec 15:24
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.36.0...v0.36.1

QCoDeS 0.36.0

30 Nov 12:28
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QCoDeS 0.36.0 (2022-11-29)

Breaking Changes:

  • The test_intrument and test_intruments functions are no longer available
    from the toplevel qcodes namespace.
    If you require these functions they must be imported from
    qcodes.instrument_drivers.test. (#461`)
  • The deprecated imports of Loop, Measure and members of in the toplevel QCoDeS namespace has been
    removed. (#4674)
  • Explicitly setting a sample id in the qcodesrc.json config file has been deprecated. This feature is
    expected to be very lightly used. Please do get in touch if you rely on it. This will eventually
    be replaced by a random string. For the same reason load_by_run_spec will no longer print
    sample_id as part of the output when more than one potential match is found.
    Note that this is different from the sample_name set as part of an experiment which is still supported. (#4763)


  • The sweeps used by doNd has gained the ability to perform a get call after setting the parameter and storing
    that value in the dataset rather than the value set. (#4759)
  • plot_dataset will now correctly wrap long titles into multiple lines. (#4770)
  • Keithley calibration: adjust calibration date before saving new calibration (#4779)
  • Visa insturments have gained the pyvisa_sim_file argument. This allows easier instantiation of
    simulated visainstrments in tests (both in QCoDeS and external) as well as use of simulated instruments in
    station yaml files. (#4790)
  • dond functions now return the dataset after KeyboardInterrupt or BreakConditionInterrupt.
    Instead of raising the interrupts, they are now logged as warning. (#4801)
  • The function qcodes.dataset.load_from_netcdf now always perservers order of the dependent coordinates
    when loading a netcdf file into memory. (#4802)
  • Add rundescriber_from_json to dataset public API
    for materializing RunDescriber objects from json strings (#4811)
  • Add RunDescriber, InterDependencies_, ParamSpecTree to dataset public API (#4816)
  • All public methods avilable in qcodes.dataset that takes a
    path to a db or data file now accepts a pathlib.Path object in addition to a str. (#4818)


  • Add a callback to dataset.get_parameter_data.
    This is usefull to track the progress of the data download.
    Since sqlite3 does not allow to keep track of the data loading progress,
    we compute how many sqlite requests correspond to a certain percentage of
    progress which is dictated by a config parameter "callback_percent".
    Then we perform x sql request instead of one, running the callback everytime. (#4688)

QCoDeS 0.35.2

05 Oct 08:57
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QCoDeS 0.35.2 (2022-10-05)

This is a bugfix to fix an issue where the qcodes.utils.helpers module had an unexpected dependency
on pytest.

QCoDeS 0.35.0

04 Oct 08:46
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QCoDeS 0.35.0 (2022-10-03)

NOTE: this release includes changes from :doc:0.35.0b1,
refer to that changelog for details of those changes.

In this release a large refactoring of the QCoDeS modules organization has taken place.
Among other changes the instrument module has been split into a parameters and
instrument module, the dond functions have been moved to the dataset module
and several methods removed from the public API of the utils module.

The new API is documented in the :ref:api section of the QCoDeS homepage.

Going forward we aim to establish a policy where the QCoDeS public API is defined
by modules explicitly documented in the :ref:api and importable from submodules at most
one level deep. I.e. from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel is supported but
f`rom import InstrumentChannel is considered unsupported.

Importing from previously existing locations should continue to work
but it is recommended to update to the new API.
In the future we may deprecate and eventually remove these modules
but no firm date is set for this.

Please report any issues you may see with importing from the previously existing API
or if you depend on any functions, classes etc. not available from the new public API.

This release also includes a significant but still incomplete refactoring of the QCoDeS
instrument drivers in qcodes.instrument_drivers. Many but not all drivers have been updated
to use names that conform to the standard documented
here <../examples/writing_drivers/Creating-Instrument-Drivers.ipynb#Naming-the-Instrument-class>__
i.e. they use CamelCase as other classes and are named as InstrumentvendorModel
and are importable directly from the instrument vendor module i.e.
from qcodes.instrument_drivers.AimTTi import AimTTiPL068P .
Older names for the classes are still importable from their original places unless explicitly
documented otherwise. In the future we may deprecate and eventually remove the instrument driver classes whos names don't conform to the standard,
but no firm date is set for this.

Breaking Changes:

  • The standard metadata as defined by pep621 has moved from setup.cfg
    to pyproject.toml. This should have no user facing consequences unless
    you install qcodes from source using a very old version of pip (<19)
    or use unusual pip configurations. (#4382#)

  • :class:VisaInstrument no longer calls :meth:VisaInstrument.set_address as part of its
    initialization. If you customize :meth:VisaInstrument.set_address in a subclass you may have
    to adapt that class. (:pr:4397)

  • The deprecated method check_error has been removed from the visa instrument class. (#4426)

  • The unused attribute shared_kwargs on the Instrument class has been removed. (#4427)

  • The following InstrumentChannel classes have changed name for consistency.
    This is expected to be a change with few user facing implications unless you are explicitly
    subclassing the mentioned classes.

    • DG1062Burst has changed name to RigolDG1062Burst
    • DG1062Channel has changed name to RigolDG1062Channel (#4538)
  • DataSet.get_metadata method for retrieving a metadata value for a
    given tag is now case-sensitive with respect to the tag.
    For example, if metadata was added with dataset.add_metadata('something', 1),
    it can only be retrieved by using its exact casing of the tag,
    dataset.get_metadata('something'), and not e.g.
    dataset.get_metadata('SomeThinG'). In the previous versions of QCoDeS,
    any casing of the tag in DataSet.get_metadata would work and return the
    value stored under that tag. Note that this change brings consistency
    with how getting metadata via the dataset.metadata works:
    dataset.metadata['something'] does return the value, and
    dataset.metadata['SomeThinG'] does not. (#4658)


  • ChannelTuple and ChannelList has gained the ability to call methods defined on the channels
    in the sequence in a way similar to how QCoDeS Functions can be called. (#4292)

  • dond has gained the ability to sweep multiple parameters at the same time enabling the creation of more complex
    measurements. (#4325)

  • Improve performance of sqlite3 converters and adapters used to write and read in the database.

    Get rid of sqlite3.Row and irrelevant unpacking to list. (#4446)

  • Settings of QCoDeS Validators are now available as properties (mostly read-only),
    e.g. min_value and max_value of the Numbers validator can now be accessed
    via numbers_validator_instance.min_value and numbers_validator_instance.max_value (#4602)

  • Fixed a bug in the QCoDeS JSON encoder that would trigger an infinite recursion for snapshots containing
    bytes (bytestrings with a b prefix). (#4621)

  • InstrumentBase and ParameterBase now call snapshot() on _meta_attrs attributes that inherit from Metadatable. (#4655)

  • The Dataset no longer prints upgrade progressbars when upgrading an empty database. This means that
    the progressbar will no longer be shown when creating a new database. (#4969)

Improved Drivers:

  • A parameter auto_freq_ref was added to the Keysight.N51x1 class.
    From the Keysight manual:
    This command enables or disables the ability of the signal generator to
    automatically select between the internal and an external reference oscillator.

    In addition, the val_mapping dictionary of the rf_output parameter is now using the create_on_off_val_mapping function. (#4472)

  • Add get_idn to AMI 430 3D virtual instrument driver so that it does not raise a warning when added to a station (#4610)


  • :class:InstrumentBase has a property label that can host
    a human-readable label/title of the instrument.
    The label can be set in the init. (#4460)

QCoDeS 0.35.0b1

08 Jul 15:13
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QCoDeS 0.35.0b1 Pre-release

QCoDeS 0.35.0b1 (2022-07-08)

This is a beta release of the upcoming QCoDeS 0.35.0 release.

In this release a large refactoring of the QCoDeS modules organization has taken place.
Among other changes the instrument module has been split into a parameters and
instrument module, the dond functions have been moved to the dataset module
and several methods removed from the public API of the utils module.

The new API is documented in the :ref:api section of the QCoDeS homepage.

Going forward we aim to establish a policy where the QCoDeS public API is defined
by modules explicitly documented in the :ref:api and importable from submodules at most
one level deep. I.e. from qcodes.instrument import InstrumentChannel is supported but
from import InstrumentChannel is considered unsupported.

Importing from previously existing locations should continue to work
but it is recommended to update to the new API.
In the future we may deprecate and eventually remove these modules
but no firm date is set for this.

Please report any issues you may see with importing from the previously existing API
or if you depend on any functions, classes etc. not available from the new public API.

Breaking Changes:

  • Removed deprecated units property from DataArray. (#4358)
  • Removed deprecated qcodes.version module. Use qcodes.__version__ (#4307)


New Drivers:

  • Add Keithley 2634B model to 2600 driver (#4290)

Improved Drivers:

  • The Keysight N52 series drivers have gained a parameter to control RF output. (#4301)
  • Improved Keysight N51x1 driver: make frequency option detection compatible with multiple options installed on device. (#4342)

0.34.1 - June 2022 (2022-06-14)

14 Jun 11:48
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QCoDeS 0.34.1 (2022-06-14)

Breaking Changes:

  • Restrictions on instrument names are now less strict than in 0.34.0. Submodules are allowed
    to have names that are not valid identifier as long as the full name is an valid identifier. (#4257)

0.34.0 - June 2022 (2022-06-13)

13 Jun 09:20
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Breaking Changes:

  • The deprecated driver for ZI UHFLI has been removed. Please use the drivers provided by zhinst-qcodes. (#4081)
  • InstrumentBase class now raises error if name is an invalid identifier.
    This effects creation of instruments, channels, modules. (#4178)
  • The deprecated fallback for visa addresses containing an @ and the backend has been removed. (#4219)
  • QCoDeS no longer explicitly sets the read and write terminators to "" (The empty string) by default.
    The default terminators are now set by PyVISA. This should only have implications for RS232 instruments where
    the default read and write terminators now are \r. (#4219)


  • The QCoDeS instrument baseclass has gained a method invalidate_cache.
    This will mark the cache of all parameters on the instrument and its submodules as
    invalid. This is useful if you manually (e.g. via the front panel) make changes to
    the instrument that QCoDeS cannot know about. (#4161`)


  • Improved conversion between and xarray. The conversion from xarray format to QCoDeS is more robust in reordering the coordinates.
    The dataset attributes label and unit are now converted as well. (#4011`)

Improved Drivers:

  • Fixed issue #4121 of setting the mode of the Keithley 6500 by adding single quotes around the mode value in the set_cmd string. (#4122)
  • Add db/phase sweep parameter for rohde_schwarz ZNB driver (#4139)
  • Add polar parameter to Keysight PNA to fetch the data using the polar format.
    This reduces the measurement time; instead of pulling magnitude and phase separately,
    we now get all complex data points in a single trace. (#4182)

0.33.0 - March 2022 (2022-03-09)

09 Mar 14:00
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  • Added a function qcodes.dataset.get_guids_by_run_spec to look up dataset guids
    from run specficiations. This replaces the now deprecated semi-public method
    get_guids_from_run_spec. It has a better handling of connections and more filtering options matching
    load_by_run_spec. (#3863)
  • A new set of validators MultiTypeAnd and MultiTypeOr that allows combination of
    other validators with And and Or were added. For backwards compatibility the existing
    MultiType validator takes a combiner argument defaulting to Or. (#3917)


  • Fixed a typo in legacy PyqtGraph plot preventing correct handling of custom units.
    Regression from 0.32.0 (#3773)
  • The warning triggered when a parameter is added to the snapshot incorrectly has been improved to include the
    name of the full instrument and two levels of stack information. This should make it easier to find the
    problematic parameter. (#3884)
  • Development versions of QCoDeS are now formatted as
    e.g. 0.32.0.dev14+name.of.branch.gxxxxx(.dirty)
    rather than "{version}+{distance}.{vcs}{rev}". This is
    done since pip in some cases considers the later equal to the released
    version and include more info to let you easily identify the
    branch installed from. Note that due to limitations in characters
    in version numbers /_- are normalized to . e.g. a branch named
    myname/my_branch-name becomes in the
    version number. (#3890)
  • ChannelTuple now has a repr that correctly identifies it as a ChannelTuple
    and not a ChannelList (#3911)
  • Parameter.unit is now a settable property rather than an attribute.
    This should have few implications for user facing code but makes it possible
    to do the same in a parameter subclass implementing validation or other functionality
    as needed. (#3929)
  • Metadata added after DataSet export to a netcdf file is now also added
    to that exported netcdf file (unless the exported netcdf file has been moved
    to a new location and set_netcdf_location was not called with that new
    location of the file) (#3932)
  • In the interactive widget the total time of a run is now correctly calculated as
    end-time - start-time not the other way around. (#3944)
  • Loading a 2 or higher dimentional qcodes dataset back from a netcdf file has been corrected to
    show the dataset in the correct shape.
    QCoDeS dataset are now always written to netcdf files from the cache with the same order of axis as in memory. (#3945)
  • Datasets now correctly preserve the shape information when exported to another database. (#3956)
  • Functions and classes marked deprecated with the QCoDes Deprecation decorator will now trigger
    warnings that reflect where they are called from and not the location of the deprecation decorator. (#3959)

Improved Drivers:

  • AMI430 3D magnet power supply driver: restore ramp rates of individual magnet
    axes after simultaneous ramp via calling wait_while_all_axes_ramping or
    automatically if block_during_ramp is True. (#3885)
  • Update the Keysight Infiniium oscilloscope driver to use ParameterWithSetpoints and also make the driver
    work without needing to run prepare_curvedata before measurement. Measurement subsystem is updated to be
    channel aware so it is possible to run measurements on multiple channels in a single qcodes measurement.
    For multiple traces, added the option to control automatic sweeping, similar to the N52xx driver. We can
    now take data from multiple channels with a single digitize. (#3916)
  • Fix baud rate of QDevil and QDev QDac's to be 460800 (#3931)
  • The Zurich instrument driver stubs in qcodes.instrument_drivers.zurich_instruments have been updated
    to use the 0.3 version of zhinst-qcodes (#3969)
  • Fixed a typo that prevented initialization of Agilent 34400A (#3981)

0.32.0 - January 2022 (2022-01-24)

24 Jan 16:51
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Breaking Changes:

  • The qcodes.version module deprecated and no longer imported by default e.g. if you want to use it you will need
    to explicitly import qcodes.version. It is recommended to use qcodes.__version__ as an alternative. (#3762)
  • IPython measurement magic (Special command staring with % for use in IPython) using the legacy
    loop is no longer enabled by default.
    To enable it set the corresponding config value (core.register_magic) in your qcodesrc.json config file to true. (#3764)
  • The import_legacy_api config option has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. (#3781)


  • An abstract instrument (An instrument with one or more abstract parameters) will now raise at
    instrument creation time preventing such an instrument from being created.
    This makes it easier to define interfaces that multiple instruments must implement.
    See here <../examples/writing_drivers/abstract_instruments.ipynb>__ for examples of how to use
    this. (#3718)

  • Improve the Keithley 2600 SMU calibration routine and make it
    a standalone executable function (#3783)

  • Add ArraySweep sweep class for use with dond function
    for sweeping parameters on arbitrary arrays of values (#3847)

  • The instrument channel container ChannelList has been split into a immutable ChannelTuple
    and a mutable ChannelList. The ChannelList class has gained a to_channel_tuple method.
    The lock method which locks a ChannelList has been retained but we do expect to deprecate
    this in the future.

    All drivers in QCoDeS have been updated to either use a ChannelTuple or a unlocked
    ChannelList as it makes sense.

    Furthermore, the ChannelList class now implements the full interface behaving like a python list. (#3851)


  • Only register an Instrument in the list of connected instruments if the connection
    was successful. This change allows connections to be retried with the same name
    if the first attempt fails. (#3696)
  • Fixed a bug with import_legacy_api config option which would trigger a circular import error. (#3781)
  • Instances of InstrumentModule (and therfor their subclass InstrumentChannel) are now accessible via
    the Instrument.instrument_modules dict on an instrument in addition to the Instrument.submodules dict
    which combines them with instances of ChannelList. (#3834)
  • ChannelList now implements the full interface.
    This also means that isinstance(mychannelist, Sequence) is True (#3835)
  • Inserting into a ChannelList now correctly keeps the internal mapping up to date ensuring that
    get_channel_by_name works correctly. (#3838)
  • InstrumentChannel now subclasses a new class InstrumentModule to clarify that instrument modules may
    serve other purposes than being channels. At the moment InstrumentModule and InstrumentChannel are identical.
    The type hints have been updated to clarify that only subclasses of InstrumentModule and ChannelLists
    are allowed submodules. (#3840)
  • Empty ChannelTuples/Lists now correctly raise an attribute error when trying
    to get a non existing attribute. Previously they would raise an IndexError. (#3856)

Improved Drivers:

  • Changed the value mapping of channel_selection on the AlazarTech ATS9440
    driver to fix all the combinations where channel D is involved. (#3802)
  • The VISA version of the AMI driver has been improved to more robustly handle flaky communication. (#3833)
  • Added a VISA version of the AMI430 driver. This is expected to be more robust with communication issues than the
    IP version of the driver. This driver exists alongside the IP version as (#3842)