external help file | Module Name | online version | schema |
Containers-Toolkit-help.xml |
Containers-Toolkit |
2.0.0 |
List container tools (Containerd, BuildKit, and nerdctl) install status.
Show-ContainerTools [-Latest] [<CommonParameters>]
List container tools (Containerd, BuildKit, nerdctl) and shows if the tool is installed, the installed version and the latest available version.
PS C:\> Show-ContainerTools -Latest
Tool Installed Version LatestVersion
---- --------- ------- -------------
containerd True v1.7.7 v1.7.7
buildkit True v0.12.2 v0.12.2
nerdctl True unknown v1.6.1
Show latest release version
Type: SwitchParameter
Parameter Sets: (All)
Required: False
Position: Named
Default value: None
Accept pipeline input: False
Accept wildcard characters: False
Returns an array of PSCustomObject,
Name | Type | Description |
Tool | String | Name of the container tool. Either Containerd, BuildKit, or nerdctl. |
Installed | Boolean | Specifies whether the tool is installed or not. |
Version | String | Installed version. |
LatestVersion | String | Latest available version |
Daemon | String | Tools daemon, e.g., containerd and buildkitd |
Daemon Status | String | Specifies the status of the daemon: running, stopped, unregistered |
- This information may not be accurate if a tool's paths has not been added to environment path.
- A daemon's status could be unavailable if it has not been installed