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@BillyONeal BillyONeal released this 17 Jun 21:58
· 2015 commits to master since this release

Total port count: 2441

Total port count per triplet (tested):

triplet ports available
x86-windows 2215
x64-windows 2306
x64-windows-static 2190
x64-windows-static-md 2223
x64-uwp 1274
arm64-windows 1898
arm64-uwp 1240
arm64-osx 2074
x64-osx 2155
x64-linux 2273
arm-neon-android 1578
x64-android 1651
arm64-android 1625

The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:

In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:

The following 9 ports have been added:
port version
astr 0.2.1
godot-cpp 4.2.1
imcce-openfa 20231011.0.3
michaelmiller-sec21 1.0.1
nativefiledialog-extended 1.1.1
poolstl 0.3.5
rapidhash 2024-06-08
sese 2.1.2
The following 442 ports have been updated:
port original version new version
7zip 23.01#2 24.06
ace 7.1.4 8.0.0
alsa 1.2.11#1 1.2.11#2
angle chromium_5414#7 chromium_5414#8
armadillo 12.6.6#1 12.8.4
arrow 16.1.0 16.1.0#1
autodock-vina 1.2.5#2 1.2.5#3
aws-sdk-cpp 1.11.285#1 1.11.285#3
azure-core-amqp-cpp 1.0.0-beta.9 1.0.0-beta.10
azure-data-tables-cpp 1.0.0-beta.2 1.0.0-beta.3
azure-identity-cpp 1.6.0#1 1.8.0
azure-iot-sdk-c 2024-03-04 2024-05-21
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp 1.0.0-beta.8 1.0.0-beta.9
bgfx 1.127.8725-469 1.127.8725-469#1
bitserializer 0.65 0.70
boinc 8.0.0 8.0.2
boost 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-accumulators 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-algorithm 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-align 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-any 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-array 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-asio 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-assert 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-assign 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-atomic 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-beast 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-bimap 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-bind 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-build 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-callable-traits 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-charconv 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-chrono 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-circular-buffer 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-cmake 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-cobalt 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-compat 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-compatibility 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-compute 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-concept-check 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-config 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-container-hash 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-context 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-contract 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-conversion 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-convert 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-core 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-coroutine 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-coroutine2 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-crc 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-date-time 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-describe 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-detail 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-dll 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-dynamic-bitset 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-endian 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-exception 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-fiber 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-filesystem 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-flyweight 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-foreach 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-format 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-function 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-function-types 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-functional 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-fusion 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-geometry 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-gil 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-graph 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-graph-parallel 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-hana 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-headers 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-heap 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-histogram 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-hof 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-icl 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-integer 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-interval 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-intrusive 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-io 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-iostreams 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-iterator 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-json 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-lambda 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-lambda2 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-leaf 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-lexical-cast 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-local-function 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-locale 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-lockfree 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-log 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-logic 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-math 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-metaparse 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-move 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-mp11 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-mpi 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-mpl 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-msm 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-multi-array 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-multi-index 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-multiprecision 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-mysql 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-nowide 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-numeric-conversion 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-odeint 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-optional 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-outcome 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-parameter 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-parameter-python 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-pfr 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-phoenix 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-poly-collection 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-polygon 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-pool 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-predef 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-preprocessor 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-process 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-program-options 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-property-map 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-property-map-parallel 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-property-tree 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-proto 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-ptr-container 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-python 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-qvm 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-random 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-range 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-ratio 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-rational 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-redis 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-regex 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-safe-numerics 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-scope 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-scope-exit 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-serialization 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-signals2 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-smart-ptr 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-sort 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-spirit 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-stacktrace 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-statechart 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-static-assert 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-static-string 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-stl-interfaces 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-system 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-test 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-thread 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-throw-exception 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-timer 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-tokenizer 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-tti 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-tuple 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-type-erasure 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-type-index 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-type-traits 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-typeof 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-ublas 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-uninstall 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-units 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-unordered 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-url 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-utility 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-uuid 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-variant 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-variant2 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-vmd 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-wave 1.85.0 1.85.0#2
boost-winapi 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-xpressive 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
boost-yap 1.85.0 1.85.0#1
breakpad 2023-06-01 2023-06-01#1
brpc 1.6.1#3 1.9.0
c4core 0.1.11 0.2.1
cachelib 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
caf 0.19.3 0.19.6
casclib 2021-11-16#1 2024-06-05
ccfits 2.5#11 2.5#12
cctag 1.0.2#6 1.0.2#7
cello 2019-07-23#3 2019-07-23#4
cgicc 3.2.20 3.2.20#1
chmlib 0.40#7 0.40#8
clfft 2.12.2#6 2.12.2#7
clockutils 1.1.1#1 1.1.1#2
coin 4.0.2#2 4.0.2#3
colmap 2023-10-01 3.9.1
concurrencpp 0.1.7 0.1.7#1
cpptrace 0.5.4 0.6.1
crfsuite 2020-08-27 2020-08-27#1
crow 1.1.0 1.2.0
curl 8.8.0 8.8.0#1
directx-dxc 2024-03-29 2024-05-28
directx12-agility 1.613.0 1.614.0
directxmesh 2024-02-21 2024-06-04
directxtex 2024-03-06 2024-06-04
directxtk 2024-02-21 2024-06-04
directxtk12 2024-02-21 2024-06-04
dp-thread-pool 0.6.2 0.6.2#1
drogon 1.9.4 1.9.5
ed25519 2017-02-10 2017-02-10#1
efsw 1.3.1 1.4.0
elfutils 0.186#4 0.191
embree3 3.13.5#3 3.13.5#4
entityx 1.3.0#5 1.3.0#6
fbthrift 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
fdk-aac 2.0.2#3 2.0.2#4
ffmpeg 6.1.1#4 6.1.1#7
fizz 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
folly 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
freeglut 3.4.0#1 3.4.0#2
freeimage 3.18.0#26 3.18.0#27
freerdp 3.4.0#1 3.4.0#2
geogram 1.8.3#1 1.8.3#2
glaze 2.6.4 2.6.9
glib 2.78.4#1 2.78.4#2
google-cloud-cpp 2.24.0 2.25.0
gsl 2.7.1#3 2.8
gtsam 4.2a9#1 4.2a9#2
halide 17.0.1 17.0.1#1
harfbuzz 8.5.0 8.5.0#1
hash-library 8#2 8#3
hdf5 1.14.2
hpx 1.9.1#1 1.10.0
idyntree 12.1.0 12.3.1
imgui 1.90.6 1.90.7
imguizmo 1.83#1 2024-05-29
itpp 4.3.1#10 4.3.1#11
jsoncons 0.175.0 0.176.0
jxrlib 2019.10.9#6 2019.10.9#7
keccak-tiny 2014-09-08 2014-09-08#2
kerbal 2024.4.1 2024.5.1
kf5kio 5.98.0 5.98.0#1
krb5 1.21.2#1 1.21.2#4
lapack 2023-06-10#1 2023-06-10#2
leptonica 1.84.1 1.84.1#1
libass 0.17.1 0.17.2
libassert 2.0.2 2.1.0
libbson 1.27.1 1.27.2
libcopp 2.2.0 2.2.0#1
libdatachannel 0.20.3 0.21.1
libdeflate 1.20 1.20#1
libgeotiff 1.7.1#3 1.7.3
libgnutls 3.8.5 3.8.5#1
libidn2 2.3.4#3 2.3.7
libjuice 1.3.4#1 1.4.2
libmariadb 3.3.1#3 3.3.1#4
libmediainfo 24.3 24.5
libnick 2024.3.1 2024.6.5
libodb 2.4.0#11 2.4.0#12
libodb-pgsql 2.4.0#7 2.4.0#8
libodb-sqlite 2.4.0#11 2.4.0#12
liborigin 3.0.2#1 3.0.2#2
libp7client 5.6#4 5.6#5
libpng 1.6.43#1 1.6.43#2
libpopt 1.16#16 1.16#17
libpsl 0.21.5 0.21.5#1
librdkafka 2.3.0 2.3.0#1
libredwg 0.13.3 0.13.3#1
libremidi 4.3.0 4.5.0
libsodium 1.0.19#2 1.0.20#1
libsrt 1.5.3 1.5.3#1
libtracepoint 1.3.3 1.3.3#1
libtracepoint-control 1.3.3 1.3.3#1
libudis86 2018-01-28#3 2018-01-28#4
libudns 0.4#5 0.4#6
libuvc 0.0.7 0.0.7#1
libvmdk 20221124 20221124#1
libvorbis 1.3.7#2 1.3.7#3
libyaml 0.2.5#4 0.2.5#5
live555 2023-11-30#1 2024-05-15
llvm 17.0.2#5 18.1.6
lpeg 1.1.0 1.1.0#1
luafilesystem 1.8.0#5 1.8.0#6
magnum 2020.06#17 2020.06#18
magnum-plugins 2020.06#12 2020.06#13
mecab 2019-09-25#5 2019-09-25#6
mesa 23.2.1#1 24.0.7#2
mongo-c-driver 1.27.1 1.27.2
mp3lame 3.100#13 3.100#14
mvfst 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
ngtcp2 1.5.0 1.6.0
nss 3.99 3.99#1
open62541 1.3.9 1.3.10
open62541pp 0.12.0 0.13.0
opencolorio 2.2.1#1 2.2.1#2
openldap 2.5.17 2.5.17#1
openssl 3.3.0#1 3.3.1
opentelemetry-cpp 1.14.2#1 1.14.2#2
osg 3.6.5#23 3.6.5#25
perfetto 45.0 46.0
phnt 2020-12-21 2024-05-22
pixman 0.43.4 0.43.4#1
pqp 1.3#7 1.3#8
proj 9.4.0 9.4.1
proxygen 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
pulsar-client-cpp 3.4.2#2 3.5.1
pulseaudio 17.0 17.0#1
qcoro 0.10.0 0.10.0#1
qt 6.7.0 6.7.1
qt3d 6.7.0 6.7.1
qt5 5.15.13#2 5.15.14
qt5-3d 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-activeqt 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-androidextras 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-base 5.15.13#3 5.15.14
qt5-charts 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-connectivity 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-datavis3d 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-declarative 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-doc 5.15.13#2 5.15.14
qt5-gamepad 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-graphicaleffects 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-imageformats 5.15.13#2 5.15.14
qt5-location 5.15.13#1 5.15.14#1
qt5-macextras 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-mqtt 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-multimedia 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-networkauth 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-purchasing 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-quickcontrols 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-quickcontrols2 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-remoteobjects 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-script 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-scxml 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-sensors 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-serialbus 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-serialport 5.15.13 5.15.14
qt5-speech 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-svg 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-tools 5.15.13#2 5.15.14
qt5-translations 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-virtualkeyboard 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-wayland 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-webchannel 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-webengine 5.15.13#3 5.15.14
qt5-webglplugin 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-websockets 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-webview 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-winextras 5.15.13#2 5.15.14
qt5-x11extras 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5-xmlpatterns 5.15.13#1 5.15.14
qt5compat 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtactiveqt 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtapplicationmanager 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtbase 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtcharts 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtcoap 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtconnectivity 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtdatavis3d 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtdeclarative 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtdeviceutilities 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtdoc 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtgraphs 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtgrpc 6.7.0 6.7.1
qthttpserver 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtimageformats 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtinterfaceframework 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtlanguageserver 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtlocation 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtlottie 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtmqtt 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtmultimedia 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtnetworkauth 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtopcua 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtpositioning 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtquick3d 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtquick3dphysics 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtquickeffectmaker 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtquicktimeline 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtremoteobjects 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtscxml 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtsensors 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtserialbus 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtserialport 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtshadertools 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtspeech 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtsvg 6.7.0 6.7.1
qttools 6.7.0#1 6.7.1
qttranslations 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtvirtualkeyboard 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtwayland 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtwebchannel 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtwebengine 6.7.0#1 6.7.0#4
qtwebsockets 6.7.0 6.7.1
qtwebview 6.7.0 6.7.1
quill 3.9.0 4.4.0
reactiveplusplus 2.0.0 2.1.1
realm-core 14.6.2#1 14.8.0
robotraconteur 1.2.0#1 1.2.1
robotraconteur-companion 0.3.1 0.4.1
rsocket 2021.08.30.00#4 2021.08.30.00#5
scintilla 4.4.6#3 5.5.0
sdl2 2.30.1 2.30.3
sentry-native 0.7.4 0.7.6
simbody 2023-01-10 2023-01-10#1
simdjson 3.9.2 3.9.3
smpeg2 2.0.0#10 2.0.0#11
snap7 1.4.2#1 1.4.2#2
snappy 1.1.10 1.1.10#1
sophus 1.22.10 1.24.6-r1
spaceland 7.8.2#8 7.8.2#9
sqlcipher 4.5.6 4.6.0
sqlite3 3.45.3#1 3.46.0#1
stlab 1.7.1#1 1.7.1#2
stormlib 2019-05-10#5 9.26
symengine 0.11.2 0.11.2#1
taocpp-json 2020-09-14#3 2020-09-14#4
tcl core-9-0-a1#6 core-9-0-a1#7
telnetpp 2.1.2#3 3.1.0
tinygltf 2.8.22 2.8.23
tinyxml2 9.0.0#2 10.0.0
tmxparser 2019-10-14 2019-10-14#1
trantor 1.5.18 1.5.19
uriparser 0.9.7 0.9.8
uvatlas 2024-02-21 2024-06-05
vcpkg-boost 2024-04-25 2024-05-15
vcpkg-cmake 2024-04-18 2024-04-23
vcpkg-cmake-config 2022-02-06#1 2024-05-23
vcpkg-qmake 2023-03-22#1 2023-03-22#2
vcpkg-tool-meson 1.3.2#3 1.3.2#6
vincentlaucsb-csv-parser 2.1.3 2.2.3
vladimirshaleev-ipaddress 1.0.1 1.1.0
vtk 9.3.0-pv5.12.0#3 9.3.0-pv5.12.0#4
vulkan-memory-allocator 3.0.1#4 3.1.0
vulkan-memory-allocator-hpp 3.1.0
wangle 2024.05.06.00 2024.06.10.00
wavpack 5.6.0#1 5.6.0#2
wolfmqtt 1.16.0 1.19.0
wolfssl 5.7.0 5.7.0#1
wolftpm 2.7.0#2 3.2.0
x265 3.5 3.5#1
xorg-macros 1.19.3 1.19.3#1
xqilla 2.3.4#2 2.3.4#3
xtrans 1.4.0#1 1.4.0#2
yara 4.5.0 4.5.1
yomm2 1.5.1 1.5.2
yyjson 0.8.0 0.9.0
zlib-ng 2.1.5 2.1.5#1
zydis 4.0.0#2 4.1.0
The following 2 ports have been removed:

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2024.05.24...2024.06.15