2015 commits
to master
since this release
Total port count: 2441
Total port count per triplet (tested): https://dev.azure.com/vcpkg/public/_build/results?buildId=103938&view=results
triplet | ports available |
x86-windows | 2215 |
x64-windows | 2306 |
x64-windows-static | 2190 |
x64-windows-static-md | 2223 |
x64-uwp | 1274 |
arm64-windows | 1898 |
arm64-uwp | 1240 |
arm64-osx | 2074 |
x64-osx | 2155 |
x64-linux | 2273 |
arm-neon-android | 1578 |
x64-android | 1651 |
arm64-android | 1625 |
The following vcpkg-tool releases have occurred since the last registry release:
In those tool releases, the following changes are particularly meaningful:
- Fixed version export in spdx module by @xvitaly in microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1400
- Add missing switch --keep-going to x-set-installed by @Neumann-A in microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1407
- AWS S3 cache miss should not issue warning by @petamas in microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1404
- Ensure that all post-build checks have skip policies. by @BillyONeal in microsoft/vcpkg-tool#1405
The following 9 ports have been added:
port | version |
astr | 0.2.1 |
godot-cpp | 4.2.1 |
imcce-openfa | 20231011.0.3 |
michaelmiller-sec21 | 1.0.1 |
nativefiledialog-extended | 1.1.1 |
poolstl | 0.3.5 |
rapidhash | 2024-06-08 |
sese | 2.1.2 |
tinytiff | |
The following 442 ports have been updated:
port | original version | new version |
7zip | 23.01#2 | 24.06 |
ace | 7.1.4 | 8.0.0 |
alsa | 1.2.11#1 | 1.2.11#2 |
angle | chromium_5414#7 | chromium_5414#8 |
armadillo | 12.6.6#1 | 12.8.4 |
arrow | 16.1.0 | 16.1.0#1 |
autodock-vina | 1.2.5#2 | 1.2.5#3 |
aws-sdk-cpp | 1.11.285#1 | 1.11.285#3 |
azure-core-amqp-cpp | 1.0.0-beta.9 | 1.0.0-beta.10 |
azure-data-tables-cpp | 1.0.0-beta.2 | 1.0.0-beta.3 |
azure-identity-cpp | 1.6.0#1 | 1.8.0 |
azure-iot-sdk-c | 2024-03-04 | 2024-05-21 |
azure-messaging-eventhubs-cpp | 1.0.0-beta.8 | 1.0.0-beta.9 |
bde | | |
bgfx | 1.127.8725-469 | 1.127.8725-469#1 |
bitserializer | 0.65 | 0.70 |
boinc | 8.0.0 | 8.0.2 |
boost | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-accumulators | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-algorithm | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-align | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-any | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-array | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-asio | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-assert | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-assign | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-atomic | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-beast | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-bimap | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-bind | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-build | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-callable-traits | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-charconv | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-chrono | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-circular-buffer | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-cmake | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-cobalt | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-compat | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-compatibility | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-compute | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-concept-check | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-config | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-container-hash | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-context | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-contract | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-conversion | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-convert | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-core | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-coroutine | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-coroutine2 | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-crc | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-date-time | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-describe | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-detail | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-dll | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-dynamic-bitset | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-endian | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-exception | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-fiber | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-filesystem | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-flyweight | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-foreach | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-format | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-function | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-function-types | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-functional | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-fusion | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-geometry | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-gil | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-graph | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-graph-parallel | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-hana | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-headers | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-heap | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-histogram | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-hof | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-icl | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-integer | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-interval | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-intrusive | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-io | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-iostreams | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-iterator | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-json | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-lambda | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-lambda2 | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-leaf | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-lexical-cast | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-local-function | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-locale | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-lockfree | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-log | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-logic | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-math | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-metaparse | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-move | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-mp11 | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-mpi | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-mpl | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-msm | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-multi-array | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-multi-index | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-multiprecision | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-mysql | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-nowide | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-numeric-conversion | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-odeint | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-optional | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-outcome | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-parameter | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-parameter-python | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-pfr | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-phoenix | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-poly-collection | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-polygon | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-pool | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-predef | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-preprocessor | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-process | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-program-options | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-property-map | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-property-map-parallel | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-property-tree | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-proto | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-ptr-container | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-python | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-qvm | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-random | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-range | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-ratio | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-rational | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-redis | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-regex | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-safe-numerics | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-scope | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-scope-exit | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-serialization | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-signals2 | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-smart-ptr | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-sort | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-spirit | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-stacktrace | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-statechart | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-static-assert | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-static-string | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-stl-interfaces | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-system | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-test | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-thread | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-throw-exception | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-timer | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-tokenizer | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-tti | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-tuple | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-type-erasure | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-type-index | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-type-traits | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-typeof | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-ublas | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-uninstall | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-units | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-unordered | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-url | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-utility | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-uuid | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-variant | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-variant2 | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-vmd | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-wave | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#2 |
boost-winapi | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-xpressive | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
boost-yap | 1.85.0 | 1.85.0#1 |
breakpad | 2023-06-01 | 2023-06-01#1 |
brpc | 1.6.1#3 | 1.9.0 |
c4core | 0.1.11 | 0.2.1 |
cachelib | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
caf | 0.19.3 | 0.19.6 |
casclib | 2021-11-16#1 | 2024-06-05 |
ccfits | 2.5#11 | 2.5#12 |
cctag | 1.0.2#6 | 1.0.2#7 |
cello | 2019-07-23#3 | 2019-07-23#4 |
cgicc | 3.2.20 | 3.2.20#1 |
chmlib | 0.40#7 | 0.40#8 |
clfft | 2.12.2#6 | 2.12.2#7 |
clockutils | 1.1.1#1 | 1.1.1#2 |
coin | 4.0.2#2 | 4.0.2#3 |
colmap | 2023-10-01 | 3.9.1 |
concurrencpp | 0.1.7 | 0.1.7#1 |
cpptrace | 0.5.4 | 0.6.1 |
crfsuite | 2020-08-27 | 2020-08-27#1 |
crow | 1.1.0 | 1.2.0 |
curl | 8.8.0 | 8.8.0#1 |
directx-dxc | 2024-03-29 | 2024-05-28 |
directx12-agility | 1.613.0 | 1.614.0 |
directxmesh | 2024-02-21 | 2024-06-04 |
directxtex | 2024-03-06 | 2024-06-04 |
directxtk | 2024-02-21 | 2024-06-04 |
directxtk12 | 2024-02-21 | 2024-06-04 |
dp-thread-pool | 0.6.2 | 0.6.2#1 |
drogon | 1.9.4 | 1.9.5 |
ed25519 | 2017-02-10 | 2017-02-10#1 |
efsw | 1.3.1 | 1.4.0 |
elfutils | 0.186#4 | 0.191 |
embree3 | 3.13.5#3 | 3.13.5#4 |
entityx | 1.3.0#5 | 1.3.0#6 |
fbthrift | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
fdk-aac | 2.0.2#3 | 2.0.2#4 |
ffmpeg | 6.1.1#4 | 6.1.1#7 |
fizz | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
folly | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
freeglut | 3.4.0#1 | 3.4.0#2 |
freeimage | 3.18.0#26 | 3.18.0#27 |
freerdp | 3.4.0#1 | 3.4.0#2 |
geogram | 1.8.3#1 | 1.8.3#2 |
glaze | 2.6.4 | 2.6.9 |
glib | 2.78.4#1 | 2.78.4#2 |
google-cloud-cpp | 2.24.0 | 2.25.0 |
gsl | 2.7.1#3 | 2.8 |
gtsam | 4.2a9#1 | 4.2a9#2 |
halide | 17.0.1 | 17.0.1#1 |
harfbuzz | 8.5.0 | 8.5.0#1 |
hash-library | 8#2 | 8#3 |
hdf5 | 1.14.2 | |
hpx | 1.9.1#1 | 1.10.0 |
idyntree | 12.1.0 | 12.3.1 |
imgui | 1.90.6 | 1.90.7 |
imguizmo | 1.83#1 | 2024-05-29 |
itpp | 4.3.1#10 | 4.3.1#11 |
jsoncons | 0.175.0 | 0.176.0 |
jxrlib | 2019.10.9#6 | 2019.10.9#7 |
keccak-tiny | 2014-09-08 | 2014-09-08#2 |
kerbal | 2024.4.1 | 2024.5.1 |
kf5kio | 5.98.0 | 5.98.0#1 |
krb5 | 1.21.2#1 | 1.21.2#4 |
lapack | 2023-06-10#1 | 2023-06-10#2 |
leptonica | 1.84.1 | 1.84.1#1 |
libass | 0.17.1 | 0.17.2 |
libassert | 2.0.2 | 2.1.0 |
libbson | 1.27.1 | 1.27.2 |
libcopp | 2.2.0 | 2.2.0#1 |
libdatachannel | 0.20.3 | 0.21.1 |
libdeflate | 1.20 | 1.20#1 |
libgeotiff | 1.7.1#3 | 1.7.3 |
libgnutls | 3.8.5 | 3.8.5#1 |
libidn2 | 2.3.4#3 | 2.3.7 |
libjuice | 1.3.4#1 | 1.4.2 |
libmariadb | 3.3.1#3 | 3.3.1#4 |
libmediainfo | 24.3 | 24.5 |
libmodplug | | |
libnick | 2024.3.1 | 2024.6.5 |
libodb | 2.4.0#11 | 2.4.0#12 |
libodb-pgsql | 2.4.0#7 | 2.4.0#8 |
libodb-sqlite | 2.4.0#11 | 2.4.0#12 |
liborigin | 3.0.2#1 | 3.0.2#2 |
libp7client | 5.6#4 | 5.6#5 |
libpng | 1.6.43#1 | 1.6.43#2 |
libpopt | 1.16#16 | 1.16#17 |
libpsl | 0.21.5 | 0.21.5#1 |
librdkafka | 2.3.0 | 2.3.0#1 |
libredwg | 0.13.3 | 0.13.3#1 |
libremidi | 4.3.0 | 4.5.0 |
libsodium | 1.0.19#2 | 1.0.20#1 |
libsrt | 1.5.3 | 1.5.3#1 |
libtracepoint | 1.3.3 | 1.3.3#1 |
libtracepoint-control | 1.3.3 | 1.3.3#1 |
libudis86 | 2018-01-28#3 | 2018-01-28#4 |
libudns | 0.4#5 | 0.4#6 |
libuvc | 0.0.7 | 0.0.7#1 |
libvmdk | 20221124 | 20221124#1 |
libvorbis | 1.3.7#2 | 1.3.7#3 |
libyaml | 0.2.5#4 | 0.2.5#5 |
live555 | 2023-11-30#1 | 2024-05-15 |
llvm | 17.0.2#5 | 18.1.6 |
lpeg | 1.1.0 | 1.1.0#1 |
luafilesystem | 1.8.0#5 | 1.8.0#6 |
magnum | 2020.06#17 | 2020.06#18 |
magnum-plugins | 2020.06#12 | 2020.06#13 |
mecab | 2019-09-25#5 | 2019-09-25#6 |
mesa | 23.2.1#1 | 24.0.7#2 |
mongo-c-driver | 1.27.1 | 1.27.2 |
mp3lame | 3.100#13 | 3.100#14 |
mvfst | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
ngtcp2 | 1.5.0 | 1.6.0 |
nss | 3.99 | 3.99#1 |
open62541 | 1.3.9 | 1.3.10 |
open62541pp | 0.12.0 | 0.13.0 |
opencolorio | 2.2.1#1 | 2.2.1#2 |
openimageio | | |
openldap | 2.5.17 | 2.5.17#1 |
openssl | 3.3.0#1 | 3.3.1 |
opentelemetry-cpp | 1.14.2#1 | 1.14.2#2 |
osg | 3.6.5#23 | 3.6.5#25 |
perfetto | 45.0 | 46.0 |
phnt | 2020-12-21 | 2024-05-22 |
pixman | 0.43.4 | 0.43.4#1 |
pqp | 1.3#7 | 1.3#8 |
proj | 9.4.0 | 9.4.1 |
proxygen | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
pulsar-client-cpp | 3.4.2#2 | 3.5.1 |
pulseaudio | 17.0 | 17.0#1 |
qcoro | 0.10.0 | 0.10.0#1 |
qt | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qt3d | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qt5 | 5.15.13#2 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-3d | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-activeqt | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-androidextras | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-base | 5.15.13#3 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-charts | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-connectivity | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-datavis3d | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-declarative | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-doc | 5.15.13#2 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-gamepad | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-graphicaleffects | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-imageformats | 5.15.13#2 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-location | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14#1 |
qt5-macextras | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-mqtt | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-multimedia | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-networkauth | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-purchasing | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-quickcontrols | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-quickcontrols2 | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-remoteobjects | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-script | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-scxml | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-sensors | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-serialbus | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-serialport | 5.15.13 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-speech | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-svg | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-tools | 5.15.13#2 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-translations | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-virtualkeyboard | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-wayland | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-webchannel | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-webengine | 5.15.13#3 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-webglplugin | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-websockets | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-webview | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-winextras | 5.15.13#2 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-x11extras | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5-xmlpatterns | 5.15.13#1 | 5.15.14 |
qt5compat | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtactiveqt | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtapplicationmanager | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtbase | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtcharts | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtcoap | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtconnectivity | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtdatavis3d | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtdeclarative | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtdeviceutilities | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtdoc | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtgraphs | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtgrpc | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qthttpserver | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtimageformats | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtinterfaceframework | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtlanguageserver | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtlocation | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtlottie | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtmqtt | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtmultimedia | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtnetworkauth | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtopcua | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtpositioning | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtquick3d | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtquick3dphysics | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtquickeffectmaker | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtquicktimeline | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtremoteobjects | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtscxml | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtsensors | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtserialbus | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtserialport | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtshadertools | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtspeech | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtsvg | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qttools | 6.7.0#1 | 6.7.1 |
qttranslations | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtvirtualkeyboard | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtwayland | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtwebchannel | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtwebengine | 6.7.0#1 | 6.7.0#4 |
qtwebsockets | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
qtwebview | 6.7.0 | 6.7.1 |
quill | 3.9.0 | 4.4.0 |
reactiveplusplus | 2.0.0 | 2.1.1 |
realm-core | 14.6.2#1 | 14.8.0 |
robotraconteur | 1.2.0#1 | 1.2.1 |
robotraconteur-companion | 0.3.1 | 0.4.1 |
rsocket | 2021.08.30.00#4 | 2021.08.30.00#5 |
scintilla | 4.4.6#3 | 5.5.0 |
sdl2 | 2.30.1 | 2.30.3 |
sentry-native | 0.7.4 | 0.7.6 |
simbody | 2023-01-10 | 2023-01-10#1 |
simdjson | 3.9.2 | 3.9.3 |
smpeg2 | 2.0.0#10 | 2.0.0#11 |
snap7 | 1.4.2#1 | 1.4.2#2 |
snappy | 1.1.10 | 1.1.10#1 |
sophus | 1.22.10 | 1.24.6-r1 |
spaceland | 7.8.2#8 | 7.8.2#9 |
sqlcipher | 4.5.6 | 4.6.0 |
sqlite3 | 3.45.3#1 | 3.46.0#1 |
stlab | 1.7.1#1 | 1.7.1#2 |
stormlib | 2019-05-10#5 | 9.26 |
symengine | 0.11.2 | 0.11.2#1 |
taocpp-json | 2020-09-14#3 | 2020-09-14#4 |
tcl | core-9-0-a1#6 | core-9-0-a1#7 |
telnetpp | 2.1.2#3 | 3.1.0 |
tinygltf | 2.8.22 | 2.8.23 |
tinyxml2 | 9.0.0#2 | 10.0.0 |
tmxparser | 2019-10-14 | 2019-10-14#1 |
trantor | 1.5.18 | 1.5.19 |
uriparser | 0.9.7 | 0.9.8 |
uvatlas | 2024-02-21 | 2024-06-05 |
vcpkg-boost | 2024-04-25 | 2024-05-15 |
vcpkg-cmake | 2024-04-18 | 2024-04-23 |
vcpkg-cmake-config | 2022-02-06#1 | 2024-05-23 |
vcpkg-qmake | 2023-03-22#1 | 2023-03-22#2 |
vcpkg-tool-meson | 1.3.2#3 | 1.3.2#6 |
vincentlaucsb-csv-parser | 2.1.3 | 2.2.3 |
vladimirshaleev-ipaddress | 1.0.1 | 1.1.0 |
vtk | 9.3.0-pv5.12.0#3 | 9.3.0-pv5.12.0#4 |
vulkan-memory-allocator | 3.0.1#4 | 3.1.0 |
vulkan-memory-allocator-hpp | | 3.1.0 |
wangle | 2024.05.06.00 | 2024.06.10.00 |
wavpack | 5.6.0#1 | 5.6.0#2 |
wolfmqtt | 1.16.0 | 1.19.0 |
wolfssl | 5.7.0 | 5.7.0#1 |
wolftpm | 2.7.0#2 | 3.2.0 |
x265 | 3.5 | 3.5#1 |
xorg-macros | 1.19.3 | 1.19.3#1 |
xqilla | 2.3.4#2 | 2.3.4#3 |
xtrans | 1.4.0#1 | 1.4.0#2 |
yara | 4.5.0 | 4.5.1 |
yomm2 | 1.5.1 | 1.5.2 |
yyjson | 0.8.0 | 0.9.0 |
zlib-ng | 2.1.5 | 2.1.5#1 |
zydis | 4.0.0#2 | 4.1.0 |
The following 2 ports have been removed:
port |
ecsutil |
nativefiledialog |
New Contributors
- @jll63 made their first contribution in #38950
- @frendguo made their first contribution in #38863
- @lealem47 made their first contribution in #38850
- @messmerd made their first contribution in #38995
- @Emil-Blomquist made their first contribution in #39011
- @aabellagm made their first contribution in #38261
- @hyoklee made their first contribution in #38911
- @kadirlua made their first contribution in #39047
- @Flole998 made their first contribution in #38851
- @Shauren made their first contribution in #39121
- @gittiver made their first contribution in #38997
- @ycdev1 made their first contribution in #38994
- @ytnuf made their first contribution in #37931
- @SHIINASAMA made their first contribution in #38704
- @Lectem made their first contribution in #39197
- @tomconder made their first contribution in #39195
- @denis2glez made their first contribution in #38841
- @aristotelos made their first contribution in #38878
- @rockwood-openai made their first contribution in #39184
- @strasdat made their first contribution in #39225
- @MichaelMiller- made their first contribution in #37868
- @ShiningMassXAcc made their first contribution in #38719
Full Changelog: 2024.05.24...2024.06.15