Releases: microsoft/vscode-jupyter
2021.8.11 July Release (release months line up with VS Code)
2021.8.11 (3 August 2021)
- Updated the preview to run by line in native notebooks. Set the
setting to true, install ipykernel 6 on your selected kernel and aRun by Line
button will appear on cell toolbars. Pressing it will start a lightweight debugging session and let you run the cell line by line.
- Restore plotviewer in Native Notebooks.
(#6315) - Fix debugging in
Interactive Window
when usingIPyKernel 6
(#6534) - Add a placeholder
Python 3
kernel if user doesn't have any Python interpreters, with ability to notify user to install Python extenssion or Python runtime.
(#5864) - Fixes to completion items received from Jupyter.
(#5956) - Run all and restarting does not actually interrupt the rest of the running cells.
(#5996) - Remove popup tip that indicates to users the kernel picker is in the bottom right.
(#6016) - Ensure Pyspark kernels are listed.
(#6316) - Fix problem where the active interpreter is not being used for the interactive window when not running with raw kernel.
(#6409) Ctrl+Enter
in native notebooks should put cell into command mode immediately, then run the cell.
(#6582)- List non-traditional (not using
) global Python kernelspecs.
(#6622) - Clone the Notebook metadata before udpating it.
(#6624) - Format the readme to render correctly on the VS Code extensions side bar. Thanks jyooru!
(#6648) - Ensure we get Jupyter Server info correctly in Python 3.6.
(#6738) - List kernels in situations where extension is installed after opening a notebook.
2021.8.1 (19 July 2021)
- Fix for kernel not starting with correct path (causes DLL load and import modules failures).
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:
2021.8.0 (8 July 2021)
- In preview native notebooks UI, contribute
keybinding to toggle line numbers for the current cell, andshift+L
keybinding to toggle line numbers for all cells.
(#4438) - Add xarray arrays to Data Viewer.
(#5590) - When editing a markdown cell in preview native notebooks UI, contribute
keybinding to render current markdown cell, andshift+enter
to render current markdown cell and skip to the next cell.
(#5976) - Contribute extension-level
keybinding to execute current code cell and select below in preview native notebooks UI.
(#6037) - Added ability to save plots in the preview native notebooks UI.
(#6183) - Added a preview to run by line and debugging in native notebooks. Set the
setting to true, install ipykernel 6 on your selected kernel and adebug
button will appear. Pressing it will start a debugging session and let you set and hit breakpoints.
(#5607) - Add
setting to opt into the preview native interactive window experience, with support for VS Code customizations like keybindings, themes, snippets and more.(#1388)
- Fix problems loading other language kernels in the Interactive Window and in non insiders webviews.
(#893) - Only ask user to switch to
mode if"jupyter.interactiveWindowMode": "multiple"
and they have submitted code from two different source files.
(#5471) - On remote connections check for new or removed LiveKernelConnections on document open.
(#5984) - In preview native notebooks interface, show editor title buttons only when "notebook.globalToolbar" setting is set to
(#6019) - Ship require.js with our notebook preloads and renderers.
(#6034) - Save output in *.ipynb even when output is created without any Jupyter output metadata.
(#6192) - In preview native notebooks interface, contribute
keybinding which puts the current cell into control mode instead of leaving it in edit mode after running.
(#6198) - Fix interrupt button in Native Notebook toolbar.
(#6254) - Fix problem where the active interpreter is not being used for the interactive window when not running with raw kernel.
Code Health
- Add doc switching variable view tests for native notebooks.
(#4355) - Fix 'Restarting kernel will cancel cell execution & we can re-run a cell' test.
(#6139) - Restore GitHub token access for CodeQL, issue locking and issue assignment workflows.
(#6170) - Fix flake notebookAndWebview test.
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:
2021.6.9999 (23 June 2021)
- Resolve DataFrame horizontal scrollbar issue on Jupyter side.
2021.6.999 (16 June 2021)
- On remote connections check for new or removed LiveKernelConnections on document open.
(#5984) - When editing a markdown cell in preview native notebooks UI, contribute
keybinding to render current markdown cell, andshift+enter
to render current markdown cell and skip to the next cell.
(#5976) - In preview native notebooks UI, contribute
keybinding to toggle line numbers for the current cell, andshift+L
keybinding to toggle line numbers for all cells.
(#4438) - Contribute extension-level
keybinding to execute current code cell and select below in preview native notebooks UI.
(#6037) - In preview native notebooks interface, contribute
keybinding which puts the current cell into control mode instead of leaving it in edit mode after running.
(#6198) - Fix interrupt button in Native Notebook toolbar.
Code Health
- Fix 'Restarting kernel will cancel cell execution & we can re-run a cell' test.
2021.6.99 (8 June 2021)
- Data Viewer Filter Rows must use explicit wildcards to search for substrings in string filters. For example, filtering by "stable" will not show the value "unstable" anymore, but filtering by "*stable" will show "stable" and "unstable".
(#1142) - Sort variables by name and type in variable explorer.
(#4585) - Limit languages dispalyed in the Cell language picker to languages supported by the kernel.
(#5580) - Move native notebooks cell toolbar to the left by default.
(#5605) - Display modal dialog box (so users don't miss this) when IPyKernel (or Jupyter) is missing (required to run Python in Interactive Window or Notebooks).
(#5798) - Add support for Virtual Workspaces.
(#5803) - Losslessly compressed PNG images to save ~20KB.
(thanks Christopher Yeh)
(#5869) - Adopt
contribution point for native notebooks.
(#5954) - Tweak variable view fit and finish to match VS Code.
(#5955) - Replace 'Run cells above' and 'Run cell and below' commands and cell toolbar buttons with VS Code's built-in 'Execute Above Cells' and 'Execute Cell And Below' commands and unified run button.
- Update/reinstall if module such as
was installed once before or already exists.
(#4758) - Stop listing default kernelspecs in kernel picker.
(#5445) - Store interpreter information in notebook metadata instead of the generated kernelspec name.
(#5612) - Restore the
Run Above/Below
cells command inCommand Palette
(#5746) - Migrate 'workbench.editorAssociations' setting to new format.
(#5806) - Add ABCMeta and type to variable explorer exclude list.
(#5865) - Blank Python notebooks do not use active interpreter.
(#5874) - Change language of cell to reflect langauges supported by the selected Kernel.
(#5924) - Resolve issue related to
button vanishing when tabbing across notebooks while a cell is being executed.
(#5925) - Delete encrypted storage in a try catch to avoid errors.
(#5934) - Support new renderer API in Jupyter.
(#5952) - Hide kernels belonging to deleted Python environments from kernel picker.
Code Health
- Error category for unsupported kernelspec file args.
(#5492) - Fix basic execution issues with nonConda 'remote' and nonConda 'local' test suites.
(#5660) - Update to new message API for native notebook preloads.
(#5753) - Rename of onDidChangeCellExecutionState.
(#5809) - Fix functional ipywidget tests.
(#5842) - When using remote Jupyter connections pre-fetch kernels only when opening a notebook.
(#5846) - Removed execution isolation script.
(#5931) - VSCode API naming changes for NotebookCellExecution, NotebookRendererScript.
(#6014) - API Changes viewType => notebookType and notebook namespace to notebooks.
(#6046) - Update test init code to use window and not notebook for editor properties.
(#6098) - Support the new renderer API in jupyter extension.
(#6118) - Update to new notebookcontroller selection function name.
(#6121) - Inline execution handler change to notebook API.
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:
- Manage contributed Jupyter kernels registration.
(#4490) - Update variable explorer icon.
(#5355) - Add keybind 'O' to toggle the output of all selected cells in a notebook.
(#5425) - Recommend extensions when opening notebooks targeting specific languages.
- Restore the Intellisense documentation on custom editor notebook.
(#5124) - Upgrade vega-transforms and support vegalite v4.
(#5149) - Add a 10 minute delay to surveys.
(#5261) - Display formatted markdown description for
setting in settings UI.
(#5289) - Pass remote Jupyter server's default kernelspec name in remote kernel connection.
(#5290) - Ensure data viewer grid is resized when slice panel is toggled so that horizontal scrollbar remains visible.
(#5309) - When 3rd party CDN downloads need to be enabled for ipywidgets support, display More Info and Enable Downloads buttons instead of embedding them as links in the message.
(#5352) - Fix the output link in the kernel timeout message.
(#5360) - Stop asking users to install ipykernel on autostart, only do it when a cell is run.
(#5368) - Fix for 'Export as Python Script' option not appearing.
(#5403) - Update to remove usage of .cells property from NotebookDocument. Also update TextDocument with notebook property and QuickPick.
(#5417) - Delete extension context secrets if we get an error when getting them.
Small fixes on error handling.
(#5419) - When native notebook is untrusted, do not allow cell execution and prompt to trust.
(#5436) - Resize the untrusted icon.
(#5437) - Save notebook metadata in ipynb even if the selected Kernel is provided by some other extension.
(#5460) - Invalidate cached interpreters when Python extension active interpreter changes.
(#5470) - Use interpreter information stored in kernelspec.json file when starting kernels.
(#5495) - Update to new selections API.
(#5515) - CellStatusBarItem update for Native Notebooks. Along with other breaking API changes.
(#5527) - Remove statusbar from Notebook Cells.
(#5541) - Hide Jupyter commands from other types of notebooks.
(#5559) - Update to newest vscode Notebook API changes.
(#5598) - Increase the width of the data viewer scrollbar.
(#5610) - Fix
NameError: name '_VSCODE_InfoImport' is not defined
when attempting to open the data viewer from 2 or more different scopes in a single debug session.
(#5627) - Use active interpreter when starting Kernels for Interactive Window.
(#5628) - Use
package to download widget scripts.
(#5633) - Start kernel if not already started when using
Run cells above/below
Code Health
- Add functional test for large data in data viewer.
(#5207) - Pass
when invokingjupyter.notebookeditor.interruptkernel
(#5242) - Remove data slicing experiment feature gate.
(#5399) - Ignore errors throw by VS Code when updating cell output during execution.
(#5446) - Improvements to telemetry used to check if we're not starting the right interpreter (for a Python kernel).
(#5509) - Add telemetry to check if we fail to update kernelspecs with environment variables.
(#5547) - Ensure
are setup as optional dependencies inpackage.json
(#5567) - Fix tests after kernel push changes.
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful:
Release 2021.5.1
Code Health
- Check the responses of prompts for installation of missing packages such as
- Fix for 'Export as Python Script' option not appearing.
(#5403) - Delete extension context secrets if we get an error when getting them.
Small fixes on error handling.
(#5419) - Enable correct plot background for Native Notebooks.
(#5353) - Stop asking users to install ipykernel on autostart, only do it when a cell is ran.
(#5368) - Invalidate cached interpreters when Python extension active interpreter changes.
Release 2021.5.0
- Be able to provide string argument to jupyter.execSelectionInteractive for extensibility.
(thanks Andrew Craig)
- Jupyter variables tab will always be named 'Jupyter Variables'.
(#4458) - Variable view will stay as long as you have a notebook open (not necessarily active).
(#4562) - Add quotations to arguments with blank spaces when executing kernel processes.
(#4647) - Do not prompt to install Python extension when creating a blank notebook.
(#4965) - Cache the active workspace Python Interpreter.
(#5004) - Don't prewarm variables for global jupyter interpreter if ZMQ is supported.
(#5009) - When closing the Interactive Window, shutdown sessions started by Interactive Window.
(#5030) - Stop wrapping new errors if we threw the original error.
(#5089) - Ignore errors when getting the environment variables for a Python environment.
(#5093) - Revert viewsContainter name to Jupyter and view name to Variables to avoid un-named viewsContainer.
(#5102) - Ensure extensions depending on Jupyter do not fail to load if Jupyter extension fails to load.
(#5145) - Don't display the data science banner for non-Jupyter notebooks.
(#5181) - Don't use NotebookEditor.onDidDispose and support new err / out specific stream mime types.
(#5191) - Prevent unnecessary activation of the Python extension.
(#5193) - Update widget kernel for new NotebookOutputEventParams.
(#5195) - Updates to code used to run Python in an isolated manner.
(#5212) - Changes to proposed API for using resolveKernel instead of resolveNotebook. Since this change goes along with widget tests also renable and fix those tests.
(#5217) - Fix data viewer display of non-numeric index columns in DataFrames.
(#5253) - Display messages notifying user to enable support for CDNs when rendering IPyWidgets.
(#5074) - When reopening a newly created Notebook with a Julia kernel, the cells should be detected as
(#5148) - Support switching kernels in Native Notebooks when connecting to Jupyter.
(#1215) - Refactor how Kernels are searched and selected.
(#4995) - Fix run selection/line to work from the active editor
(#5287) - Update variable view to use the new API for native cell execution notification.
(#5316) - Ensure users in CodeSpaces do not get prompted to forward Kernel Ports.
(#5283) - Disable surveys in CodeSpaces.
(#5295) - Ensure Git diff viewer does not get replaced by Notebook Editor.
(thanks Matt Bierner)
Code Health
- Ability to queue telemetry until all of the data required is available.
(#4956) - Fix variables test. We had a new import of sys, which was causing the variable fetching to have to do one extra fetch, pushing it over the limit to require a second chunk fetch.
(#5016) - Add tests for data viewer slice data functionality.
(#5066) - Remove setting
(#5130) - Enable
logging by default.
Thanks to the following projects which we fully rely on to provide some of
our features:
Also thanks to the various projects we provide integrations with which help
make this extension useful: