A Neovim plugin for creating types in a multitude of languages based from a JSON in the clipboard.
Same behavior as this VS Code plugin.
This plugin depends on the quicktype
CLI tool being installed on your system. You can install it from the quicktype repository.
Use your favorite plugin manager, for example with lazy.nvim
return {
"midoBB/nvim-quicktype" ,
cmd = "QuickType",
ft = { "typescript", "python", "java", "go", "rust", "cs", "swift", "elixir", "kotlin" "typescriptreact" }
- C#
- Elixir
- Go
- Java
- Kotlin
- Python
- Rust
- TypeScript
This plugin can be configured via the setup
You can specify the command used to run QuickType. By default, it's quicktype
global = {
-- Quicktype global options
cmd = "quicktype", -- Path to the quicktype executable
src_lang = "json", -- The language of the input
no_combine_classes = false, -- Do not combine classes with shared properties into a single base class
all_properties_optional = false, -- Make all properties optional
alphabetize_properties = false, -- Alphabetize properties
telemetry = "disable", -- Send telemetry data to Quicktype (can be "enable", or "disable")
output_file = nil, -- Output file (if not specified, output is printed to stdout)
debug_dir = nil, -- Directory to write debug info to (if not specified, no debug info is written)
clipboard_source_register = nil, -- Register from which to read the copied JSON (if not specified, if will default to system then to unnamed and lastly to 0 register)
filetypes = {
-- Quicktype language-specific options
typescript = {
lang = "typescript", -- The language to generate types for
additional_options = {
-- Add any additional options here
-- Example:
-- ["just-types"] = true,
-- ["prefer-unions"] = true,
python = {
lang = "python", -- The language to generate types for
additional_options = {
-- Add more filetypes as needed
For more information about the available options, please refer to the help of the quicktype command.
quicktype --help
You have a JSON in the clipboard or the first register, and you get prompted for the top-level type name.
Then you'll get the newly generated type inserted at the cursor position.
Here is it in practice :