If you are migrating the bot to another server instance, you should first take a download of the existing database.
renfield> mariadb-dump discordbot -p > /tmp/dump.sql
Also take a download of the encryption key, or everyone will need to re-link their characters again.
renfield> ls /home/renfield/.wp_key
- Log in to console.aws.amazon.com
- Select EC2 service
- Click "Launch Instance"
- Name: Renfield
- Quick Start: 1.1 amazon Linux 2023, 64bit (x86) (free tier) 1.1 t2.micro (free tier) 1.1 Create new key pair 1.1 Allow SSH from... My IP 1.1 Advanced details - create an IAM profile with access to PollyVoice
- [ review and launch ]
- Launch
This is optional, but means you don't have to change the connection IP address every time to reboot the instance.
- EC2 -> Elastic IPs
- [Allocate Elastic IP address]
This is so that you can use the /speak command
Log on with SSH to instance as ec2-user, with key pair
Upload scripts to /tmp
ec2-user> sudo -i root> cd /tmp root> wget https://github.com/mieow/renfieldbot/archive/refs/heads/master.zip root> unzip master.zip root> cd /tmp/renfieldbot-master/scripts/ root> chmod u+x setup.sh root> chmod a+x renfield-setup.sh
If migrating, replace the createtables.sql file with the database dump.
root> cd /tmp/renfieldbot-master/scripts/ root> mv createtables.sql createtables.sql.bak root> mv /tmp/dump.sql createtables.sql
Edit the setup script with the database passwords and Discord information you want to use:
rootpass="widurncourygb" renfieldpass="awdivuyhaefvyer" discord_token="your_discord_token" guild_name="your_discord_guild_name" guild_id="your_discord_guild_id"
root> vi setup.sh
Run the setup script:
root> ./setup.sh
Edit the /home/renfield/.env file with your discord bot information
Edit the /home/renfield/.aws/credentials file with your aws polly credentials
Migrations: upload the encryption key to /home/renfield/.wp_key
systemctl start renfield systemctl status renfield
https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=690906493742088242&permissions=1099511630848&scope=bot%20applications.commands add manage roles add speak permission
https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/get-started-what-next.html https://boto3.amazonaws.com/v1/documentation/api/latest/guide/quickstart.html https://docs.aws.amazon.com/polly/latest/dg/API_SynthesizeSpeech.html https://docs.python.org/3/library/tempfile.html