👋 Hi, I’m @miguelrfernandes
MSc in Biomedical Engineering at IST, Lisbon
I love coding and have worked on several projects during my academic journey and in my free time.
I have created a web app with 30k monthly unique users for the last 2 years. It uses vanilla HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. At the time, I was learning PHP as a challenge, so this was not a serious project. The project required web scraping, which was done using Puppeteer, Python Selenium, and Python beautifulsoup.
Next.js Challenge This a quick challenge using Next.js and Python Flask. This is an approach that I'd use if starting a new side project.
MSc Thesis Project MSc thesis project built with Next.js and Python in the backend.
Django App An app built with Django some years ago.
💼 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/miguelroquefernandes/
⛵️ GitHub: https://www.github.com/miguelrfernandes
🚀 Personal Website: https://miguelroquefernandes.com/