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Tappy Communication Messaging Protocol (TCMP) commany family for performing basic tag detection, reading, and writing operations.



bower install tappy-basicnfcfamily


npm install @taptrack/tappy-basicnfcfamily


var BasicNfc = require('tappy-basicnfcfamily');
var Commands = BasicNfc.Commands;

// Request that the tappy return the version of the BasicNfc
// library that it supports
var getLibraryVersion = new Commands.GetLibraryVersion();

// All scan/stream commands take two parameters:
// timeout: number of seconds to scan for, 0 disables max 255
// pollingMode: one of BasicNfc.PollingModes, defaults to MODE_GENERAL
//     it is necessary to change to MODE_TYPE1 to detect NFC Forum Type 1
//     tags, while MODE_GENERAL covers Type 2 and 4.
// Scan commands detect a single tag then quit, stream continue until
// manually stopped or a fatal error occurs

// Tag detection only detects the UID and type of the tag entering the field
var scanTag = new Commands.ScanTag(timeout,BasicNfc.PollingModes.MODE_TYPE1);
var streamTags = new Commands.StreamTags(timeout);

// Ndef detection only reports tags containing an NFC Forum compilant NDEF 
// message
var scanNdef = new Commands.ScanNdef(timeout,BasicNfc.PollingModes.MODE_GENERAL);
var streamNdef = new Commands.StreamNdef(timeout);

// Write data to the next tag that the Tappy encounters
// All write commands have the same first two parameters:
// timeout: number of seconds to wait for a tag to be presented, 0->255
// lock: boolean determining if the tag should be locked after writing

// Writes a custom ndef message to the tag. The data parameter should
// be a Uint8Array containing the bytes of a full NDEF message, excluding
// any tag technology-specific information
var writeCustom = new Commands.WriteNdefCustom(timeout,lockTag, ndefData);

// Writes an ndef message with a single text record to the tag. The data 
// be a string containing the text to be written.
var writeText = new Commands.WriteNdefText(timeout,lockTag,textData);

// Writes an ndef message with a single text record to the tag. The data 
// be a string containing the text to be written.
// The last data parameter is an NDEF URI record prefix code, while
// the uri data parameter contains the full uri without the prefix
var writeUri = new Commands.WriteNdefUri(timeout,lockTag,uri,uriCode);

// Cancel any operation. Primarily used for stopping operations with a 
// long timeout or indefinite timeout
var stop = new Commands.Stop();


Note, you should only manually construct responses as below for testing purposes. in practise, please use the resolver described later to convert raw tcmp messages received from the tappy into their corresponding concrete response types with the payloads parsed appropriately.

// An error occured during a BasicNfc operation, has methods
var applicationError = new Responses.ApplicationError();
// retrieve the command family-specific error code as per BasicNfc.ErrorCodes 
// retrieve the internal-use error code 
// retrieve the status reported by the Tappy's NFC Controller
// retrieve the text message describing the error (may be empty string)

// Response reporting the version of the BasicNfc command family on
// the tappy
var libVersion = new Responses.LibraryVersion();

// Response notifying the client of an Ndef-containing tag being detected
var ndefFound = new Responses.NdefFound();
// retrieve Tappy standard tag type code
// retrieve Uint8Array of the tag's UID
// retrieve Uint8Array of the tag's Ndef message

// Response notifying the client that an operation timed out without detecting
// a tag
var scanTimeout = new Responses.ScanTimeout();

// Response notifying the client of a tag being detected
var tagFound = new Responses.TagFound();
// retrieve Tappy standard tag type code
// retrieve Uint8Array of the tag's UID

// Response notifying the client that a tag was successfully written
var tagWritten = new Responses.TagWritten();
// retrieve Tappy standard tag type code
// retrieve Uint8Array of the tag's UID


While you can manually resolve raw TCMP messages received from the Tappy using getCommandFamily(), getCommandCode(), getPayload(), and parsePayload(), it is much more convenient to use the built-in resolvers and isTypeOf().

var resolver = new BasicNfc.Resolver();

// first check to see if the family matches this can be used to multiplex 
// multiple resolvers from different families
if(resolver.checkFamily(responseMsg) {
    // this will throw if the command family doesn't match, so please do that
    // first. additionally, will return null if it cannot match the command
    // code
    var resolved = resolver.resolveResponse(responseMsg);
    if(resolved !== null && 
            BasicNfc.Responses.LibraryVersion.isTypeOf(resolved)) {
        console.log("BasicNfc version v"+resolved.getMajorVersion()+

There is a corresponding resolveCommand for commands in case you are storing commands in a raw form. Note that commands and responses have overlapping commandCode space, so keep track of whether the message was sent to the Tappy or received from it and use the appropriate resolution function.