🔴 @p3ro contributed in both programming projects
🔴 1st Project: The aim of the work is to develop a knowlegde graph and later use this graph for a recommendation system that will recommend songs to users according to their preferences. rdflib library is used extensively in this project to create a graph and then we enrich the constructed graph , by adding additional information from the Wikidata graph with certain SPARQL queries.
🔴 2nd Project: The aim of the work is to construct an ontology that describes the field of music tracks, and will be compatible with the knowledge graph constructed in the first project. owlready2 library is used extensively in the first part of the project in order to obtain access to knowledge representation technologies and ontologies (eg OWL) through Python. Through owlready2 library we first create our concepts and our roles and afterwards the created ontology is revised/changed so that some parts of the modeling are more correct/more realistic. In the second part of the project Protege is used extensively in order to enrich our previously constructed ontology with new concepts, new roles, and axioms. In the end certain queries are executed with GraphDB, as soon as the enriched ontology created through Protégé in the second part and the data kept from the first part are uploaded.