This package contains implementations for online-plan synthesis algorithm give a dynamic environment (as the finite transition system) and a potential infeasible Linear temporal logic formula (as the robot’s task). It outputs the predicted trajectories at each time-step that optimize the reward-related objectives and finally fulfill the task maximumly.
The project applies a standard model predictive control based on the P_MAS_TG implementation provided at P_MAS_TG and RHTLC. The reference of P_MAS_TG and RHTLC implementation:
- Guo, Meng, and Dimos V. Dimarogonas, "Multi-agent plan reconfiguration under local LTL specifications", The International Journal of Robotics Research 34.2 (2015). [PDF]
- Ding, Xuchu, Mircea Lazar, and Calin Belta, "LTL receding horizon control for finite deterministic systems", Automatica 50.2 (2014). [PDF]
In the simlulations, the graph-like environments are tested.
Demo: Simulation Vidoe
In the experiment, the neighbor numbers of simulation snapshot provide the time-varying reward (Here we use the random values) which is our optimization objective.
Demo: Experiment video
- Cai, Mingyu, Hao Peng, Zhijun Li, Hongbo Gao, and Zhen Kan., "Receding Horizon Control-Based Motion Planning With Partially Infeasible LTL Constraints.", IEEE Control Systems Letters 5, no. 4 (2020): 1279-1284. [PDF]
- Cai, Mingyu, Hao Peng, Zhijun Li, Hongbo Gao, and Zhen Kan., "Receding Horizon Control-Based Motion Planning With Partially Infeasible LTL Constraints.", arXiv:2007.12123 (2020). [PDF]
- Allow both normal and infeasible LTL based product automaton task formulas
- Motion model can be dynamic and initially unknown
- Soft specification is maximumly satisfied.
- Online-Path planning is designed from the model predicted control methodology.
- Collect and transfer the real-time data via Optitrack camera systems
- Allow automatically calibrate the mobile robots to obtain its orientation and dynamics.
- Install python packages like networkx2.0.ply
- Add to your PYTHONPATH, to import it in your own project.
- ltlba_32 and ltlba_64 are executable files complied under Linux, please follow [ltl2ba/README.txt]
Try [](
- Add folder to your PYTHONPATH.
Execute [](
Please use this bibtex entry if you want to cite this repository in your publication:
title={Receding Horizon Control-Based Motion Planning With Partially Infeasible LTL Constraints},
author={Cai, Mingyu and Peng, Hao and Li, Zhijun and Gao, Hongbo and Kan, Zhen},
journal={IEEE Control Systems Letters},