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467 lines (362 loc) · 22.8 KB


First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute (or at least read the Contributing Guidelines)! 🚀

The following is a set of guidelines for contributing to Gamestonk Terminal. These are mostly guidelines, not rules. Use your best judgment, and feel free to propose changes to this document in a pull request.

How Can I Contribute?

Development Process

  1. Select feature
  2. Understand Code Structure
  3. Follow Coding Guidelines
  4. Remember Coding Style
  5. Write Code and Commit
  6. Add a Test
  7. Add Documentation
  8. Open a Pull Request
  9. Review Process

How Can I Contribute?


Increase Gamestonk Terminal reach:

  • Star the repo.
  • Pass the word to your friends/family.
  • Create content (e.g. youtube videos) using Gamestonk Terminal.
  • Share your terminal graphs and interpretations with other Reddit users (example).
  • Join our discord and interact with other users.

Retail Trader

If you are the typical retail trader that uses the terminal on a daily basis, there are a lot of ways you can con contribute:

  • Test Terminal's features.
  • Report bugs or even sketch new feature ideas (we have a large dev community since we're open source, hence there's a lot we can do).
  • Improve our documentation or even features by suggesting enhancements.
  • Search for more APIs that we can add to our terminal.
  • Search websites that we can scrape useful data for free.
  • Contact interesting people in our behalf towards partnerships which will provide our user base with more data.
  • Reach out to developers/mathematicians/data scientists/finance people to help us build the #1 Retail Trader terminal.

Software Developer

For a 1h coding session where the (old) architecture of the repo is explained while a new feature is added, check here.

The fact that this is an Open Source project makes the possibilities of contributing pretty much unlimited. In here you should consider what you want to gain out of this experience of contributing, some examples we've seen since the repository is live:

  • Machine Learning engineers working on our prediction models
  • Data Scientists improving our algorithms to make sense out of the data
  • Mathematicians exploring our residual analysis menu
  • Finance students evaluating a DCF spreadsheet from terminal's data
  • DevOps engineers making the repository more robust and ensuring good practices

Development Process

Select Feature

  • Pick a feature you want to implement or a bug.
  • If out are out of ideas, look into our issues or search for # TODO in our repository.
  • Feel free to discuss what you'll be working on via discord, to avoid duplicate work.

Understand Code Structure

Item Description Example
CONTEXT Specific instrument world to analyse. stocks, crypto, economy
CATEGORY Group of similar COMMANDS to do on the instrument
There are the specialized categories, specific to each CONTEXT and there are common categories which are not specific to one CONTEXT.
due_diligence, technical_analysis, insider
COMMAND Operation on one or no instrument that retrieves data in form of string, table or plot. rating, supplier, sentiment

The following layout is expected: /<context>/<category>/<command_files>

If there are sub-categories, the layout will be: /<context>/<category>/<sub-category>/<command_files>




Context Category File Description
stocks/ Manages stocks context from a user perspective, i.e. routing commands and arguments to output data, or, more importantly, redirecting to the selected category.
stocks/ Helper to This file is meant to implement commands needed by
stocks/ due_diligence/ Manages due_diligence category from stocks context from a user perspective, i.e. routing commands and arguments to output data.
stocks/ due_diligence/ This file contains functions that rely on Market Watch data. These functions represent commands that belong to due_diligence category from stocks context. These functions are called by using the arguments given by the user and will output either a string, table or plot.
stocks/ due_diligence/ This file contains functions that rely on Market Watch data. These functions represent commands that belong to due_diligence category from stocks context. These functions are called by and will return data to be processed in either a string, dictionary or dataframe format.
stocks/ due_diligence/ This file contains functions that rely on Finviz data. These functions represent commands that belong to due_diligence category from stocks context. These functions are called by using the arguments given by the user and will output either a string, table or plot.
stocks/ due_diligence/ This file contains functions that rely on Finviz data. These functions represent commands that belong to due_diligence category from stocks context. These functions are called by and will return data to be processed in either a string, dictionary or dataframe format.
stocks/ technical_analysis/ Manages technical_analysis category from stocks context from a user perspective, i.e. routing commands and arguments to output data.
stocks/ technical_analysis/ This file contains functions that rely on TradingView data. These functions represent commands that belong to technical_analysis category from stocks context. These functions are called by using the arguments given by the user and will output either a string, table or plot.
stocks/ technical_analysis/ This file contains functions that rely on TradingView data. These functions represent commands that belong to technical_analysis category from stocks context. These functions are called by and will return data to be processed in either a string, dictionary or dataframe format.
common/ technical_analysis/ This file contains functions that rely on overlap data. In this case overlap is not a data source, but the type of technical analysis performed. These functions represent commands that belong to technical_analysis category from MULTIPLE contexts. These functions are called by, from MULTIPLE contexts, using the arguments given by the user and will output either a string, table or plot. Due to the fact that this file is common to multiple contexts the functions need to be generic enough to accommodate for this. E.g. if we are proving a dataframe to these functions, we should make sure that stocks/ and crypto/ta_controller use the same formatting.
common/ technical_analysis/ This file contains functions that rely on overlap data. In this case overlap is not a data source, but the type of technical analysis performed. These functions represent commands that belong to technical_analysis category from MULTIPLE contexts. These functions are called by, and will return data to be processed in either a string, dictionary or dataframe format. Due to the fact that this file is common to multiple contexts the functions need to be generic enough to accommodate for this. E.g. if we are getting the sentiment of an instrument, we should ensure that these functions accept both a "GME" or a "BTC", for stocks and crypto, respectively.

Follow Coding Guidelines

Process to add a new command. shorted command from category dark_pool_shorts and context stocks will be used as example. Since this command uses data from Yahoo Finance, a and a files will be implemented.


  1. Create a file with the source of data as the name followed by _model if it doesn't exist, e.g. yahoofinance_model
  2. Add the documentation header
  3. Do the necessary imports to get the data
  4. Define a function starting with get_
  5. In that function:
    1. Use typing hints
    2. Write a descriptive description where at the end the source is specified
    3. Obtain the data and return it. Sometimes the model can contain a more complex logic to it, if the scraping is not straightforward. If the data is returned directly by an API, we still want to wrap it around a model function to keep consistency across codebase and be more future proof.
""" Yahoo Finance Model """
__docformat__ = "numpy"

import pandas as pd
import requests

def get_most_shorted() -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Get most shorted stock screener [Source: Yahoo Finance]

        Most Shorted Stocks
    url = ""

    data = pd.read_html(requests.get(url).text)[0]
    data = data.iloc[:, :-1]
    return data

Note: As explained before, it is possible that this file needs to be created under common/ directory rather than stocks/, which means that when that happens this function should be done in a generic way, i.e. not mentioning stocks or a specific context.


  1. Create a file with the source of data as the name followed by _view if it doesn't exist, e.g. yahoofinance_view
  2. Add the documentation header
  3. Do the necessary imports to display the data. One of these is the _model associated with this _view. I.e. from same data source.
  4. Define a function starting with display_
  5. In this function:
    • Use typing hints
    • Write a descriptive description where at the end the source is specified
    • Get the data from the _model and parse it to be output in a more meaningful way.
    • Ensure that the data that comes through is reasonable, i.e. at least that we aren't displaying an empty dataframe.
    • Do not degrade the main data dataframe coming from model if there's an export flag. This is so that the export can have all the data rather than the short amount of information we may show to the user. Thus, in order to do so df_data = df.copy() can be useful as if you change df_data, df remains intact.
    • Always add a new line at the end, this allows for an additional line between 2 commands and makes it easier for the user to visualize what is happening.
  6. Finally, call export_data where the variables are export variable, current filename, command name, and dataframe.
""" Yahoo Finance View """
__docformat__ = "numpy"

import os
from gamestonk_terminal.rich_config import console
from gamestonk_terminal.helper_funcs import export_data, print_rich_table
from gamestonk_terminal.stocks.dark_pool_shorts import yahoofinance_model

def display_most_shorted(num_stocks: int, export: str):
    """Display most shorted stocks screener. [Source: Yahoo Finance]

    num_stocks: int
        Number of stocks to display
    export : str
        Export dataframe data to csv,json,xlsx file
    df = yahoofinance_model.get_most_shorted()
    df.dropna(how="all", axis=1, inplace=True)
    df = df.replace(float("NaN"), "")

    if df.empty:
        console.print("No data found.")
            title="Most shorted stocks"


Note: As explained before, it is possible that this file needs to be created under common/ directory rather than stocks/, which means that when that happens this function should be done in a generic way, i.e. not mentioning stocks or a specific context. The arguments will need to be parsed by stocks_controller,py and the other controller this function shares the data output with.


  1. Import _view associated with command we want to allow user to select.

  2. Add command name to variable CHOICES from DarkPoolShortsController class.

  3. Add command name and description to print_help(). In addition, an additional line above must contain the Source of information. E.g.

    Yahoo Finance:
        shorted        show most shorted stocks
  4. Add a method to DarkPoolShortsController class with name: call_ followed by command name.

    • This method must start defining a parser with arguments add_help=False and formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter. In addition prog must have the same name as the command, and description should be self-explanatory ending with a mention of the data source.
    • Add parser arguments after defining parser. One important argument to add is the export capability. All commands should be able to export data.
    • Initialize a try-catch block. This is so that if there is an issue the terminal doesn't crash and the user can keep using it.
    • If there is a single or even a main argument, a block of code must be used to insert a fake argument on the list of args provided by the user. This makes the terminal usage being faster.
    • Parse known args from list of arguments and values provided by the user.
    • Call the function contained in a file with the arguments parsed by argparse.
def call_shorted(self, other_args: List[str]):
        """Process shorted command"""
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
            description="Print up to 25 top ticker most shorted. [Source: Yahoo Finance]",
            type=check_int_range(1, 25),
            help="Number of the most shorted stocks to retrieve.",
            choices=["csv", "json", "xlsx"],
            help="Export dataframe data to csv,json,xlsx file",
        if other_args:
            if "-" not in other_args[0]:
                other_args.insert(0, "-n")

        ns_parser = parse_known_args_and_warn(parser, other_args)
        if not ns_parser:


Remember Coding Style

When in doubt, follow

Naming Convention

  • The name of the variables must be descriptive of what they stand for. I.e. ticker is descriptive, aux is not.
  • Single character variables must be avoided. Except if they correspond to the iterator of a loop.


The docstring format used in numpy, an example is shown below:

def command_foo(var1: str, var2: List[int], var3: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, pd.DataFrame]:
"""Small description

[Optional: Longer description]

var1 : str
    var1 description
var2 : List[int]
    var2 description
var3 : bool, optional
    var3 description

foo : int
    returned foo description
    dataframe returned


The following linters are used by our codebase:

Linter Description
bandit security analyzer
black code formatter
codespell spelling checker
flake8 style guide enforcer
mypy static typing checker
pyupgrade upgrade syntax for newer versions
safety checks security vulnerabilities
pylint bug and quality checker
markdownlint markdown linter

Write Code and Commit

At this stage it is assumed that you have already forked the project and are ready to start working.

Pre Commit Hooks

Git hook scripts are useful for identifying simple issues before submission to code review. We run our hooks on every commit to automatically point out issues in code such as missing semicolons, trailing whitespace, and debug statements. By pointing these issues out before code review, this allows a code reviewer to focus on the architecture of a change while not wasting time with trivial style nitpicks.

Install the pre-commit hooks by running: pre-commit install.


Although the Coding Guidelines section has been already explained. It is worth mentioning that if you want to be faster at developing a new feature, you may implement it first on a jupyter notebook and then carry it across to the terminal. This is mostly useful when the feature relies on scraping data from a website, or implementing a Neural Network model.

Git Process

  1. Create your Feature Branch, e.g. git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
  2. Check the files you have touched using git status
  3. Stage the files you want to commit, e.g. git add gamestonk_terminal/stocks/ gamestonk_terminal/stocks/ Note: DON'T add or .env files with personal information, or even which is user-dependent.
  4. Write a concise commit message under 50 characters, e.g. git commit -m "meaningful commit message". If your PR solves an issue raised by a user, you may specify such issue by adding #ISSUE_NUMBER to the commit message, so that these get linked. Note: If you installed pre-commit hooks and one of the formatters re-formats your code, you'll need to go back to step 3 to add these.

Add a Test

Unit tests minimize errors in code and quickly find errors when they do arise.


Pytest allows users to quickly create unit tests in Python. To use pytest run pytest tests/.


Coverage allows users to see how complete unit tests are for Python. To use coverage do the following:

  1. coverage run -m pytest
  2. coverage html

To view the tests find the htmlcov folder in the main directory and open the index.html file. This will show a detailed report of testing coverage.


VCRPY allows us to save data from request methods to a .YAML file. This increases test integrity and significantly speeds up the time it takes to run tests. To use VCRPY add @pytest.mark.vcr above any function you write.

Add Documentation

  • High-level documentation:
    • Add a row to the table on the README of the corresponding context/folder.
    • E.g. if you are adding pipo feature to discovery menu under stocks context, you need to go into the corresponding README and add a new row to the table, like:
Command Description Source
pipo past IPOs Finnhub

Open a Pull Request

Once you're happy with what you have, push your branch to remote. E.g. git push origin feature/AmazingFeature

A user may create a Draft Pull Request when he/she wants to discuss implementation with the team.

As reviewers, you should select: @DidierRLopes and @jmaslek.

A label must be selected from the following types:

Label name Description Example
feat XS Extra small feature Add a preset
feat S Small T-Shirt size Feature New single command added
feat M Medium T-Shirt size feature Multiple commands added from same data source
feat L Large T-Shirt size Feature New category added under context
feat XL Extra Large feature New context added
enhancement Enhancement Add new parameter to existing command
bug Fix a bug Fixes terminal crashing or warning message
build Build-related work Fix a github action that is breaking the build
tests Test-related work Add/improve tests
docs Improvements on documentation Add/improve documentation
refactor Refactor code Changing argparse location
docker Docker-related work Add/improve docker
help wanted Extra attention is needed When a contributor needs help
do not merge Label to prevent pull request merge When PR is not ready to be merged just yet

Review Process

As soon as the Pull Request is opened, our repository has a specific set of github actions that will not only run linters on the branch just pushed, but also run pytest on it. This allows for another layer of safety on the code developed.

In addition, our team is known for performing diligent code reviews. This not only allows us to reduce the amount of iterations on that code and have it to be more future proof, but also allows the developer to learn/improve his coding skills.

Often in the past the reviewers have suggested better coding practices, e.g. using 1_000_000 instead of 1000000 for better visibility, or suggesting a speed optimization improvement.