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Try | Miniboxing Nightly Snapshot

Vlad Ureche edited this page Oct 2, 2013 · 6 revisions

A nightly snapshot of the miniboxing plugin is released to the Sonatype OSS repository. You can use it to compile your project without installing the entire miniboxing project locally, by adding the following code to your sbt project:

  /** Settings for the miniboxing plugin */
  resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots"),
  libraryDependencies += "org.scala-miniboxing.plugins" %% "miniboxing-runtime" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
  addCompilerPlugin("org.scala-miniboxing.plugins" %% "miniboxing-plugin" % "0.1-SNAPSHOT"),
  scalacOptions ++= (
    "-P:minibox:log" ::    // enable this to see the miniboxing plugin output
    "-P:minibox:hijack" :: // enable this to hijack @specialized annotations

To see a project which uses miniboxing, have a look at the miniboxing-plugin-example project.

Remember that -P:minibox:hijack instructs the miniboxing plugin to hijack all references to @specialized and convert them to @miniboxed, so any type parameters previously marked for specialization will now be miniboxed.