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Releases: ministryofjustice/govuk_elements_form_builder


04 Nov 09:19
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#104 Add ability to override the legend text

This is a backwards compatible change.


24 Jan 12:58
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#102 Accessibility fixes.

Add collection_check_boxes and collection_radio_buttons methods

31 Jan 11:32
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These two new methods allow you to create a set of check boxes or radio buttons from an association.

For example, Claim has many claim_types. SO check boxes to enable the user to specify the claim type could be written as:

= form.collection_check_boxes :claim_type_ids, ClaimType.all.order(:name), :id, :name

You will beed to write claim_type_ids and claim_type_ids= methods on the Claim class to set up the associations.


22 Jan 17:11
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Great new feature included in this release. A lot of developers have asked whether it is possible to replicate the design pattern shown here where you can have content/fields mixed in between checkbox or radio buttons. This was not previously possible but thanks to @zheileman there is now a way of passing a block to radio_button_fieldset or check_box_fieldset where you can define where or what the various content should be presented (See guide and PR for more details).

#94 Ability to provide html attributes to fieldset legends (Thank you @zheileman)
#95 Extend functionality to allow revealing panels (Thanks @zheileman)

v0.1.1 (pre GOVUK Elements 3.0)

17 Jan 07:48
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#89 Ability to provide html attributes to fieldset legends (Thank you @zheileman)

NOTE: v.0.1.0 was skipped due to version tagging issues


22 May 06:04
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#86 Add new error classes ( from @aliuk2012)
#85 Update helpers for checkboxes and radio buttons (thanks @danmitchell-)

Some major breaking changes made in GOVUK Frontend and GOVUK Elements which is why this is a major release.

  1. Classes for error messages on the fields were renames and new class added for individual fields that have errors. More info (

  2. Radio buttons/Checkboxes no longer require JS to help style them by triggering click events to add classes. To style it correctly the markup has had to change, pre-3.0 checkboxes/radio buttons had labels wrapped around them.

GOVUK Elements < 3.0 (v0)

<label class="block-label selection-button-radio" for="person_location_ni">
    <input type="radio" value="ni" name="person[location]" id="person_location_ni" />
    Northern Ireland

GOVUK Elements >= 3.0 (v1)

<div class="multiple-choice">
   <input id="radio-inline-1" type="radio" name="radio-inline-group" value="Yes">
   <label for="radio-inline-1">Yes</label>

Please check for service for any js/css that relys on the radio/checkbox markup .More info (alphagov/govuk_elements#406 )

v0.0.5 (pre GOVUK Elements 3.0)

09 May 19:31
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#87 Support for namespaced resources when generating error anchors.(Thank you, @zheileman)
#81 Add html attributes to label elements ( From @aliuk2012)

Versioning is about to change:
V0 - All future changes to the form builder that supports GOVUK Elements pre-3.0 will be made on this branch.
Master - will be the latest version to support the latest GOVUK Elements/Frontend gems.

The reason for the split is because GOVUK Elements 3 changes the markup used for radio buttons and checkboxes and changes to the classes used for error message. We will try support both versions and keep them as close to each other as possible to help with upgrading.


29 Mar 15:32
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#83 Allow value and text method options to radio_button_fieldset (Thank you @misaka )


14 Mar 10:41
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#71 Remove duplicated name input field html expectation (Thank you @robmckinnon )
#77 Enable use with unpersisted objects (Thank you @jsugarman)
#78 Prevent infinite loop when recursing children that have parent as instance variable (Thank you @robmckinnon )


07 Feb 21:17
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First initial release to