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Declare variable

Declare variable #58

name: Weblogic ECS - Update Task Definition
# workflow_dispatch:
# inputs:
# environment:
# required: true
# type: choice
# options:
# - "dev"
# service-name:
# required: true
# type: choice
# options:
# - "weblogic"
# - "weblogic-eis"
# image-tag:
# required: false
# type: string
# default: 'latest'
name: Create ECS Task in delius-core ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
environment: delius-core-${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}
id-token: write
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Configure AWS Credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v4
role-to-assume: "arn:aws:iam::${{ vars.AWS_ACCOUNT_ID }}:role/modernisation-platform-oidc-cicd"
role-session-name: "hmpps-delius-operational-automation-${{ github.run_number }}"
aws-region: "eu-west-2"
- name: Set cluster ARN
id: set-cluster-arn
run: |
echo "CLUSTER_ARN=delius-core-${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}-cluster" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Get latest ECS task definition
id: get-task-definition
run: |
latest_task_def_arn=$(aws ecs list-task-definitions --family-prefix delius-core-${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}-${{github.event.inputs.service-name}} --status ACTIVE --sort DESC --query 'taskDefinitionArns[0]' --output text)
latest_task_def=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $latest_task_def_arn )
latest_task_def=$(echo -n $latest_task_def | base64 -w 0 )
echo "latest_task_def=$latest_task_def" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Parse & modify latest task def
id: parse-task-def
run: |
container_def_image="${{ secrets.CORE_SHARED_SERVICES_ACCOUNT }}.dkr.ecr.${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}${{ github.event.inputs.service-name}}-ecr-repo:${{ github.event.inputs.image-tag }}"
latest_task_def=$(echo -n "${{ steps.get-task-definition.outputs.latest_task_def }}" | base64 -d -w 0)
parsed_task_def=$(echo "$latest_task_def" | jq '{
taskRoleArn: .taskDefinition.taskRoleArn,
executionRoleArn: .taskDefinition.executionRoleArn,
networkMode: .taskDefinition.networkMode,
containerDefinitions: .taskDefinition.containerDefinitions,
volumes: .taskDefinition.volumes,
placementConstraints: .taskDefinition.placementConstraints,
requiresCompatibilities: .taskDefinition.requiresCompatibilities,
cpu: .taskDefinition.cpu,
memory: .taskDefinition.memory
parsed_task_def=$(echo -n "$parsed_task_def" | jq ".containerDefinitions[0].image = \"$container_def_image\"" | base64 -w 0)
echo "parsed_task_def=$parsed_task_def" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: Register & update new task definition
id: update-task-definition
run: |
family="delius-core-${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}-${{github.event.inputs.service-name}}"
new_task_def=$(echo -n "${{ steps.parse-task-def.outputs.parsed_task_def }}" | base64 -w 0 -d )
registered_task_definition=$(aws ecs register-task-definition --cli-input-json "$new_task_def")
registered_task_definition_arn=$(echo $registered_task_definition | jq '.taskDefinition.taskDefinitionArn')
# Check if the task definition exists
check_task_definition_exists() {
response=$(aws ecs describe-task-definition --task-definition $registered_task_definition_arn 2>&1)
if [[ $response == *"Unable to describe task definition"* ]]; then
return 1
return 0
# Loop until task definition exists
while ! check_task_definition_exists; do
echo "Waiting for the task definition $registered_task_definition_arn to exist..."
sleep 10
echo "The task definition $registered_task_definition_arn exists."
aws ecs update-service --cluster ${{ steps.set-cluster-arn.outputs.CLUSTER_ARN }} --service $family --force-new-deployment --task-definition $family