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File metadata and controls

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Authentication and Authorisation

This service restricts access by authenticating and authorising each request. Consumers need to be explicitly added before they can access any of the endpoints.


The primary authentication mechanism is mutual TLS provided by API Gateway.

To identify consumers there is also an API key that needs to be sent by the consumer as a header x-api-key, which belongs to a Usage Plan.

For setup instructions on adding new consumers please see Setting up a new consumer. Once authentication has succeeded, authorisation will take place.


The service implements path based authorisation in a fail closed approach. Each path that needs to be accessed by the consumer will have to be explicitly allowed in the service configuration (under the authorisation section) eg.

This needs to be configured per environment, there is a configuration file for each.

The name of the consumer has to match the Common Name (CN) in the Subject Distinguished Name (SDN) of the certificate that was created in the Setting up a new consumer step. If the Common name doesn't match the name in the configuration file, the consumer will receive 403 Forbidden responses.

To see the details of the certificate run:

openssl x509 -in ./consumer.pem -text

This will output the Subject Distinguished Name, in the form of :

Subject: C = GB, ST = London, L = London, O = Home Office, CN = consumer

Note that the CN (Common Name) is the value that will be checked on each request as this is passed as a header by API Gateway. The name of this header is subject-distinguished-name.

A Spring Boot Filter was introduced to check each request for this header, and allow or disallow the current path being requested.

The implementation of this logic can be found here.

authorisation flow