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File metadata and controls

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Useful commands


To report on all resources for an environment, run the script:

./scripts/ <environment>
# E.g ./scripts/ dev
Alternatively, the commands to yield information on specific resources.

To get ingress information for a namespace:

kubectl get ingress -n <namespace>

To get a list of all services for a namespace:

kubectl get service -n <namespace>

To get a list of all deployments for a namespace:

kubectl get deployment -n <namespace>

To get a list of all pods for a namespace:

kubectl get pod -n <namespace>

To get detailed information on a specific pod:

kubectl describe pod <podname> -n <namespace>

To view logs of a pod:

kubectl logs <pod-name> -n <namespace>

To monitor all pod logs in a namespace at once

kubectl get pods --show-labels -n <namespace>
# We need the pod-template-hash from the the first command
kubectl logs -n <namespace> -l pod-template-hash=<pod-template-hash> -f 

To perform a command within a pod:

kubectl exec <pod-name> -c <container-name> -n <namespace> <command>
# E.g. kubectl exec hmpps-integration-api-5b8f4f9699-wbwgf -c hmpps-integration-api -n hmpps-integration-api-dev -- curl http://localhost:8080/

Open a shell into a pod:

kubectl exec --stdin -n <namespace> --tty <podname> -- /bin/bash

To delete all ingress, services, pods and deployments:

kubectl delete pod,svc,deployment,ingress --all -n <namespace>


To list images in the ECR repository:

aws ecr describe-images --repository-name=hmpps-integration-api/hmpps-integration-api-<environment>-ecr