API to support the creation, management and sharing of data related to organisations which are external to HMPPS. These organisations are referred to as CORPORATES within NOMIS.
Tools required locally
- JDK v21+
- Kotlin plugin (Intellij)
- docker
- docker-compose
./gradlew clean build
There are two environment variables which need to be supplied locally. The most common way is to create a file called .env and to set the two values within it. These values should be obtained from the development team.
docker-compose pull && docker-compose up -d
This will download and run a docker Postgresql database within your docker environment and make it available on localhost:5432 to used.
Provided you have the environment variables set correctly, and access to the development environment APIs (via VPN), you can start the application with:
./gradlew test
To see the full list of tasks available:
./gradlew tasks